NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

Nah, he was just not guilty.

Legit wants to know.

You believe he molested the kids based on accusations/courts or just the moral part of him having kids sleep overs? Or both?

You said this isn’t a MJ situation. Meaning you can understand people supporting MJ getting off? Why?
Legit wants to know.

You believe he molested the kids based on accusations/courts or just the moral part of him having kids sleep overs? Or both?

You said this isn’t a MJ situation. Meaning you can understand people supporting MJ getting off? Why?
As far as the known accusations against MJ, all that **** is suspect with the parents all going for money first before justice. I don't believe them. Then those who were made to lie.

If you're asking me if MJ is a pedophile, I dunno he seems like a creepy dude who I wouldn't obviously sleep in the same room but thats part of why I say its not the same as Cosby no sane parent is gonna pose the hypothetical of would you have your child sleep in the same bed with MJ or let MJ babysit.

Why you letting your child be around a stranger at all, celeb or not? That aint the same as would you be cool with your daughter or sister or mother take a drink from Bill DrugEmThenRapeEm Cosby.

Its also not the same as Bill Cosby for the clear differences in how things transpired.
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Had to be a spot in ATL :lol

Even though they doing too much with "welcome home party" Marc Lamont Hill is one of these corny extreme democrat _'s. Roland Martin the same way. They talk about racism real safe but when it comes to other black people they drop the professional act.
The "defending" of MJ was definitely more tolerated around here than the assumption of "defending" Cosby.

But go head and hit me with the "whataboutism" card and/or accuse me of defending Cosby in this statement. That's what yall do best.

Again, it's hilarous when we pick and choose to believe victims over the accused.

I don't get it.
Had to be a spot in ATL :lol:

Even though they doing too much with "welcome home party" Marc Lamont Hill is one of these corny extreme democrat _'s. Roland Martin the same way. They talk about racism real safe but when it comes to other black people they drop the professional act.

saw that flyer and wasn't even the least bit surprised. i wouldn't have publicly reacted that way because....well there are way too many examples of out-of-pocket party flyers word to MLK. this old news.
Mike was definitely crossing the line and needed somebody to him this is not cool having young kids at your house but those kids and their parents were proven liars. They kept changing their stories. They admitted they were lying when they got older. The parents was caught in phone conversations lying.
People have taken a “yes” answer to a long deposition question to mean that Bill Cosby raped and/or sexually assaulted nearly 60 women.
It wasn't just a "yes" answer that he gave.

On quaaludes:

Cosby testified that he had gotten quaaludes from his doctor in Los Angeles in the 1970s. He said he was given seven prescriptions for the now-banned sedative, ostensibly for a sore back.

Q: Why didn’t you ever take the quaaludes?

A: Because I used them.

Q: For what?

A: The same as a person would say, “Have a drink.”

Q: You gave them to other people?

A: Yes.

Q: Did you believe at that time that it was illegal for you to dispense those drugs?

A: Yes.

Q: How did (the doctor) know that you didn’t plan to use [them]?

A: What was happening at that time was that, that was, quaaludes happen to be the drug that kids, young people were using to party with and there were times when I wanted to have them just in case.

Q: When you got the quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?

A: Yes.


Cosby acknowledges having a sexual relationship with accuser Therese Serignese starting around 1976, when she was 19. Serignese, who has gone public with her accusations, has said the first time she met Cosby at a Las Vegas hotel in 1976, he gave her quaaludes and a glass of water before they had sex.

Q: Did you give her quaaludes?

A: Yes.

Q: What effect did the quaaludes have on her?

A: She became in those days what was called high.

Q: She said that she believes she was not in the position to consent to intercourse after you gave her the drug. Do you believe that is correct?

A: I don’t know. ... How many years ago are we talking about? 197[6]? ... I meet Ms. Picking in Las Vegas. She meets me backstage. I give her quaaludes. We then have sex.


Q: Why didn’t you ever take them yourself?

A: I get sleepy.

Q: How would you know that if you never took them?

A: Quaaludes happen to be a depressant. I have had surgery and while being given pills that block the nervous system, in particular the areas of muscle, the back, I found that I get sleepy and I want to stay awake.

Q: Is that why you don’t drink alcohol?

A: Exactly.

What we do know, for sure, is that the system used to incarcerate Cosby for the allegations was wrong and improper.
Point out who in this thread argued otherwise.

Calling a man wrongfully convicted of rape and/or sexual assault
Read the excerpt above and tell me if despite the judgment in court, you'll let this man around female relatives/friends you care about. None of you want to answer this simple question: do you trust Cosby to not slip quaaludes in your sister's drink if he likes her enough? Can we reasonably argue that he doesn't know what those pills did to the body?

You hold the proceedings of the legal system in such a high regard when time and time again, people with the means to do so use its own rules to get away from justice. Petty criminals and white collar fraudsters walk out of court every day because prosecutors can't prove they're doing what they're accused of. I've acknowledged the fairness of it because the system is far from perfect and such outcomes are better than jailing people who actually are innocent.

