New Game Kids Are Playing Called " Knockout " Vol All Types Of Level Mad

1 line of players.

2 basketballs.

2 shots hand to be made before the person infront of you did or they were knocked out.
 it's wild how knockout seems to have different rules depending on where you're from.

We played one shot had to be made before the person in front of you did.
One of these dudes is going to catch the wrong guy who doesn't go down and then they'll see it's no game. 
I'm sure their cowardly skills are honed enough to make sure they're preying on the unsuspecting and weak.

They wouldn't put themselves in a fair or unfair (to them) fight.

They're as cowardly as you can be.
I legit had an full blown argument with my pops over this **** the other day... the generation before us legitimately set us back tens of years
Nah b... your skirt wearing generation doesn't need our help to set you back, you guys are doing a good job of that by yourselves

Ol skirtwearinglookinboy
dudes tried to pull this on me earlier this year. knocked my glasses off but didnt knock me out so i scrapped with 5 dudes until they ran off. then one of them realized he had dropped his ipod in the scuffle so he ran back to get it, i couldnt see and figured he was coming back for more. so i shifted into survival mode and pulled out my work knife, took a few swipes at dude and he ran for his life. I wouldve had no qualms about taking any of their lives that day. luckily i didnt though, the law seems to be quite stern on citizens that defend themselves.
Nah b... your skirt wearing generation doesn't need our help to set you back, you guys are doing a good job of that by yourselves

Ol skirtwearinglookinboy

I agree. Generations before aren't the main reasons for the current to act the way they are. There are way too many factors. Even where I grew up where we had a lot of asians and Filipinos, most of the parents bust their butts for us to have it good. We're talking about immigrating from another country to US so my generations can live a life that they never had. And what do we do, we let our influences take over us. I had so many friends that had the best upbringing ever and high school hit, they all became total knuckleheads. I mean we all didn't even live in a ghetto and most kids acted like they lived in a struggle. I blame that most on parent neglect but there is no way you can say the generation before affected the way the newer generation came out. If that was the case, we'd all be hard working as well but man......we were lazy as hell.
dudes tried to pull this on me earlier this year. knocked my glasses off but didnt knock me out so i scrapped with 5 dudes until they ran off. then one of them realized he had dropped his ipod in the scuffle so he ran back to get it, i couldnt see and figured he was coming back for more. so i shifted into survival mode and pulled out my work knife, took a few swipes at dude and he ran for his life. I wouldve had no qualms about taking any of their lives that day. luckily i didnt though, the law seems to be quite stern on citizens that defend themselves.
You could have skewered all 5 of them in Florida and it woulda been fine.
So far I don't think this "game" has hit the west coast or at least in the Bay Area. I mean we have pretty bad people here but I always want to think there is a purpose whether so and so looked at me funny or I want to jack you for your wallet. To hit someone and to knock them out for good reason.....that is a new one to me.

Tian Sheng Yu of SF, died awhile back after hitting his head on the concrete from being randomly suckerpunched by some urban youth. ***** ridiculous. :x
Does anybody have stats on this **** going on in States where people are allowed to carry concealed weapons? I feel like if criminals and goons know that nobody in their area is carrying due to the law, they have the upper hand, as opposed to a state where it is legal to carry and therefore they don't know who has what on them so they aren't as quick to roll up on people.

This **** is so sickening, that we can lose a loved one over something so stupid. Don't even give them a chance at protecting themselves falling face/head first into sidewalk, or curb :smh:
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They damn well know it' wrong. You're insane if you think otherwise. If they thought it was okay, they'd be doing it in front of police, in restaurants, and they wouldn't be running away after committing the act.

