NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

I gotta say, IMO, all these "in your feelings", "you are emotional" talk really comes off as lame jabs that make the person making the charge look worse than the person that is supposedly "in their feelings"

What would you call it when the facts of the case are brushed aside just to "one-up" someone or make up narratives that do not exist in reality?

Yes - All Adults are fully capable of being accountable for their own decisions / choices - Women included (unless you can tell me why they aren't / shouldn't be).

Mans went all the way back to the Kevin Samuels thread to find something wrong with what I said.

Who has that much time / energy to reach that far to be "right" ...but aint emotional.

Then with the LGBTQ stuff?


Must be nice.
It wasn’t a joke. I said “no pun intended” to thwart off anyone else who would try to say it was.
Then why couldn’t you have made the basic effort to figure out a different prhase?

It’s obvious you don’t care about this topic. If all you’re interested in is a cheap source of amusement, look elsewhere.

What any of it has to do with bill cosby im not sure.
Did you ask yourself this before trying to insult me with your feigned, backhanded “concern?”

I never understood why people who ride hard for lgbtq turn around and try to use homosexuality as some sort of insult/joke at the slightest perceived opposition. Extremely odd behavior.
The “joke” is how irrationally threatened some people are by the existence/acceptance of LGBTQIA+ identities, that they have to go out of their way to rail against any efforts to secure inclusion as part of a conspiratorial “agenda.”

It isn’t a coincidence that many of those same people are staunchly anti-feminist. They hold tight to antiquated, sexist notions about masculinity, which they feel is under siege.

What would you call it when the facts of the case are brushed aside just to "one-up" someone or make up narratives that do not exist in reality?
Says the guy who called me out over a quote he agreed with hours after spamming a page with wikiquote images, foisting a fictional narrative about Cosby’s detractors seeking to repeal 5th Amendment rights.

So that's a "no" on the quote huh?
My post contained links showing your hypocrisy.

You went at people who called Cosby a rapist despite his overturned conviction (or Zimmerman a murderer), then did it yourself.

It’s become clear that this isn’t about rape, rights, or Bill Cosby for you. It’s about your aversion to feminism and some weird “accountability for Black women” narrative.

I can practically smell your YouTube recommendations from here.
Nah Rusty, you can tell by the tone he’s using with posting immature memes instead of using words to accentuate his point. It’s kinda like the extra cursing you were using earlier in this thread. You don’t have to resort to that.
Sorry but this just seems like a whole bunch of conveniently deployed pearl-clutching

By the low standards you guys have, aren't you being in your feelings over some curse words and a meme?
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Then why couldn’t you have made the basic effort to figure out a different prhase?

It’s obvious you don’t care about this topic. If all you’re interested in is a cheap source of amusement, look elsewhere.

Did you ask yourself this before trying to insult me with your feigned, backhanded “concern?”

The “joke” is how irrationally threatened some people are by the existence/acceptance of LGBTQIA+ identities, that they have to go out of their way to rail against any efforts to secure inclusion as part of a conspiratorial “agenda.”

It isn’t a coincidence that many of those same people are staunchly anti-feminist. They hold tight to antiquated, sexist notions about masculinity, which they feel is under siege.

Says the guy who called me out over a quote he agreed with hours after spamming a page with wikiquote images, foisting a fictional narrative about Cosby’s detractors seeking to repeal 5th Amendment rights.

My post contained links showing your hypocrisy.

You went at people who called Cosby a rapist despite his overturned conviction (or Zimmerman a murderer), then did it yourself.

It’s become clear that this isn’t about rape, rights, or Bill Cosby for you. It’s about your aversion to feminism and some weird “accountability for Black women” narrative.

I can practically smell your YouTube recommendations from here.

...and here we go.

I knew it wouldn't be long.

Oh the irony!


"the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes."

Bruh - there is nothing more "equal" than for us to all be accountable for our own actions.

Stop the cap Fam.

I'm not the one out here pretending women are too weak for accountability.


I'm actually closer to it than you.

Aint nobody searching for Cardi B's "victims" Fam.

But I see - just a little "equality" over here but not over there...cause the poor women folk cant handle it right?

Them dudes got what they deserved right?

They shoulda known better right?
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What would you call it when the facts of the case are brushed aside just to "one-up" someone or make up narratives that do not exist in reality?

Yes - All Adults are fully capable of being accountable for their own decisions / choices - Women included (unless you can tell me why they aren't / shouldn't be).

