NDAA Set To Become Law: vol. RIP Freedom Of Speech

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by cartune

You really quoted yourself as if you had a point? So in your opinion it's fine if the US invades upon the rights of foreigners, because clearly those foreigners are sub-human and don't deserve to be treated like us Americans because they're all maniacal killers. Jingoistic clown.
FYI, there are legitimate concerns that the Indefinite Detention act, and the National Defense Authorization act could infringe upon Americans' rights as well, as long as it's in the name of stopping "terrorism."
Just tired of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a legislation is passed

Terrorist attacks = The government did it

Trying to prevent terrorist attacks = The government is trying to take away our freedoms

Its an endless circle with internet pundits

Your personal lifes wont change. Stop crying
Originally Posted by cartune

Just tired of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a legislation is passed

Terrorist attacks = The government did it

Trying to prevent terrorist attacks = The government is trying to take away our freedoms

Its an endless circle with internet pundits

Your personal lifes wont change. Stop crying
shut up. stop acting like the people don't have a legitimate gripe with this government and go read something that isnt some cheap self help how to make a million dollars book.

with that being said...its just a bill....they can try implementing whatever made up 'law' they want...it will only further aggravate what naturally has to and will happen.
Originally Posted by cartune

Just tired of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a legislation is passed

Terrorist attacks = The government did it

Trying to prevent terrorist attacks = The government is trying to take away our freedoms

Its an endless circle with internet pundits

Your personal lifes wont change. Stop crying
What terrorist attacks though?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by cartune

Just tired of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a legislation is passed

Terrorist attacks = The government did it

Trying to prevent terrorist attacks = The government is trying to take away our freedoms

Its an endless circle with internet pundits

Your personal lifes wont change. Stop crying
shut up. stop acting like the people don't have a legitimate gripe with this government and go read something that isnt some cheap self help how to make a million dollars book.

with that being said...its just a bill....they can try implementing whatever made up 'law' they want...it will only further aggravate what naturally has to and will happen.

 Since the beginning of time the people have had gripes with the government yeen special boy.

The least some of you can do is actually research a bill and stop reacting every time some faceless admin creates a blog empathizing to the conspiracy theorists agenda

Its like clockwork on here 

1. Politician, Blogger or random news figure mentions something that gets conspiracy theorists senses tingling

2. Someone creates a thread riling up the troops with vague "its coming" "its over" "O noez" "2012 is going to be real"

3. Nothing happens

4. Everybody conveniently forgets that the world was supposed to stop 

5. Rinse & repeat
Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Originally Posted by cartune

Just tired of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a legislation is passed

Terrorist attacks = The government did it

Trying to prevent terrorist attacks = The government is trying to take away our freedoms

Its an endless circle with internet pundits

Your personal lifes wont change. Stop crying
What terrorist attacks though?

The hundreds being plotted everyday that you'll never hear about
If this sounds like any of you I can understand the concern tho:

Section 1031 States:

(a) In General.--Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition under the law of war.

(b) Covered Persons.--A covered person under this section is any person as follows:

(1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks.

(2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.

(c) Disposition Under Law of War.--The disposition of a person under the law of war as described in subsection (a) may include the following:

(1) Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force.

(2) Trial under chapter 47A of title 10, United States Code (as amended by the Military Commissions Act of 2009 (title XVIII of Public Law 111-84)).

(3) Transfer for trial by an alternative court or competent tribunal having lawful jurisdiction.

(4) Transfer to the custody or control of the person's country of origin, any other foreign country, or any other foreign entity.

(d) Construction.--Nothing in this section is intended to limit or expand the authority of the President or the scope of the Authorization for Use of Military Force.

(e) Authorities.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.

(f) Requirement for Briefings of Congress.--The Secretary of Defense shall regularly brief Congress regarding the application of the authority described in this section, including the organizations, entities, and individuals considered to be ``covered persons for purposes of subsection (b)(2).
Interestingly enough there's another thread on NT where sheeple are mad because in California (for the moment) you can legally walk down the street with firearms.  They have prolly ignored this thread.  
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by cartune

Just tired of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a legislation is passed

Terrorist attacks = The government did it

Trying to prevent terrorist attacks = The government is trying to take away our freedoms

Its an endless circle with internet pundits

Your personal lifes wont change. Stop crying
shut up. stop acting like the people don't have a legitimate gripe with this government and go read something that isnt some cheap self help how to make a million dollars book.

with that being said...its just a bill....they can try implementing whatever made up 'law' they want...it will only further aggravate what naturally has to and will happen.

 Since the beginning of time the people have had gripes with the government yeen special boy.

