New Game Kids Are Playing Called " Knockout " Vol All Types Of Level Mad

I wish I WOULD catch my son doing some dumb **** like that
I'll knock his *** out
Kids today I swear man
let me make sure i'm getting this correct...

some folks are saying its not the kid's fault? that we should blame society?

:lol: these dudes are like... 14-18... they know what they're doing it wrong.

It's not their fault man.... Blame the parents.... Wait??? No no, blame the parent's parents.... Errrrr..... Hold on, blame the parent's parent's ahhhh.... Parents...... Wait wait.... It's society, and ahhh.... Blame Jesus?

Seems like some people want to hold society accountable for its effect on these kids.... but dont even mention holding kids accountable for their effect on society or you'll be labeled as an insensitive cold hearted person.

jesus didnt know any better, god just raised him wrong
Another absentee father in the colored community, that's why he went round hanging out. With them harlots, preaching against social norms.


jesus didnt know any better, god just raised him wrong
Another absentee father in the colored community, that's why he went round hanging out. With them harlots, preaching against social norms.
hang out with the wrong people and got screwed over by a snitch in his crew :smh:
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I dislike that the media only interviewed African-American/Black teenagers. It gives the impression that only AA/Black teens participate in this.
Some of you just have to realize that all that is going on now is nothing new,it has been done before in some form or fashion it's just that now we have the internet, the information, news and entertainment is instantly one click away when pre-internet we would of probably never heard about such a thing happening unless we lived in that city.Even when receiving news faster Americans Lynch Mob mentality is still pretty much the same especially when it comes to certain situation that isn't so black & white.
Word... This game isn't new at ALL. Media just caught wind of it and made a story out of it.

Youngins with something to prove to the older dudes they hung around have been doing this, and things much much worse, for yeaaaars.
Probably so,I myself was a badass when I was younger for no other reasons other than just because I wanted to be.I didn't kill,rape or pillage a village,I wasn't that bad but I did something that after I look back on it now as an adult were stupid but at the time I thought it was fun and whatever came with having I thought I was ready to handle it good or bad.
Like what, for instance?

There's nothing badass about this. This is gutless and cowardly.

These kids are sociopaths. Age really has nothing to do with it.
this generation of kids is disgusting. anything to impress people who they wont even be cool with in 5 years

I'd like to use my normal account to state something here.

This behaviour is not exclusive to black kids and it aint new either. It's basically a step up from 'Happy Slapping', a popular and depressing phenomenon that 'originated' here in England. But it's not even like that was something new.

I'm 35 now but 20-23 years ago, I hung around in two different groups of lads(we weren't gangs) but some of the second group were members of N40. Stoke City Football Club's hooligan outfit.

The guys I hung around with then would also attack innocent passers by. They were not officially playing 'knockout' or 'happy Slapping' because they had not been 'invented' yet...As we didn't have camera phones, so the 'phenomenons' remained personal to us; the witnesses and offenders, and the victims.

We were/are 100% white British. This happened white on black, white on asian, and white on white.

The people I grew up with were (and a lot still are) racist *****. And would think nothing of going up to the Asian area for a bit of "paki bashing"

This type of **** happens wherever there are stupid bored young people. Nothing to do with skin colour.

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Can't wait for those kids to hit the wrong person. They pick easy targets too....what has society come to? You want to prove your strength? Go life weights. You want to prove you can fight...fight some one who will fight back :smh: straight cowardice

Waits for them to hit some one....not knock them out...dude pulls out a gun and ends lives on some self defense tip. I hope he gets off too.
Send all these kids back to 95'

Knockout would turn in Shootout instantly.
Doubtful. They're targeting people that aren't about that life.

Best we can hope for is that some vigilante hip to the game to sees it and takes matters into his own hands.
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Just heard about the "Knock Out the jew game" in BK.

Things are about to get ugly. Already some serious bad blood between black people and the Hasidic Jews in BK. 
Just heard about the "Knock Out the jew game" in BK.

Things are about to get ugly. Already some serious bad blood between black people and the Hasidic Jews in BK. 
Yep. They punched a 12 year old boy in the face the other night. As if living in Crown Heights wasn't bad enough because of the bubbling tension.
Just heard about the "Knock Out the jew game" in BK.

Things are about to get ugly. Already some serious bad blood between black people and the Hasidic Jews in BK. 
I wouldn't mess with the Hasidic Jews. They scare the hell out of me.
This is just a harsher version of the Smack Cam game, ******' absurd. If one of those kids tried some ish like that, it'd be a wrap for him. How do you go to complete strangers and do that? Crazy.
Yep. They punched a 12 year old boy in the face the other night. As if living in Crown Heights wasn't bad enough because of the bubbling tension.

Am I tripping or is the kid they wearing a hoodie? He didn't look like he was wearing the usual Hasidic attire
Am I tripping or is the kid they wearing a hoodie? He didn't look like he was wearing the usual Hasidic attire
Surprised they did it right in front of the Shomrim truck. If I remember correctly shomrim is supposed to be some kind of neighborhood watch program
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