They simply have no self control and/or lack empathy.
lol dude tried to pull the "they dont know any better" card for some kids sucker punching random people......... that was a long shot....... bless his heart he tried
Tian Sheng Yu of SF, died awhile back after hitting his head on the concrete from being randomly suckerpunched by some urban youth. ***** ridiculous. :x

Well this was about the odd resurgence of crime on Chinese people in Oakland more so than this knockout thing. I remember this though. I think this was when tons of asian restaurants were getting robbed in Oakland because how most owners would never put up a fight when it happened. Even like old chines ladies were getting robbed.
Nah b... your skirt wearing generation doesn't need our help to set you back, you guys are doing a good job of that by yourselves

Ol skirtwearinglookinboy

you know how weak you sound attacking an entire generation with these cliche, nonsensical terms? :lol: there is no such

thing as setting a generation back in the way y'all are using the phrase y'all just sound silly. you and dude you replied too.

everybody just focus on themselves and whoever they can influence and you'll be okay. like i said before, nothing new under the

sun. the things you're making fun of the current generation for are just "radical" and will eventually not be a big deal and whatever

the next generation does will be cause for :smh: think about dudes way back when saying they remember when "men were men"

because of the hippie look at y'all fools saying the same thing. :rofl: :rofl: y'all so clueless, but it's hilarious

because y'all think y'all got it so right.
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lol dude tried to pull the "they dont know any better" card for some kids sucker punching random people......... that was a long shot....... bless his heart he tried
Right? Like they're puppies pissing on the carpet or something. Please.
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some people just like to do evil things,

i never once saw the appeal in knocking out old ladys or homeless people,

i did paintball some hookers after we had them approach the car,

there comes a certain age when you know you are doing some messed up ish.

to say that they dont know the difference means you are just easy to manipulate.

i was always the kid that was labeled the bad influence even though my other buddies were way worst, parents just need someone else to blame other than themselves.
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Who do you blame? The kids themselves? Their parents? Their parent's parents? Society? Why does this happen? 

I had a coworker who watched the video and made a racist comment about the black youth. I didn't agree with him. I think it's deeper than that. Let's face the facts. America is the land of opportunity but everyone didn't come here for a better opportunity. I hate to turn this into a race thread, but I would say it's safe to say that a lot of these games being played are by black kids. When you have a group of people who have been oppressed for generations, you are going to have problems that last generations. These kids ancestors were brought here to work as slaves. Their ancestors lacked education. Lacked rights. Were used for physical labor, where only the physically strong survived and the physically weak died off. Their cultures and values were stripped from them. This happened for DECADES. Just this century "equality" in a legal sense was achieved but the tragedies of slavery still haunt the generations of kids today. If you were raised by a single parent, who was raised by a single parent, who was raised by parents who didn't get a fair education, who was raised by parents who didn't get a fair education or human rights, who was raised by parents who had no education and no rights, who was raised by parents who were slaves, etc etc etc etc those socioeconomic issues are going to carryover to the next generation over and over again. Once segregation was abolished things don't fix themselves overnight. It's unfortunate but slavery and a lack of equal rights I feel created these problems in the inner cities today and it's a very complex problem. It's not fair to say "black kids are like this because they are black...." It's a bigger, much more complicated problem. 
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Blacks don't invest in our own future like other races's one reason whites are superior as a race (not individuals). Whites would take action ...blacks always complaining without a solution, looking for a leader, a rally, a club, a chance to protest etc. Never just take action. 

Successful blacks who don't give back are the worst, because they actually recognize the problem and try to escape it instead of investing in the future of the youth. They're dying for someone to hear their's obvious. BOW..."KNOCKOUT...hear me now"?

Blacks don't invest in our own future like other races's one reason whites are superior as a race (not individuals). Whites would take action ...blacks always complaining without a solution, looking for a leader, a rally, a club, a chance to protest etc. Never just take action. 

Successful blacks who don't give back are the worst, because they actually recognize the problem and try to escape it instead of investing in the future of the youth. They're dying for someone to hear their's obvious. BOW..."KNOCKOUT...hear me now"?

Whites would've have taken this matter to city council, get a mandate enforced on steeper penalties for these types of assaults. Offer rewards for arrests and convictions connected to "KNOCKOUTS". 

Whenever there's a new fad, trend or drug in suburban areas parents take charge and responsibility for their OWN kid.
They aren't afraid to pick up a phone and dial 911.

You're giving them a little too much credit.
See is this your own observation? Or do you have statistics, creditable news sources? Because I do. 

More than half the black population doesn't have a father in the home and a large percentage live with their grandparents who are too old to care for them.
It's simply not true. You find crappy parents wherever you go.

You said "Whenever there's a new fad, trend or drug in suburban areas parents take charge and responsibility for their OWN kid."

That's a blanket statement.
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