NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

You ever ask Khufu why he gave you the wrong info? Ah well too late now that he’s gone. By the way, I’m glad you’re no longer harassing Asian niketalkers in their own thread.

Very AMUSING. Thank you for providing ENTERTAINMENT, meth.

I didn’t think it was insensitive either, hence there was my “no pun intended” and no laughing emoji.

Nice try. And thanks for highlighting your fundamental misunderstanding of cultural threads. Each thread isn’t
“ (insert race) only”. Threads belong to the NT community and your silly desire to have it be otherwise is telling.

And If that was in fact what I was doing I would have been banned. So, wrong again 😊

Putting you back on ignore as you contribute absolutely nothing to the community outside of immaturity and negativity. It was better that way.
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Your post was deleted, Rusty. They would not have done that had there not been a violation. It’s cool though, I believe you saying you probably did forget.
I have no problem taking responsibility for my actions and words, so if a post like that existed and got deleted because there was an unfiltered curse word, then cool it should have. I know for sure I didn't try to beat any filter though. But I kinda also have the feeling you might be making this up

Anyway have a few posts directed at Delk with curse words in here, and probably tons more in the political thread, so I don't know why you think I would feel the need to have to try to beat the filter to insult dude.

Hell, when the dude's personal and work info was posted on NT I was the first person telling folk to take it down he deserves his privacy, when I got contacted off NT with someone having even more personal info on dude I talked that person out of acting on it. So if I was really in my feelings in regards to Delk, something must be wrong because I have had opportunities to do more than curse at him but I didn't want things to escalate beyond posts on a message board.

But whatever famb, mind read away my guy
Nice try.

If that was in fact what I was doing I would have been banned.

Putting you back on ignore. It was better that way.
I’m sure they wouldn’t welcome you with open arms, sir. Good. Let’s hope you do a better job than Khufu did.

I have no problem taking responsibility for my actions and words, so if a post like that existed and got deleted because there was an unfiltered curse word, then cool. But I kinda also have the feeling you might be making this up
But whatever famb, mind read away my guy

No, really. Your post was deleted, I’m not making that up. All good though. At this point we really are derailing this thread :lol: :blush:
You ever ask Khufu why he gave you the wrong info? Ah well too late now that he’s gone. By the way, I’m glad you’re no longer harassing Asian niketalkers in their own thread.

Very AMUSING. Thank you for providing ENTERTAINMENT, meth.

I didn’t think it was insensitive either, hence there was my “no pun intended” and no laughing emoji.
Why are you still in this thread, talking about everything other than the topic?

You recognized that your post could be interpreted as a pun, so you knew it could be considered in poor taste. I don’t particularly care if you intended it as a joke or you were just too lazy to come up with a different phrase and thought “no pun intended” was a sufficient bandage.

It’s insensitive either way, and I’ve the right to say so.
Clearly, I’m not the only person who feels that way, so if you’ve nothing further to add about this serial rape case then I suggest you move on.
Why are you still in this thread, talking about everything other than the topic?

You recognized that your post could be interpreted as a pun, so you knew it could be considered in poor taste. I don’t particularly care if you intended it as a joke or you were just too lazy to come up with a different phrase and thought “no pun intended” was a sufficient bandage.

It’s insensitive either way, and I’ve the right to say so.
Clearly, I’m not the only person who feels that way, so if you’ve nothing further to add about this serial rape case then I suggest you move on.

I’m not allowed to respond to people’s questions? Oh that’s right, only you can be out here posting hotdog memes and typing up novels.

Carry on folks.

I’m not allowed to respond to people’s questions? Oh that’s right, only you can be out here posting hotdog memes and typing up novels.

Carry on folks.
You’re arguing about Khufu and the Asian Culture Discussion thread with people who were justifiably offended by your rape pun in the same day you complained about “extended back ‘n forths.”

Read the room.
TURBO UNO TURBO UNO if you got such a problem with the meme, then why did you rep this post with a 🤣 emoji then?

I'm just mad confused as to why you got such an issue with it.

Because it was ridiculous (and I don’t have an issue with it) :lol:

My confusion is how an admin Himself comes in posting it when he feels the thread is too serious. Yet there he is calling my post an insensitive joke....which it wasn’t .

Of course this dude comes back around to khufu
I’d respond but I know you and meth and the rest who repped you dont like it. :lol:
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1. Bill Cosby (alledgely) raped women.
2. Bill then made a deal a slap on the wrist deal w/ prosecutors (that shouldn't have been made or presented).
3. Flash forward many years & Hannibal Buress makes a joke about Bill being serial rapist.
4. Joke blows up, viral, & old allegations resurface, & new allegations surface.
5. A reactionary court "wrongfully" trials & convicts Bill Cosby, sentencing him to serve 3 to 10yrs.
6. Bill sits in prison for something over 2yrs.
7. Bill Cosby is now released from prison early due to wrongful conviction. It is a wrongful conviction b/c it violates the deal Bill made w/ prosecutors however many years ago.

