NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

I have never said that :lol:

I wonder who you got me confused with now though.

However....... :lol:

"Homosexuality is born out of deviancy = factual statement. Perhaps you should look up the word deviant. Because you have some negative conotation attached to the word does not mean I am a bigot lol. Like I said you all love to throw out words which you don't even fully comprehend in an attempt to take the moral highground and avoid having any substance in your opinions at all. No one can defend homosexuality, no one can have the conversation thats gonna change my mind because as I said, your support is based entirely on personal bias or politically correct ambivalence."

"Homosexuality is born out of deviancy = factual statement. Perhaps you should look up the word deviant. Because you have some negative conotation attached to the word does not mean I am a bigot lol. Like I said you all love to throw out words which you don't even fully comprehend in an attempt to take the moral highground and avoid having any substance in your opinions at all. No one can defend homosexuality, no one can have the conversation thats gonna change my mind because as I said, your support is based entirely on personal bias or politically correct ambivalence."

thats an interesting take

who said this? Tucker Carlson?
Niketalk is not immune from the hyperpartisanship and divisiveness in America @frankmatthews

Posts have certainly become more personal on here (without the element of playfulness that may have existed in the past). Much of the animosity is spillover from the Political Discussion thread (which is really spillover from the current political climate).

When the personal attacks subside, I do hope that real conversations can be had on the topics of consent, race in America, wealth in America, etc.
Lol at anyone co-signing you. Put them on a list. You pretended to be a fry cook, then pretended to be a lawyer, and to top it off you supported Trump for years and now pretend to not. Your next endeavor is a bill cosby apologist. You’ve supported pedos without hesitation and now a rapist.

You’re a living joke on NT.
Lol at anyone co-signing you. Put them on a list. You pretended to be a fry cook, then pretended to be a lawyer, and to top it off you supported Trump for years and now pretend to not. Your next endeavor is a bill cosby apologist. You’ve supported pedos without hesitation and now a rapist.

You’re a living joke on NT.

I did work at Wendy’s and drop fries (and nuggets and chicken filets for sandwiches). I am a lawyer. And I did support former-President Trump in the past. But I support President Biden and Vice-President Harris now. I also supported President Obama.

Standing up for due process is not a defense of the individually accused, but a defense of protections that tend to negatively impact people that look like me when eroded.

You can call me what you like. If you haven’t noticed, your opinion of me doesn’t bother me much. Yet you go thread to thread with it, despite claiming that I was ignored content for the longest.
Dawson started kissing female contestants on the cheeks and hands and even the lips within the first few weeks of the show. It all started when he came across a woman who seemed quite nervous, unable to name a green vegetable.

"I said, 'I'm gonna do something that my mom would do to me whenever I had a problem of any kind. ... And I kissed her on the cheek, and I said, 'That's for luck.' And she said, 'Asparagus.' ... They went on to win," he told the Archive of American Television in a 2010 interview.

After a month or so, executives tried to put an end to the kissing, according to Dawson, by claiming the sponsors felt kissing women without knowing their martial status or getting their permission was uncomely. In the interview below, Dawson insinuates that it may have to do with him kissing two non-white female contestants.

He allegedly asked viewers to vote on whether or not they would like him to stop. The votes came in 14,600 to 704 in favor of kissing, according to Hogan's Heroes: The Unofficial Company. The book also reveals that contestants filled out a questionnaire before each game including, "Do you mind if Richard Dawson greets you with a kiss?" Apparently, not many declined.

As controversial as the kissing was, in 1981, Dawson planted a peck on a woman who would eventually become his second wife. Forty-nine-year-old Dawson met 24-year-old Gretchen Johnson when she was a contestant on the show. In the video below, it is so painfully obvious that he was smitten.

During that taping, Dawson ends up kissing Johnson on the lips a total of four times — which is a lot, even for him. Dawson later revealed that after the show, he asked Johnson if he could call her.

"I just knew there was something about this young lady and myself," he said. She agreed, but after calling her multiple times with no answer, Dawson admittedly thought the college student had given him a fake number. He eventually got a hold of her and learned that she'd just had her wisdom teeth removed. Johnson agreed to let Dawson cook dinner for her a couple of weeks later. That meeting didn't go exactly as planned, since Johnson hardly ate a thing. Apparently, she hated anything starting with the letter "A," including the asparagus side dish Dawson had on the menu. Still, a love connection was made.

While many people, especially fans, weren't fond of their beloved host dating someone so young, Dawson continued dating Johnson even after his first stint on Family Feud came to an end in 1985.

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