Nerds Make the Best Boyfriends vol. NT what u think?

Jul 29, 2006
found this and enjoyed the light hearted take on the subject.
considering NTs generally emphatuation with materialist culture
and NTs general love of female figure (mostly mass) and physical features
and NTs general love for all things $$$. Just wanted to know your take on this.

I consider myself a closet nerd of sorts

note: this is not a serious thread, just wanted to know NTs thoughts on this articles opinions.


[h1]Nerds Make the Best Boyfriends. FACT![/h1]

I know most of us here are nerds. And single. But why? Nerds make great boyfriends, as expertly pointed out by this article which I’ve reproduced here. My  own comments are in red. Naturally, the article is full of generalisations and assumptions but taking the average, it’s a pretty damn spot-on.
In the wide world of dating, there are many options. Do you go for the flashy guy with the smooth smile, or the dude in the corner typing away on his laptop? The following are reasons why I think my fellow females should pay more attention to the quiet geeks and nerds, and less attention to the flashy boys.

1.) While geeks and nerds may be awkward, they’re well-meaning 9 out of 10 times. That smooth dude with the sly grin and the spider hands? Wonder what HIS intentions are… plus, I’ve never had a geek guy not call me when he said he would. Score major points THERE.

Nerds are idealistic in general. This is because they are always indulging in fantasy worlds, where osananajimis, childhood promises and other sweet anime cliches prevail. This means their standards are generally in sync with the sincere and selfless fictional characters of say Honey and Clover, Love Hina etc.

2.) They’re useful. In this tech-savvy world, it’s great to have a b/f who can make your laptop, desktop, and just about anything else that plugs into a wall behave itself.

This is very true. In fact, as I’m writing this, the wife complains that "my IE just crashed. I lost all my pictures. I can’t use firefox cos when it saves pictures, there’s a 30 second hang." To which the reply is, "Check your downloads tab and click the cleanup button." If it was a normal guy, the answer would probably be, "UH? Farriire ***? Is that some animal?"

3.) They’re more romantic than they’re given credit for. Ok true, their idea of romance might be to make up a spiffy web-page with all the reasons why they love you, with links to pics of you and sonnets and such… but hey. It lasts longer than flowers, plus you can show your friends.

In this day and age, where capitalistic romance is the norm and romanticism is measured in dollars, we splendid nerds are always creative and unique in our expressions of romance. For example, we may print a 150 cm body pillow of the wife and hug it to sleep.

4.) Due to their neglected status, there are plenty to choose from. You like ‘em tall and slender? There are plenty of geeks/nerds who are. You like ‘em smaller with more meat on their bones? Got that too.

This is very true. Nerds come in all shapes and sizes and generally, all are available for selection.

5.) They’ve got brains. Come on now, how can intelligence be a bad thing?

Nerds actually know more about safe sex,  sexually transmitted diseases, the menstrual cycle and its driving hormones, than most people. Even girls. Then there are regular folks who write in to magazines asking if "his girlfriend will get pregnant if she drinks his sperm".

6.) Most are quite good at remembering dates. Like birthdates and such, especially if they know it’ll make you happy. Due again to their neglected status, they’re more attentive than guys who “have more options
I'd say Nerds are better. People. All these guys after only sex from me, but they forget I got my own meat.

Nerds are just better overall.
Originally Posted by Fig Neutonn

I'd say Nerds are better. People. All these guys after only sex from me, but they forget I got my own meat.

Nerds are just better overall.

lol wut
Originally Posted by k3stacks

Originally Posted by Fig Neutonn

I'd say Nerds are better. People. All these guys after only sex from me, but they forget I got my own meat.

Nerds are just better overall.

lol wut
don't mind him. he the troll that made the "gay" thread
Originally Posted by sevit86

found this and enjoyed the light hearted take on the subject.
considering NTs generally emphatuation with materialist culture
and NTs general love of female figure (mostly mass) and physical features
and NTs general love for all things $$$. Just wanted to know your take on this.

