NBC's Community Thread - 6/2 - Ep. 13: "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television"

Welp... even if the show survives for another season, they'll have to do so without one of their best writers.

Megan Ganz is leaving. For the unaware, she wrote Cooperative Calligraphy (the bottle episode), Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking (Pierce in the hospital), Documentary Filmmaking: Redux (the Dean's commercial), and Basic Lupine Urology (the Law and Order episode)

"Does anyone know how long it takes paper mache to dry?"
That was the first line I ever wrote for Community. I'd gotten other small jokes and similar word fragments into earlier episodes, but #208 was my first episode, and this was the first line, and I remember it went all the way from my writer's draft to set basically unchanged. Through rewrites I watched it bob along, past Harmon's mighty hammer, right on through to the table read and into the sides that were given to the actors on the first day of filming. It was like when you and your friends would race leaves down the river--if you grew up in Michigan and did that sort of thing.

We filmed the bottle episode in chronological order so this was the first line that we shot and I remember sitting at the monitors at 7am on the first day thinking, "If they call action and no one runs in here screaming 'stop the TV-equivalent of presses,' then I will have written a line that will appear on a television show. I'll be a television writer." And the director did call action--as they do--and so I was. Just like that.

For the last three years, the sum total of my contribution to this planet (in terms of effort, passion, and things I let myself go soft and pimply for) could be described as follows:Community. Recently, I was offered a job writing for Modern Family, and although it's unclear what will happen with Community  for the fifth season (or the sixth season, or the movie), I've decided to take this new position. Tomorrow is my first day and I'm excited and scared to start this new... well, everything. I'm sure the coffee will probably be the same.

This isn't the end of me and Greendale. Community  was my world for four seasons and my job for three, and has hold of my whole heart like a bad-news high school boyfriend. I'll never really get away. The chemistry is too perfect and the writing room couches aren't really that uncomfortable to sleep on and I just can't stop writing for Britta. Plus I still have to do my editing pass on the finale. I think I left a box in my office, too. Bobrow probably misses me. Better stop by on my way home.

I guess what I'm saying is, it took me a really long time to write this to you guys, and it's not even that good. Pretty sappy, no punchlines, kind of vague about my future with the show, too little excitement about the new gig, etc. Okay, so not my best work. Maybe I'll take it down and not say goodbye just yet. I just need a little more time.

About three hours longer than it took Duncan to think up this assignment.

Show's been over for months to me. This is like a Chappelle's season 3 we got coming. Wish they'd just put the whole season out in one drop Netflix style to get it over with.
So happy the show comes back next Thursday. I started re-watching the entire series...Definitely has been too long of a break. I don't understand why they put this show on a hiatus.
^ Those dumb NBC execs. Saying this show is a priority, yet it always feels like its neglected and on the back-burner.

And I'm over the shortened season now too, as long as they can give 2 more seasons after this. Doubt we get the movie though :smh:
My life will be complete again 
It's crazy to think of just how time flies. Seems like a few days ago we were all crushed that the show got delayed until February. :lol:
Nah man, I've noticed it. I'm completely out of sync with the show now and have had found solace in other great shows like New Girl and Happy Endings. It'll take a few eps for me to get back in my Community groove unless the first ep is just amazingly funny. I've definitely had withdrawal with this dumb wait.
That trailer was...weird? :lol: ...I don't know what it is, but that just didn't feel like Community.

Like there was no hook, no knowing parody. Just people playing dress up. That looked more like Scary Movie the series.

I already said I treat last season like the last season, and that this is just some weird spinoff to me. So I'm not gonna hope for anything. I just hope it's decent and they don't make us regret the show coming back....cuz it's such a particular, singlularly voiced show, and if you've seen Dan Harmon speak, you know it's all him. I mean...it's ALL him. And I don't know how you replace that.

I just hope it's decent and they make something new that works for them.
That trailer was...weird?
...I don't know what it is, but that just didn't feel like Community.

Like there was no hook, no knowing parody. Just people playing dress up. That looked more like Scary Movie the series.

I already said I treat last season like the last season, and that this is just some weird spinoff to me. So I'm not gonna hope for anything. I just hope it's decent and they don't make us regret the show coming back....cuz it's such a particular, singlularly voiced show, and if you've seen Dan Harmon speak, you know it's all him. I mean...it's ALL him. And I don't know how you replace that.

I just hope it's decent and they make something new that works for them.
To me it feels like a spoof of community. The trailer definitely has a different feel from when Harmon ran the show. Hopefully it is still as good.
To me it feels like a spoof of community. The trailer definitely has a different feel from when Harmon ran the show. Hopefully it is still as good.

This. Abed himself says "I remember when this show was once about a community college" :lol: .

Crazy how time flies, glad the premiere is tomorrow!
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