New GTA V screen shots + more this week.

Dude, if there was one thing that everyone agrees sucks about GTA IV, it's the physics engine. It just doesn't work well. It's supposed to be realistic, but that doesn't mean it makes playing the game more fun. It takes forever to walk/run from one place to the next and it's so annoying how the character lies on the ground for like 5 seconds after you're hit by a car.
It works well for and the majority of GTA fans. Everything seems to have the right weight and acts accordingly and makes every crash, hit, etc different. It makes the previous GTA games near impossible to play because of their lack of a physics engine. It could barely be called that IMO.

get hit by a car in real life and tell when how fast you get up...make sure you have a stop watch. goof.
physics engine was on point to me.

The physics engine was something to get used to at first, but I got to like it. Even the handling on the cars were hard, but you get used to it. The bikes on the other hand sucked imo. Couldn't hit those sharp turns like before. What they lacked was the customization and the other fun elements they had in the previous games. I want to be able to purchase property. I also liked the certain perimeters you can reach to get away from the police. It was pretty easy to escape six stars too. All you have to do is have a window between you and the police, jump inside a new vehicle and ride off :pimp:
It works well for and the majority of GTA fans. Everything seems to have the right weight and acts accordingly and makes every crash, hit, etc different. It makes the previous GTA games near impossible to play because of their lack of a physics engine. It could barely be called that IMO.


Majority of GTA fans? WHAT??? Unplayable? Do you like read comments from GTA fans around the web? Everyone is saying that gameplay enjoyment fell off in IV compared to San Andreas. And on top of that, most of those people are the ones who have mainly played the vastly inferior version of San Andreas on PS2, and not the better Xbox or even PC versions.

If they try to make the physics engine according to what the physics are on the moon and not on earth, then I don't want that physics engine.
In the end, the game will just get less and less "fun" because they're just going to try to make the game more and more realistic.
oh mi gawd. if CJ is the lead character again that would be sick. if this is anything like a updated san andreas it will be the best gta yet. eff all that gta4 phone your friends crap. like people are saying. i like san andreas missions the best. finally a reason to turn on my ps3 again.

CJ wont be in it according to the character who does his voice n went on twitter and said he wont be in the game

Vice City will always be my favorite

I was wishing for a updated Vice City

I wouldnt mind seeing GTA in Vegas (redid the right way) or DC tho
get hit by a car in real life and tell when how fast you get up...make sure you have a stop watch. goof.
physics engine was on point to me.


Die in real life and tell when you can load a point in your life 5 minutes before your death. You can do this in IV you know.

Maybe to make it super, ultra realistic they should have your character have one life and once you die you wouldn't be able to play the game again, have them prevent your gamertag of ever playing the game again and everything. That would be so awesome, it would be so realistic.

= More fun than anything IV has to offer.
There's a fine line between realism and playable. If you die just once and you can't play the game anymore, that would just be crossing the line.
There's a fine line between realism and playable. If you die just once and you can't play the game anymore, that would just be crossing the line.

But I thought more realistic = better game.

Maybe that's crossing the line to you. To me crossing the line already is having your character move way slower than necessary.

What else short of dying would be crossing the line then? If the police catch you the game forces you to go to prison, only allowing you to walk around in a small cell without any form of entertainment for a very long time?

It's a friggin game. If making it more realistic stands in the way of making it more fun, then they shouldn't do that. If making it more realistic doesn't stand in the way of making it more fun, then they should definitely do it. The physics engine in IV that annoys the majority of GTA fans went too far.
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my only complaint with IV as far as physics is at certain low speed crashes, the driver or passenger will be thrown through the wind shield. it's funny at first, but then you're short on health, in search of a health pack, drive through an intersection, clip another car, veer off the road, hit the corner of a dinner, then fly through the window and die.

the other issue i have is more with the motion capture and not physics. R* didn't give the character the option to step back and turn, you can only step forward and turn. this can be a problem if you are on the roof of a building shooting at someone on the ground. instead of stepping back from the ledge, the character steps forward in a half circle to turn 180 degrees. i fell to my death a couple times before i realized what was happening.
GTA IV Physics was not good, at least for that game. Realism isnt good for a game like GTA.
But I thought more realistic = better game.
Maybe that's crossing the line to you. To me crossing the line already is having your character move way slower than necessary.
What else short of dying would be crossing the line then? If the police catch you the game forces you to go to prison, only allowing you to walk around in a small cell without any form of entertainment for a very long time?
It's a friggin game. If making it more realistic stands in the way of making it more fun, then they shouldn't do that. If making it more realistic doesn't stand in the way of making it more fun, then they should definitely do it. The physics engine in IV that annoys the majority of GTA fans went too far.
I'm not saying more realistic = better game. I'm saying that's what they're going for from now on. The point is, they're trying to create a balance of realism and fun together.

Comparing SA to GTA IV would be like comparing 2K12 to Street.
Die in real life and tell when you can load a point in your life 5 minutes before your death. You can do this in IV you know.
Maybe to make it super, ultra realistic they should have your character have one life and once you die you wouldn't be able to play the game again, have them prevent your gamertag of ever playing the game again and everything. That would be so awesome, it would be so realistic.

= More fun than anything IV has to offer.

You guys are overstating with that realism argument. More realistic CAN be a good thing and it CAN be more fun than San Andreas.