I consider myself a closet nerd of sorts

note: this is not a serious thread, just wanted to know NTs thoughts on this articles opinions.


[h1]Nerds Make the Best Boyfriends. FACT![/h1]

I know most of us here are nerds. And single. But why? Nerds make great boyfriends, as expertly pointed out by this article which I’ve reproduced here. My  own comments are in red. Naturally, the article is full of generalisations and assumptions but taking the average, it’s a pretty damn spot-on.
In the wide world of dating, there are many options. Do you go for the flashy guy with the smooth smile, or the dude in the corner typing away on his laptop? The following are reasons why I think my fellow females should pay more attention to the quiet geeks and nerds, and less attention to the flashy boys.

1.) While geeks and nerds may be awkward, they’re well-meaning 9 out of 10 times. That smooth dude with the sly grin and the spider hands? Wonder what HIS intentions are… plus, I’ve never had a geek guy not call me when he said he would. Score major points THERE.

Nerds are idealistic in general. This is because they are always indulging in fantasy worlds, where osananajimis, childhood promises and other sweet anime cliches prevail. This means their standards are generally in sync with the sincere and selfless fictional characters of say Honey and Clover, Love Hina etc.

2.) They’re useful. In this tech-savvy world, it’s great to have a b/f who can make your laptop, desktop, and just about anything else that plugs into a wall behave itself.

This is very true. In fact, as I’m writing this, the wife complains that "my IE just crashed. I lost all my pictures. I can’t use firefox cos when it saves pictures, there’s a 30 second hang." To which the reply is, "Check your downloads tab and click the cleanup button." If it was a normal guy, the answer would probably be, "UH? Farriire ***? Is that some animal?"

3.) They’re more romantic than they’re given credit for. Ok true, their idea of romance might be to make up a spiffy web-page with all the reasons why they love you, with links to pics of you and sonnets and such… but hey. It lasts longer than flowers, plus you can show your friends.

In this day and age, where capitalistic romance is the norm and romanticism is measured in dollars, we splendid nerds are always creative and unique in our expressions of romance. For example, we may print a 150 cm body pillow of the wife and hug it to sleep.

4.) Due to their neglected status, there are plenty to choose from. You like ‘em tall and slender? There are plenty of geeks/nerds who are. You like ‘em smaller with more meat on their bones? Got that too.

This is very true. Nerds come in all shapes and sizes and generally, all are available for selection.

5.) They’ve got brains. Come on now, how can intelligence be a bad thing?

Nerds actually know more about safe sex,  sexually transmitted diseases, the menstrual cycle and its driving hormones, than most people. Even girls. Then there are regular folks who write in to magazines asking if "his girlfriend will get pregnant if she drinks his sperm".

6.) Most are quite good at remembering dates. Like birthdates and such, especially if they know it’ll make you happy. Due again to their neglected status, they’re more attentive than guys who “have more options
In all seriousness. If you think about it, nerds tend to be nicer people cause most people dont pay attention to them. They are respectful and are close to their family so they make for good role models. I mean how can you fault nerds?

The average man I know just wants sex and I'm not having sex with just anybody. Its not right. And that meat comment was ref to my own private. Men forget that being gay alllows you to have your own private so you dont need another. Unlike Heterosexual relationships where you need the opposite. 
At the end of the day though women get bored with nerds and look elsewhere for excitement. FACT.

There needs to be a balance of nerd, and jerk.
I had the benefit of being a Nerd that had "cool" friends so I can kind of play both sides of the spectrum since I was able to attain girls during HS while still being my nerdy self. ButI cant really agree on the fashion part since I think Nerds ( the real ones not the commercialized ones that play WOW) actually know alot about fashion and dressing well since they're always on the internetz.
Originally Posted by Fig Neutonn

In all seriousness. If you think about it, nerds tend to be nicer people cause most people dont pay attention to them. They are respectful and are close to their family so they make for good role models. I mean how can you fault nerds?

