NETFLIX-Narcos '17- Season 3 trailer up

Pabs didn't do those things at first bro....lmao by the time he started blowing kids to pieces these dudes were so far in that there was really no way out....I'm sure there were loyal to him a lot based on fear....Limon saw this dude as someone who cared for his people when no government did.

One of the most powerful lines of the entire series was when Pabs was talking to his lawyer after the little boy gave the statement on TV which was ignored by the president for obvious reasons.

"Los Hombres de Siempre no les interesan los Niños de nunca"

That's a powerful quote, but Pablo didn't care about the youth. Sending that Jaime kid on a suicide mission when he just wanted to feed his family, while having him feeling grateful to die. Everyone in the Barrio worshipped him, and Pablo would use them as pawns when he saw fit. He was delusional.
Am I reading this right? Steezy showing empathy for Pablo but was slandering homie from Baton Rouge that the cops killed?

Please say it ain't so
Finished season 2 a couple nights ago. I was actually starting to feel a little bad for Pablo towards the end. Limon is a POS but you gotta give credit when credit is due. I did not see him pulling the double cross to get  the military guy (can't think of his name). 

I was rollin when Pablo was cursing Germans out. He was getting their phone numbers without google. 

so about 2 weeks ago my boss held a DEA education fund/ Narcos fundraiser at their house.

Wagner, Boyd and Pedro were there.

Newman as well

and last but not least the real Pena and Murphy was there.

such a good evening. The actors are all really chill. Wagner is super quiet and skinny lol..

boyd was getting lit and pedro was just chillin.

Pena murphy , newman and the actors gave a panel presentation, one thing they wanted to make sure duing the making of this show was that pablo was not being "celebrated in any way" because of the things he was involved with and had done..

Pena and murphy gave a dope *** slide show with real pics of the whole operation. in the slide show got to see pablos estates. real members of his crew. his labs. his money. his product. La Cathedral (place is insane). his hobbies. killings. bombings and various things, one of the dopest was the last slide which was the picture of murphy over pablos dead body (ie like in the show).

some of the facts they through out were insane to... they were experiencing up to 20-30 car bombings a day. the day pablo died, the murder rate dropped 80% in colombia.

if theres anything else i can remember ill add in.
Damn that sounds awesome.

Joanna Christie wasn't there?  
watched it over the weekend, it was good. Not sure if it was better than 1 tbh.

I don't know why they killed off the best character in the story so fast. Carrillo was literally keeping the plot interesting and after they took him out, 2 ep's later, the story got dull. It became a, "excuse me boss," followed by bad news. Very underwhelming. Overall, I suppose carrillo had to go eventually, but it was too fast. I think the writers messed up, meh
Finished season 2 a couple nights ago. I was actually starting to feel a little bad for Pablo towards the end. Limon is a POS but you gotta give credit when credit is due. I did not see him pulling the double cross to get  the military guy (can't think of his name). 

I was rollin when Pablo was cursing Germans out. He was getting their phone numbers without google. :lol:

Damn that sounds awesome.

Joanna Christie wasn't there?  :evil:
no she wasnt. she was scheduled to be there though,
the real mrs murphy was there lol
The scene between Pablo and Gustavo had me feeling sorry for Pablo, easily the best scene of the series.

Don berna looking salty he didn't get the kill even though he claims his brother did. Crazy dude was like 23 at the time

Everything went down hill when Gustavo died he was the only one who could talk sense into Pablo. Looking forward to the Cali cartel season
Am I reading this right? Steezy showing empathy for Pablo but was slandering homie from Baton Rouge that the cops killed?

Please say it ain't so

I'm not showing empathy for Pablo and please don't come in here with your bait.

I lived first hand through the Pablo regime, least before he flew off the handle, a lot of you don't understand that back home, selling drugs is a way of life everyone in the hood did to make ends meet, my uncle sold, my grandma sold, me and my little cousin at the age of 5 and 10 used to roll blunts for my uncle to sell, so idolizing a drug lord wasn't hard for a lot of the lost youth of these poor neighborhoods.....violence on the other hand, bombings and the killings of innocent women and children is when Pablo lost the love of the people.