May we wrap this up for now b/c the arguments have become pointless?
Of course this dude comes back around to khufu :lol:
Like clockwork.

Ironically, here he is over a month after I banned KHUFU, dragging a thread off topic and trying to make KHUFU the center of discussion. It’s almost like he’s carrying on KHUFU’s work from beyond the grave.

You got it. Hey, post more hotdog memes to lighten the mood.
I take it you skipped page 131.

Feel free to skip the rest of the discussion, too.

My confusion is how an admin Himself comes in posting it when he feels the thread is too serious when he confused my post as an insensitive joke....which it wasn’t .
You posted a rape pun in a thread about a serial rape case. Adding "no pun intended" isn't the panacea you'd like to think.

You made the pun. You acknowledged it. You just added that you didn't "mean it."
Khufu got banned?
He'll be back, mans probably planning his next NT persona like...
Interesting that people want to talk about everything else but question at hand.

Should Bill Cosby be in prison?

If the answer is yes, and you have evidence to prove it, then you should submit your evidence to the proper authorities.

I know emotions are running high but lets stick to the facts please.

You guys are tying yourselves in knots over this.

I get it but c'mon - facts are facts.

"Cosby's conviction has been overturned in a Court of Law based on the decisions of those with the power to decide (from the DA to the judges) = statement of fact.

An "appeal to authority" logical fallacy in an effort to convince someone of something via "appealing to authority".


"What if it were your daughter / would you be cool with your daughter taking unknown pills from strangers?" is a valid, open ended question. You're free to answer as you please.

First I was "victim blaming" now I'm "appealing to emotions" :lol:

Notice - not one of you answered the question.

An "appeal to emotion" logical fallacy is an effort to convince someone of something via "appealing to emotions".



The rest of the comments are mere opinions and so forth.


" Only judges’ opinions matter, but those first judges were wrong, and you’re right because the state Supreme Court agrees with you, but it’s okay to disagree with judges, and never forget that you’re innocent until proven guilty, but guilty people go free every day, and maybe we should go to war."

"Only judges’ opinions matter" = (Yes, in a court of Law only the Judges (or Jury's) opinion matters.)

"but those first judges were wrong" = (Yes, a judges decisions can be overturned - by other judges).

"and you’re right because the state Supreme Court agrees with you" = (Who made this claim?)

"but it’s okay to disagree with judges" (Yes - its Ok to disagree)

"and never forget that you’re innocent until proven guilty, but guilty people go free every day" (Yes)

"maybe we should go to war" = (See US History from April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865)

Might be hard to follow emotionally but if we step back a bit and rely on the facts - its clear to see that the 5th Amendment is here for a reason and prosecutorial misconduct is real.

I know emotions are running high and my POV might be unpopular here and that's Ok (at least for me).

Bill Cosby should not be in Prison.
So just to be clear you believe that rapists should be free to continue raping if there's not enough evidence or any evidence to prove it?

The "should" of the question is what matters to you not the part where the rapist is a rapist.

Its funny how you guys are always ghost when the justice system does fail you (cuz don't get it twisted, it is failing you).
So just to be clear you believe that rapists should be free to continue raping if there's not enough evidence or any evidence to prove it?

The "should" of the question is what matters to you not the part where the rapist is a rapist.

Its funny how you guys are always ghost when the justice system does fail you (cuz don't get it twisted, it is failing you).

There's MethodicalManagement...

There's RustyShackleford...

Then there's you.

Ya'll come collect ya mans. :lol:

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Of course this dude comes back around to khufu :lol:
So he was e-stalking Khufu. I know I wasn't bugging.
Just to be clear, Shut up Dummy.
You can do better than this. Cant be salty when I call it how I see it.

I mean I get the mental load may be too much for you to handle replying to everybody but you could've just ignored it or got a good night's rest and then replied in the morning but this?

If not, just be honest about it. Your posts are pretty transparent about the topic - in real time.
So he was e-stalking Khufu. I know I wasn't bugging.

You can do better than this.

I mean I get the mental load may be too much for you to handle replying to everybody but you could've just ignored it or got a good night's rest and then replied in the morning but this?

If not, just be honest about it. Your posts are pretty transparent about the topic - in real time.

You're right. I can do better but its late and I'm tired.

Check the edit. You might like the remix better.
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