Never steal NT....FML.

Originally Posted by superbness

Easiest place to steal from is Best Buy. They have certain protocols they have to go by to apprehend you. I send people walk out of BE\est with Plasmas and Best Buy knew and coudlnt do nothing.

Only LP in Best Buy is the person at the door, Basically he has to see you walk in the door, watch you the whole time, watch you actually place item in pocket, and watch you as you walk out the door. Cannot miss a step... So basically if you walk into the bathroom with the produuct and stuff it in your pocket,(since bathroom has no Cameras), your gppd to go. BEst Buy cannot touch you! These are corp policies.

Also if you know a friend who works the door at BEst Buy like I do you can easily get free stuff as long as you have fake receipt

Had a feeling about this

I usually just come up like crazy on Black Friday..... thats the main reason I go. My game collection is upgraded (If im luck and no devices attached)

Some digi cams, almost walked out with a PS3 but I got a bad feeling and aborted but Im sure I would have gotten away cause I pushed a cart filled with stuff out the store.
smh yall don't know your rights when it comes to things like this.

first off it doesn't matter if the store is a big corporation or not the security gaurds are not supposed to grab you, hold you, take you down, whatever.

One because it doesn't matter whether or not you stole something in the U.S. you're innocent until proven guilty. So if they do get at you physically you can press charges for assault.

Secondly they can't hold you against your will because they're not the police the best they can do is stall until the police arrives. So if you ever get caught just say fine you caught me put the stuff anywhere and walk out of the store.

Also no a store CANNOT double or triple the cost of what you stole only a judge can. If they could do that a lot of people who get caught stealing would end up with felony charges and not misdemenor charges.

Lastly, unless you've been caught several times than steeling small quantities is usually petty theft and all you get is a fine and maybe community service, but you got to know how to negotiate. What many people don't realize is the court is like a business they're looking to get something out of you too whether it is money or free work.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

you would be surprised how many undercovers are at macys/lord n taylor/ ect.
^^Ever been to the Apple store????.... im older in the game so i can spot a cop, but they have an outrageous amounts of undercovers in there all damn day!
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