Mans went all the way back to the Kevin Samuels thread to find something wrong with what I said.

Who has that much time / energy to reach that far to be "right" ...but aint emotional.

Then with the LGBTQ stuff?


Must be nice.
To be honest I don't think that is happening. From reading the back and forth, you are kinda all over the place, and Meth is making more cogent points.

You seem emotionally invested in these discussions as much as anyone else, and people take discussions on certain topics seriously, so I just don't think all this "in your feelings" stuff is landing like you think it is.
...and here we go.

I knew it wouldn't be long.

Oh the irony!


"the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes."

Bruh - there is nothing more "equal" than for us to all be accountable for our own actions.

Stop the cap Fam.

I'm not the one out here pretending women are too weak for accountability.


I'm actually closer to it than you.
This implies that women are held insufficiently accountable.

How is that so in this case, if Ms. Constand is not responsible for her own rape?
To be honest I don't think that is happening. From reading the back and forth, you are kinda all over the place, and Meth is making more cogent points.

You seem emotionally invested in these discussions as much as anyone else, and people take discussions on certain topics seriously, so I just don't think all this "in your feelings" stuff is landing like you think it is.

Carl Thomas Fam.

There is a place for honest conversations to include emotions but I cant stand for someone to claim things about be that aren't true while providing zero evidence to support their claims - just because they got some juice.

Then instead of providing the quotes they go off to something else.

I've been a:

Rape apologist

Claimed Bill Cosby wasn't a rapist.

Got a problem with feminism.

Got a problem with rape victims.


and I'm apparently a Jewish dude named Ben Shapiro...

But I'm the one thats all over the place and main man is "cogent".

Got it.
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Carl Thomas Fam.

There is a place for honest conversations to include emotions but I cant stand for someone to claim things about be that aren't true while providing zero evidence to support their claims - just because they got some juice.
You might be too in the weeds to see what is going on then
There is a place for honest conversations to include emotions but I cant stand for someone to claim things about be that aren't true while providing zero evidence to support their claims - just because they got some juice.
Like what? The quote you agreed with? The "guilty" characterization of Cosby, Zimmerman, and Wilson you agreed with? The notion that Ms. Constand isn't responsible for her own rape, which you claim to agree with?

You imply that she's not being held "accountable enough", but can't articulate how or why.
Then why couldn’t you have made the basic effort to figure out a different prhase?
Iqt’s obvious you don’t care about this topic. If all you’re interested in is a cheap source of amusement, look elsewhere.
I was being serious. I saw how much back n’ forth it was causing amongst everyone posting. Tempers and tone are hot. I have to check with you before I post? “Amusement”.......how about you stop making yourself the center of it by posting memes.

Sorry but this just seems like a whole bunch of convenient pearl-clutching
By the low standards you guys have, aren't you being in your feelings over some curse words and a meme?

You went as far as circumventing the censor feature to drive your anger towards dwalk. It was unnecessary and can easily seen as being too emotional of a response, fair to say, no? To point that out doesn’t make me a “pearl clutch”. If it does then how do you see Meth’s claim on my comment? Especially when it wasn’t meant to be a joke.
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Like what? The quote you agreed with? The "guilty" characterization of Cosby, Zimmerman, and Wilson you agreed with? The notion that Ms. Constand isn't guilty of her own rape, which you claim to agree with?

You imply that she's not being held "accountable enough", but can't articulate how or why.

I thought you had access to my posts and edits Fam?

You certainly have no problem searching but cant seem to stop overlooking what I actually said.

Why is that?

Cant find anything I actually said to support your narratives about me?

You know - the part where I said "She is responsible for taking pills from Bill Cosby" like 5 times.

Anyway - this aint going anywhere but in circles.

I just want you to admit that you were wrong, like an adult who is accountable for their words and actions.

I never said "Bill Cosby wasn't a rapist".

Otherwise this is" feeling" more like "MethodicalManTalk" than NikeTalk.

Mans out here bringing the Carl Thomas emotions lately.

Went from claiming logical fallacies to "Why bring facts up?".

Why not?

Women are fully capable of being accountable for their words and actions.

Did she or did she not voluntarily take the pills from Bill Cosby?

Not once did I say she was accountable for Cosby's actions - only her own of taking the pills.

Almost like you feel women are precious little creatures that cant be held to account for making their own decisions or thinking for themselves or making mistakes, so we need to create a "protected class" instead of simply saying - don't take pills from people you don't know.