The least some of you can do is actually research a bill and stop reacting every time some faceless admin creates a blog empathizing to the conspiracy theorists agenda

Its like clockwork on here 

1. Politician, Blogger or random news figure mentions something that gets conspiracy theorists senses tingling

2. Someone creates a thread riling up the troops with vague "its coming" "its over" "O noez"

3. Nothing happens

4. Everybody conveniently forgets that the world was supposed to stop 

5. Rinse & repeat

So true
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by cartune

Just tired of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a legislation is passed

Terrorist attacks = The government did it

Trying to prevent terrorist attacks = The government is trying to take away our freedoms

Its an endless circle with internet pundits

Your personal lifes wont change. Stop crying
shut up. stop acting like the people don't have a legitimate gripe with this government and go read something that isnt some cheap self help how to make a million dollars book.

with that being said...its just a bill....they can try implementing whatever made up 'law' they want...it will only further aggravate what naturally has to and will happen.

 Since the beginning of time the people have had gripes with the government yeen special boy.
oh word? since the beginning of time? that was a real intelligent comment...good analysis...

The hundreds being plotted everyday that you'll never hear about
....the hundreds being plotted everyday we don't hear about? says who? the people you pay your taxes to? the people who rushed this bill through the system?

so how many so called 'terror attacks' have there actually been out of all the hundreds that are being planed according to you. Do you have any evidence of said planned attacks or are you just talking out of your !+*?

your shallow...sit your 5 dollar %$+ down somewhere.
Originally Posted by cartune

Just tired of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a legislation is passed

Terrorist attacks = The government did it

Trying to prevent terrorist attacks = The government is trying to take away our freedoms

Its an endless circle with internet pundits

Your personal lifes wont change. Stop crying

My response in the Martial Law thread regarding your personal life not changing:

You are giving yourself no foresight as to what this could possibly mean or turn into. Congress passes the law. Ok its for terrorist, not for US Citizens. US Citizens get attained, ok maybe they deserve it and did something wrong. Just like you say about us 'conspiracy theorist' (althoughy this cannot be considered conspiracy theory as it is right in front of your face now), it will never end for you people. You will never give yourself the foresight to think for yourself and others. And when US Citizens are being detained, somewhere down the road, you are going to be sitting on your %*@ being thankful that its not you, turning your face while people will suffer.We don't need this law to detain terror suspects overseas. They do it anyway. They kill them without trial. That is warfare.
Originally Posted by cartune

Just tired of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a legislation is passed

Terrorist attacks = The government did it

Trying to prevent terrorist attacks = The government is trying to take away our freedoms

Its an endless circle with internet pundits

Your personal lifes wont change. Stop crying

This is very dangerous thinking.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

shut up. stop acting like the people don't have a legitimate gripe with this government and go read something that isnt some cheap self help how to make a million dollars book.

with that being said...its just a bill....they can try implementing whatever made up 'law' they want...it will only further aggravate what naturally has to and will happen.

 Since the beginning of time the people have had gripes with the government yeen special boy.
oh word? since the beginning of time? that was a real intelligent comment...good analysis...

The hundreds being plotted everyday that you'll never hear about
....the hundreds being plotted everyday we don't hear about? says who? the people you pay your taxes to?

so how many so called 'terror attacks' have there actually been out of all the hundreds that are being planed according to you. Do you have any evidence of said planned attacks or are you just talking out of your !+*?

your shallow...sit your 5 dollar %*% down somewhere.

Nope Im sure the government would tell us they infiltrate millions of threats every year. 

I low balled the figure because I know individuals personally who get hundreds of threats everyday

So Im guessing the enemy of the world as a whole is getting a fraction of that 

I know that a senator got shot in the head last year because dudes thought it was sweet. Then we find out if they had taken the threats to her life more serious this incident could have been prevented same can be said for the events of 9/11 which is why the provisions of this bill were established

I wonder how many of yall even know youre reacting to a bill thats 50 years old? 
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by cartune

Just tired of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a legislation is passed

Terrorist attacks = The government did it

Trying to prevent terrorist attacks = The government is trying to take away our freedoms

Its an endless circle with internet pundits

Your personal lifes wont change. Stop crying

My response in the Martial Law thread regarding your personal life not changing:

You are giving yourself no foresight as to what this could possibly mean or turn into. Congress passes the law. Ok its for terrorist, not for US Citizens. US Citizens get attained, ok maybe they deserve it and did something wrong. Just like you say about us 'conspiracy theorist' (althoughy this cannot be considered conspiracy theory as it is right in front of your face now), it will never end for you people. You will never give yourself the foresight to think for yourself and others. And when US Citizens are being detained, somewhere down the road, you are going to be sitting on your %*@ being thankful that its not you, turning your face while people will suffer.We don't need this law to detain terror suspects overseas. They do it anyway. They kill them without trial. That is warfare.

I understand the idea that all of this could lead into something bigger. Its more hypothetical and what ifs than foresight.
Im not saying people should chill and not keep an eye on their government I just hate the constant overreaction. That is just as dangerous imo
Originally Posted by cartune

(b) Covered Persons.--A covered person under this section is any person as follows:
(1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks.