My only objection has been for those who celebrate Cosby, because it shows that they're not really looking for a better legal system for all; they just want to be on the winning side of an imperfect justice system, and this position is used by those who overwhelmingly benefit from the current system to justify their opposition to reforms that would improve our laws (see Pat Robertson's speech about CRT, specifically the part regarding the whip).

That's what I meant by penny wise and pound foolish.
It wasn't just a "yes" answer that he gave.

Point out who in this thread argued otherwise.

Read the excerpt above and tell me if despite the judgment in court, you'll let this man around female relatives/friends you care about. None of you want to answer this simple question: do you trust Cosby to not slip quaaludes in your sister's drink if he likes her enough? Can we reasonably argue that he doesn't know what those pills did to the body?

You hold the proceedings of the legal system in such a high regard when time and time again, people with the means to do so use its own rules to get away from justice. Petty criminals and white collar fraudsters walk out of court every day because prosecutors can't prove they're doing what they're accused of. I've acknowledged the fairness of it because the system is far from perfect and such outcomes are better than jailing people who might be presumed innocent.

My only objection has been for those who celebrate Cosby, because it shows that they're not really looking for a better legal system for all; they just want to be on the winning side of an imperfect justice system, and this position is used by those who overwhelmingly benefit from the current system to justify their opposition to reforms that would improve our laws (see Pat Robertson's speech about CRT, specifically the part regarding the whip).

That's what I meant by penny wise and pound foolish.

My risk aversion has nothing to do with whether or not someone is a rapist or guilty of sexual assault. That’s a strawman.

Also, you posted the testimony where he mostly responded “yes” to lengthy questions in a deposition.

He didn’t admit to sexual assault or rape in any of what you posted. Period.

Also, where is the slipping quaaludes in someone’s drink narrative coming from? Did you make it up?
The "defending" of MJ was definitely more tolerated around here than the assumption of "defending" Cosby.

But go head and hit me with the "whataboutism" card and/or accuse me of defending Cosby in this statement. That's what yall do best.
Its crazy how defensive you are. Almost like you go in to making these posts with a guilty conscience paranoid as **** :lol
It wasn't just a "yes" answer that he gave.

I don't understand why that even matters anyway...it just seems like a disingenuous way to downplay Cosby's own admissions

When the deposition asked him if he gave powerful sedatives to women before having sex with them, why does his affirmative response need to be a 500 word essay for us to make the determination that he was doing something untoward?
I don't understand why that even matters anyway...it just seems like a disingenuous way to downplay Cosby's own admissions

When the deposition asked him if he gave powerful sedatives to women before having sex with them, why does his affirmative response need to be a 500 word essay for us to make the determination that he was doing something untoward?

This would require a pretty lengthy discussion about how depositions work and about how direct vs. cross examination questioning works.

But basically, asking someone “what happened” and letting them answer let’s the witness talk. A good lawyer, like the one who deposed Cosby, will ask leading questions to get a yes response. That way the lawyer can frame the question how they want and less is coming from the witness and more is coming from the lawyer. It’s a tactic that is used often on cross examination. It’s objectionable on direct because it’s leading the witness to an answer.

It is as persuasive as an individual would like it to be. It was used to convict Cosby so it was obviously persuasive to the jury that convicted him.

But that is why I mentioned the distinction in the type of testimony.
So do you think MJ is innocent?
Idk. I think it would be easier to embrace his innocence had not ended looking & acting weird. I do know that I couldn’t bring myself to walk around wearing his Supreme shirt I brought w/ him on it w/o feeling bad despite liking it. Take that however u want, but I’m still confused.
Speaking of that fool, since Vegas opened up I have seen him around town like a couple of times

This dude is still shameless as ever. Posing for selfies pretending to stab the other person

Juice left the last damns he had in that rural Nevada jail cell.
That's legit psychopath (or maybe sociopath) behavior. Careless and no empathy.
As my mother said, why is the Black community going so hard for a man who has done nothing for the Black community except criticize us.

And at the same time, why is it that we so quick to condemn other Black people for their right to their opinion and so quick to label them or better yet cancel them.

He Donated 20 Million to Spelman college and I believe he’s made a number of other significant donations to other HBCU’s as well.

Saying he’s done nothing but criticize is inaccurate.
Here's my take on ol' Billy; maybe SOME of the women are lying and just want money. But he's been accused by 60+ women. It seems absurd that somehow this is just some coordinated effort against him by all these different people spanning across decades just because he's rich. If that was the case, we'd see the same thing for every wealthy Black celebrity.

Like even if half are lying, that's still 30 women. Not to mention sexual assault and rape is drastically underreported by women because they're scared.

Bill is a piece of **** and should still be in jail.
Those women would have let him smash sober but Cosby has some sick twisted fetish for sexing helpless bodies. Wouldn’t be shocked if he had cadavers in the freezer. Legit weirdo man…and let’s not even get on MJ :smh:
Those women would have let him smash sober but Cosby has some sick twisted fetish for sexing helpless bodies. Wouldn’t be shocked if he had cadavers in the freezer. Legit weirdo man…and let’s not even get on MJ :smh:

Just like R. Kelly and his fetish for young girls and being recording sexual acts with them.

The fact that his wife knew and sometimes was in the house is still mind blowing to me.
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