Speaking on the show, towards the end, witnessing how alone he ended up, I felt a little bad at times, I'm pretty sure that was the purpose of those final episodes, the whole estranged father/son dynamic of him after all trying to prove himself to his father, not being able to see his family, in exile....and that final flashback between him and Gustavo, it was written like that draw some sort of sympathy from the audience....but when it all boils down and he's gunned down, there is no sympathy, he became delusional, insane almost and met his end....same for Limon, I understand his transition, doesn't mean I felt sorry for him.
watched it over the weekend, it was good. Not sure if it was better than 1 tbh.

I don't know why they killed off the best character in the story so fast. Carrillo was literally keeping the plot interesting and after they took him out, 2 ep's later, the story got dull. It became a, "excuse me boss," followed by bad news. Very underwhelming. Overall, I suppose carrillo had to go eventually, but it was too fast. I think the writers messed up, meh

He was def my favorite character, probably top 5 tv series characters for me, up there with Juan Nieve....but with the introduction of the Castaño bros, there was no room for would have been too much of a power struggle for the series to handle....they pretty much both had the same method of getting to Pablo....the show needed balance.
Finished Season 2, finally entered this thread. Nice to see the idiots out in full force.
I stay away from these threads until I've seen every ep.
Pablo was a POS. To be a successful coke kingpin, you have to be or you're not gonna last as long as he did. Interesting to see people try and excuse his actions.
Just saw that it's getting a season 3 and 4.

They HAVE to bring Griselda Blanco in the mix. :x :smokin
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I stay away from these threads until I've seen every ep.
Pablo was a POS. To be a successful coke kingpin, you have to be or you're not gonna last as long as he did. Interesting to see people try and excuse his actions.
Just saw that it's getting a season 3 and 4.

They HAVE to bring Griselda Blanco in the mix.
I stay away from these threads until I've seen every ep.

Pablo was a POS. To be a successful coke kingpin, you have to be or you're not gonna last as long as he did. Interesting to see people try and excuse his actions.

Just saw that it's getting a season 3 and 4.

They HAVE to bring Griselda Blanco in the mix. :x :smokin

Griselda was a top dog before Escobar she was just in the states.
finished season 1 and 2 recently. what a great series on escobar. wagner killed it. peña, murphy and carillo nailed it as well. i wonder how much of it was facts and how much the writers filled in. the insults in spanish were great :lol:

looking forward to season 2.

That's why i figured they could show her story. A lot more wild than some of these other dudes. Plus the fact that its a chick and her span of good fortune was ridiculous.
So Escobar's son went on FB and posted 28 things Narcos got wrong. Worth the read.

You mean to tell me a television show took artistic liberties to tell a more compelling story? Well, I never...

Also, why should I believe everything Pablo's son says about peoples' involvement in his father's dealings? He was still basically a kid and probably was told a lot of things.
Ok so I'm watching Blow and Diego was based on Carlos Ledher, why the name change? Was it some sort of legal dispute going on?
Ok so I'm watching Blow and Diego was based on Carlos Ledher, why the name change? Was it some sort of legal dispute going on?
This is covered in every film made, sometimes they will disclose it in the opening credits and if not, it's at the end credits. Studios have to do this to protect themselves from lawsuits that might arise from individuals who's likeness is portrayed. They change names and sometimes genders/ethnicities to ensure that can't be held liable. If you watched The Departed you'll notice this was done too. They often will create characters who never existed as well.
This is covered in every film made, sometimes they will disclose it in the opening credits and if not, it's at the end credits. Studios have to do this to protect themselves from lawsuits that might arise from individuals who's likeness is portrayed. They change names and sometimes genders/ethnicities to ensure that can't be held liable. If you watched The Departed you'll notice this was done too. They often will create characters who never existed as well.

Few things on that.

1. The reason they do it is kind of crazy.

2. When a studio makes a biopic (we'll use Blow as an example here), they've usually only bought one person's story, and put the other parts together based on their story telling and matters of public record. In the case of Blow, it was George Jung's story. They didn't have Carlos Lehder's story, so if they name a character after him, they open themselves up to all sorts of legal problems if it isn't 100% factual. So, they change the name and make enough tweaks to the character in order to avoid liability. Diego certainly is Lehder, but the name change gives them more artistic license and eliminates a lot of problems.

3. In Narcos, they prefaced every episode with a disclaimer.
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