The average man I know just wants sex and I'm not having sex with just anybody. Its not right. And that meat comment was ref to my own private. Men forget that being gay alllows you to have your own private so you dont need another. Unlike Heterosexual relationships where you need the opposite. 

we get it, you're gay. you can move on now.
Do Alpha Male nerds exist? I'm meaning the physically intimidating but will protect you, primal, manly looking, etc etc Alpha Male. Not the cocky 'I know everything, I'm Gods gift to women, bow down the ++*! down *#%*%@+ and take a number' Alpha Male.

If so, I'd offer my hand in marriage to a primal manly looking Alpha Male nerd who loves sport.
where art thou?

Spoiler [+]
Wishful thinking? I hope not
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

Do Alpha Male nerds exist? I'm meaning the physically intimidating but will protect you, primal, manly looking, etc etc Alpha Male. Not the cocky 'I know everything, I'm Gods gift to women, bow down the ++*! down *#%*%@+ and take a number' Alpha Male.

If so, I'd offer my hand in marriage to a primal manly looking Alpha Male nerd who loves sport.
where art thou?

Spoiler [+]
Wishful thinking? I hope not

I mean I'm not your typical scrawny nerd, and was a varsity football player.....and I have a variety of interests outside my stereotypical nerdish tendencies.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

Do Alpha Male nerds exist? I'm meaning the physically intimidating but will protect you, primal, manly looking, etc etc Alpha Male. Not the cocky 'I know everything, I'm Gods gift to women, bow down the ++*! down *#%*%@+ and take a number' Alpha Male.

If so, I'd offer my hand in marriage to a primal manly looking Alpha Male nerd who loves sport.
where art thou?

Spoiler [+]
Wishful thinking? I hope not

I mean I'm not your typical scrawny nerd, and was a varsity football player.....and I have a variety of interests outside my stereotypical nerdish tendencies.
At the end of the day, would the rest of the world call you a nerd?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

Do Alpha Male nerds exist? I'm meaning the physically intimidating but will protect you, primal, manly looking, etc etc Alpha Male. Not the cocky 'I know everything, I'm Gods gift to women, bow down the ++*! down *#%*%@+ and take a number' Alpha Male.

If so, I'd offer my hand in marriage to a primal manly looking Alpha Male nerd who loves sport.
where art thou?

Spoiler [+]
Wishful thinking? I hope not

I mean I'm not your typical scrawny nerd, and was a varsity football player.....and I have a variety of interests outside my stereotypical nerdish tendencies.

I don't know you personally aside from what I've seen on NT, but you don't come off as the type of nerd described in this article...You're a "nerd" if you consider someone that studies a lot and is focused on doing well academically to be nerdy. But this article is talkin' about nerds in reference to guys that go to Comic Con, play World of Warcraft all day, and fap to pictures of Princess Leah

I may be wrong though..You could fit into this category
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

Do Alpha Male nerds exist? I'm meaning the physically intimidating but will protect you, primal, manly looking, etc etc Alpha Male. Not the cocky 'I know everything, I'm Gods gift to women, bow down the #%%% down #%#%!@% and take a number' Alpha Male.

If so, I'd offer my hand in marriage to a primal manly looking Alpha Male nerd who loves sport.
where art thou?

Spoiler [+]
Wishful thinking? I hope not

in the nerd circle, we call them dungeon masters.

speaking of nerdy stuff, i had to open up my pc today to replace the gpu because the damn thing died. luckily i had a spare, so i pop it in, delete the drivers from the old gpu and download the latest for my new gpu (went from ati to nvidia) so all is going well when i notice my soundcard is messing up -.- bad day today.
are we talking about nerds like....the guys who are really smart? or the guys who watch a bunch of anime and play WoW....

I consider myself pretty smart (3.78 gpa bio major) but not a nerd
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