NBC's Community Thread - 6/2 - Ep. 13: "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television"

Simply hilarious.. but I can understand the viewpoint from a common viewer, this %*$@ is out of this world and 'confusing'... It definitely has that "if you're loyal, you will be ultimately rewarded" aspect to it. I don't know if the common viewer can grasp this. So they turn the channel and view something else.

I loved the look Abed gave to the camera when Brita and Troy were still hugging in the last scene.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Simply hilarious.. but I can understand the viewpoint from a common viewer, this %*$@ is out of this world and 'confusing'... It definitely has that "if you're loyal, you will be ultimately rewarded" aspect to it. I don't know if the common viewer can grasp this. So they turn the channel and view something else.

I loved the look Abed gave to the camera when Brita and Troy were still hugging in the last scene.
I believe it it does get cancelled, this here is exactly why. Still Community is in my top 10 all time
I noticed some of those pregnant scenes but I didn't always notice it was Abed

The Beetlejuice stuff went unnoticed.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Blame big bang theory.... This is heart breaking news..

All of my favorite, smart, and witty shows have such short lifespans.

Yet 2 broke girls gets great ratings, and that is BEYOND terrible.

Life is not fair

i absolutely HATE the forced "jokes" the chick tries to make.

it's like 99.9% of the stuff she says comes so unnatural.

which is all that whitney is too.

and yet they want to get rid of community -.-
Well, on a completely unrelated note, Donald Glover was spitting that hot fire on Regular Show Monday.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Blame big bang theory.... This is heart breaking news..

All of my favorite, smart, and witty shows have such short lifespans.

Yet 2 broke girls gets great ratings, and that is BEYOND terrible.

Life is not fair

i absolutely HATE the forced "jokes" the chick tries to make.

it's like 99.9% of the stuff she says comes so unnatural.

which is all that whitney is too.

and yet they want to get rid of community -.-
I love Kat Dennings's boobs, but her character on that show BLOWS. That whole show blows as well as Whitney Cummings. 

Also, it was very cool seeing the crossover with Cougartown. I had never seen it, only read about it. I wonder how regular watchers of Cougartown felt about the random Indian kid in the background panicking and running away 
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Blame big bang theory.... This is heart breaking news..

All of my favorite, smart, and witty shows have such short lifespans.

Yet 2 broke girls gets great ratings, and that is BEYOND terrible.

Life is not fair

i absolutely HATE the forced "jokes" the chick tries to make.

it's like 99.9% of the stuff she says comes so unnatural.

which is all that whitney is too.

and yet they want to get rid of community -.-
i hate bbt and himym with a passion.
real nerds dont even find bbt funny at all.  
I've never expected Community to get Seinfeld or Friends ratings, but there should be more people watching, there's enough TV nerds out there who would/should appreciate it.
The opening
My guy Kroll from The League

Troy humming that song from the radio
Wasn't expecting Shirley and Jeff to be that close in age and that's what the flashback indicates.

@ the show turning in to an anime
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