(2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.
this is who's covered under this law. it's the legislature's response to the supreme court's decision in boumediene stating that if guantanamo detainees are to be denied a writ of habeas corpus then congress has to act pursuant to the suspension clause art I sec 9:
"The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."
congress is doing just that, suspending the writ of habeas corpus for those people bolded above, with military detainees in places like guantanamo specifically in mind

we voted these congress members in, hence theoretically they represent our interests. you can change it by voting

i'm not saying this law's right, but the sky's not falling
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by cartune

Just tired of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a legislation is passed

Terrorist attacks = The government did it

Trying to prevent terrorist attacks = The government is trying to take away our freedoms

Its an endless circle with internet pundits

Your personal lifes wont change. Stop crying
shut up. stop acting like the people don't have a legitimate gripe with this government and go read something that isnt some cheap self help how to make a million dollars book.

with that being said...its just a bill....they can try implementing whatever made up 'law' they want...it will only further aggravate what naturally has to and will happen.

 Since the beginning of time the people have had gripes with the government yeen special boy.
oh word? since the beginning of time? that was a real intelligent comment...good analysis...

The hundreds being plotted everyday that you'll never hear about
....the hundreds being plotted everyday we don't hear about? says who? the people you pay your taxes to? the people who rushed this bill through the system?

so how many so called 'terror attacks' have there actually been out of all the hundreds that are being planed according to you. Do you have any evidence of said planned attacks or are you just talking out of your !+*?

your shallow...sit your 5 dollar %$+ down somewhere.

You dont think terrorist groups are plotting against the U.S. everyday ?
We're public enemy #1
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by cartune

 Since the beginning of time the people have had gripes with the government yeen special boy.
oh word? since the beginning of time? that was a real intelligent comment...good analysis...

The hundreds being plotted everyday that you'll never hear about
....the hundreds being plotted everyday we don't hear about? says who? the people you pay your taxes to?

so how many so called 'terror attacks' have there actually been out of all the hundreds that are being planed according to you. Do you have any evidence of said planned attacks or are you just talking out of your !+*?

your shallow...sit your 5 dollar %*% down somewhere.

Nope Im sure the government would tell us they infiltrate millions of threats every year. 

I low balled the figure because I know individuals personally who get hundreds of threats everyday

So Im guessing the enemy of the world as a whole is getting a fraction of that 

I know that a senator got shot in the head last year because dudes thought it was sweet. Then we find out if they had taken the threats to her life more serious this incident could have been prevented same can be said for the events of 9/11 which is why the provisions of this bill were established

I wonder how many of yall even know youre reacting to a bill thats 50 years old? 

You know individuals who receive personal terrorist threats from Al Qaeda?

Stop taking what you see for face value and really look at whats going on.

The CIA funded Bin Laden's operations...so of course they knew the attack was coming....you mean to tell me the most advanced Air Force in the world couldn't stop two passenger jetliners headed towards the heart of New York City?

.oh thats right they were busy holding 'exercises' that day...know %+#% what do you think the actual 'exercise' was.

This bill is pure reactionary politics at its finest. It has nothing to do with supposed terror attacks...it has to do with the government and the people inside losing its control and legitimacy over the people. Yet somehow our government can support and fund rebels in other countries and declare other foreign governments illegitimate
its a joke.

sheepish people and shallow thinkers are largely a part of the problem....continuing the fairy tale narrative that this government is the most just government in the world & that the United States is the best country in the world...when really this government is nothing but a puppet government for Western European powers...it's not your government at all...and it NEVER has been.

 these are your masters


who just passed another trillion dollar bill saving their own +%$@! while the middle class drowns in nescience because they are living paycheck to paycheck....chasing material ambitions while the upper stratas of society play the public like a game of Monopoly, Chess, Risk...

some of us are tired of playing the game and seek an alternative way...but people like you only shrug their shoulders like this isn't reality...

...what is the history of this country? what was this nation founded on?

You dont think terrorist groups are plotting against the U.S. everyday ?
We're public enemy #1
I think this country is full of liars and perpetrators who deserve to be overthrown. 
Funny how they will hold out to within hours of defaulting the American dollar, but as soon as the people start exercising their civil liberties to challenge their personal pocketbooks that they keep in their freezer, they can pass the most controversial law that strips the people of those civil liberties with almost zero debating, and overwhelming majority.

It will get much worse. There is honestly nothing we can do about it in the current form of politics. They all know they have less than a presidential term to get the control of freedom where they need it.
Originally Posted by NooEra

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by cartune

 Since the beginning of time the people have had gripes with the government yeen special boy.
oh word? since the beginning of time? that was a real intelligent comment...good analysis...

The hundreds being plotted everyday that you'll never hear about
....the hundreds being plotted everyday we don't hear about? says who? the people you pay your taxes to? the people who rushed this bill through the system?

so how many so called 'terror attacks' have there actually been out of all the hundreds that are being planed according to you. Do you have any evidence of said planned attacks or are you just talking out of your !+*?

your shallow...sit your 5 dollar %$+ down somewhere.

You dont think terrorist groups are plotting against the U.S. everyday ?
We're public enemy #1

You eliminate terrorism by getting rid of the root causes. The incompetent us government needs to revamp their foreign policy before passing these laws that only eliminate our civil liberties
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