Sounds like you got a complex Fam.

Why do you need me to have said what you want me to have said?

Out here combing through / counting my edits when anyone can go back and look.

You aint gotta strawman bruh.

I never claimed Cosby wasn't a rapist.

Just cause you "co-founder" status and all that don't mean you're always right.

"This is precisely the statement you spent multiple posts and approximately 57 edits arguing against."

= Wrong

You clearly got access to all my posts - edits or not -

So you should easily be able to show me where I claimed Bill Cosby was not a rapist.
Rape apologist
I thought you had access to my posts and edits Fam?

You certainly have no problem searching but cant seem to stop overlooking what I actually said.

Why is that?

Cant find anything I actually said to support your narratives about me?

You know - the part where I said "She is responsible for taking pills from Bill Cosby" like 5 times.

Anyway - this aint going anywhere but in circles.

I just want you to admit that you were wrong, like an adult who is accountable for their words and actions.

I never said "Bill Cosby wasn't a rapist".

Otherwise this is" feeling" more like "MethodicalManTalk" than NikeTalk.
So that's a "no" on the quote?

It sounds like you're mad at me, but you don't know why.

Otherwise this is" feeling" more like "MethodicalManTalk" than NikeTalk.
Oh the irony.

You went as far as circumventing the censor feature to drive your anger towards dwalk. It was unnecessary and can easily seen as being too emotional of a response, fair to say, no? To point that out doesn’t make me a “pearl clutch”. If it does then how do you see Meth’s claim on my comment? Especially when it wasn’t meant to be a joke.
At what point is this an "extended back 'n forth?" Asking for a friend.
So that's a "no" on the quote?

It sounds like you're mad at me, but you don't know why.

Oh the irony.

At what point is this an "extended back 'n forth?" Asking for a friend.

Glad you caught that - hence the "quotation marks".

Not for nothing I aint mad but I aint no punk neither :lol:
You went as far as circumventing the censor feature to drive your anger towards dwalk. It was unnecessary and can easily seen as being too emotional of a response, fair to say, no? To point that out doesn’t make me a “pearl clutch”. If it does then how do you see Meth’s claim on my comment? Especially when it wasn’t meant to be a joke.
When did I do this? Because I have no memory of it

I type curse words because I know they will be caught. But if I make a typo then it the filter doesn't catch it, then yeah I goofed, but I did not mean to do that. I have been warned about being this before so I don't do this intentionally. It would be stupid for me to even do that because I would be welcoming a warning and potential ban. For you to accuse me of doing that seems like you are doing a lot of mind-reading here.


Frank Mathews and Meth have had long back and forths before. Like I said I had back and forth with dude too. If he typed that to me I would be inclined to not take it as a sincere concern for my well-being but instead a backhanded jab. I took it as Frank Mathews feigning concern about Meth, and how he spends his holiday when I read it. I didn't think Meth's meme was not meant to mock gay people or anything like that, or just be a simple joke. It was meant to mock Frank Mathews's major hang-up with the LGBTQ+ community. Since the dude has an irrational hang-up, just like the person using such a device has an irrational hang-up, and hot dogs are a lot at 4th of July cookouts, it seemed like a clever jab back.

Seems to me it kinda went over your head

Lastly, again, so what if people show emotion. It is not some big "gotcha"
At what point is this an "extended back 'n forth?" Asking for a friend.
Speaking of asking....What would you like me to type? I don’t want you to be offended.

For you to accuse me of doing that seems like you are doing a lot of mind-reading here.
Your post was deleted, Rusty. They would not have done that had there not been a violation. It’s cool though, I believe you saying you probably did forget.
What’s up with that hotdog meme?
It's making fun of the lengths to which insecure homophobes go to protect their fragile masculinity. I don't know if it's a real product or not. I'm sure you can find the details in Fools Wildin'.

Speaking of asking....What would you like me to type? I don’t want you to be offended.
You knew it was insensitive, hence the "no pun" disclaimer.
This is so on-brand for you.
You ever ask Khufu why he gave you the wrong info? Ah well too late now that he’s gone. By the way, I’m glad you’re no longer harassing Asian niketalkers in their own thread.

It's making fun of the lengths to which insecure homophobes go to protect their fragile masculinity.

You knew it was insensitive, hence the "no pun" disclaimer.
Very AMUSING. Thank you for providing ENTERTAINMENT, meth.

I didn’t think it was insensitive either, hence there was my “no pun intended” and no laughing emoji.
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