The only gripe I have with GTA4 was:

1. Gameplay
-Driving wasn't nearly as satisfying as it was in SA. As someone said above, the low speed crashing was terrible. Steering was terrible. Car's individual speed was also terrible. A crash at 5mph would cause the car to swerve, back and forth while you fight to gain control back of the vehicle. No matter how realistic that is, it's NOT fun. At Alll. Car handling in the game was the thing I hated the most. Every car in the game handled the exact same way. From Infernus to Minivan. They all turned like semi trucks no matter what speed you were going. A more sporty car should have tighter steering, I'm not saying it should be F-1 like as it was in SA, but it should be relatively tighter than the Minivan. Driving fast in the game wasn't satisfying, as in the handling point, it seemed like the Infernus was driving the same speed as one of the bigger vehicles. I just didn't feel like I was going fast.
-Not enough guns or cheat codes. There was only two gun cheats in GTA4, although there was only one more in SA, it felt like there was a lot more. I can't remember if there was a "mayhem" cheat in SA, but I know there was one in GTA3. I would LOVE to see something like that in a GTA4 setting. I used to always do the "Civilians have weapons" + "Mayhem" it was always a fun time. :lol:
-Lack of activities, like everyone says. Without a doubt, the funnest mission on GTA4 was the bank robbery mission. If they would have had that as an activity to just do whenever you please. :pimp: If Rockstar could add the same amount of fun activities/side mission as Saint's Row 3 had, we'll be in for a masterpiece of a game.
-More in-depth/better customization. Clothes, maybe a little bit on cars, guns, and even homes. I like doing stuff like that and I think adds a little bit extra to the game.
2. Story
-Story was just plain boring and not very relatable. Characters weren't as interesting or fun as SA.

They only need to change small things. I'm all for realism, but, obviously, you make EVERYTHING hyper realistic (a la Day Z) or you're catering to a very small market.
There's a fine line between realism and playable. If you die just once and you can't play the game anymore, that would just be crossing the line.

But I thought more realistic = better game.

Maybe that's crossing the line to you. To me crossing the line already is having your character move way slower than necessary.

What else short of dying would be crossing the line then? If the police catch you the game forces you to go to prison, only allowing you to walk around in a small cell without any form of entertainment for a very long time?

It's a friggin game. If making it more realistic stands in the way of making it more fun, then they shouldn't do that. If making it more realistic doesn't stand in the way of making it more fun, then they should definitely do it. The physics engine in IV that annoys the majority of GTA fans went too far.

I think everyone liked SA so much cause most of the people who play the game grew up in the gangster rap era with Dre, Snoop, NWA 2Pac and the game brought that out
Sucks to hear CJ won't be back... no other GTA is touching San Andreas, plot-wise...

I just hope story won't suck as much as it did in GTA 4.
Realism and the physics of GTA IV were NOT the main or biggest issues and what caused GTA IV to be not as enjoyable as the PS2 era GTA games.

It was the lack of story and it being just way to dark to enjoy & follow is what MAINLY made GTA IV a disappointment.I seriously played GTA IV when it first came out for about a month and didn't pop my PS3 game disc back in until a year and a half later.Even when I finished the main story of Niko it just felt like a chore and I had a hard time understanding what it was all about.

Also R* going the route of releasing Episodes From Liberty City and connect 2 separate characters to tie in the story with Niko's was just a bad move.

The side quests were also not that fun.R* using a cell phone and building friendships, relationships, and having girlfriends on the side was annoying also.Niko's cousin Roman was just annoying as hell.

Another aspect where R* really missed it hard with GTA IV was the soundtrack. GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas was just literally perfect and they got it right with the right mix and variety tied to the era's for those 2 games.Even the comedy radio station's with Lazlow and other DJ's weren't that funny compared to the past GTA games.

Also the thing with GTA games is that people play it for a bunch of different reasons.People like myself like the open world game genre with a great story & plot with a lot of fun things to do on the side.

Other people I know or who I've had discussions about the GTA games say they play just to F around and cause mayhem & chaos and like to enter in the crazy cheats or they like F'ing around killing cops and see how far they can get & survive with their wanted level in the game.

Other people just like playing it because they want to be a Gangsta because they can't be that character in their own real life.

That's the whole reason why this console generation while R* has gone more of serious & realism route with GTA IV.THQ the maker of the Saint Row games has gone with the more wack, stupid, and over the top type of stuff.They're catering to and trying to capitalize on the people who were turned off by GTA IV's style.
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Sucks to hear CJ won't be back... no other GTA is touching San Andreas, plot-wise...
I just hope story won't suck as much as it did in GTA 4.

The reason being is that Dan Houser in a interview I think with Gamespot basically explained that they don't use character's from a different generations because it's 2 different game worlds.

San Andreas plot & story was ok but nothing to really write home about. R* for GTA San Andreas was really paying tribute to the 90's era gangs in LA & Socal.Just look at the games soundtrack and the music they used.

Same thing with GTA Vice City. R* was paying tribute and giving props to the 80's era, Miami Vice, and Scarface.

GTA IV was set in present day and fictational New York.

GTA V is looking like it's a present day LA & Socal what R* is going for.
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And here is why we aren't getting that much info like in the past with other GTA games and R* made games:

One of the other things that this studio is well known for is very carefully controlling the information that comes out before and during a game. In the movie industry, they are offering fans more of a peek behind the curtain of late.

DH: Yeah.

It doesn't seem like you are very eager to embrace that. Does it take away the magic?

DH: That's really it. It was really important to us that the games felt kind of magical. And seeing too many videos and or even seeing interviews of us sitting there pointing stuff out and showing how it's all done [detracts from that].

I think with the movies, the less you know about the stars the better. The best movies are where you go and don't know anyone that's in it. And we want to keep that feeling -- we always did and continue to want it now -- where it might annoy people that we don't give out more information. But I think the end point is people enjoy the experience.

Obviously, it's a balancing act to sell the game... We used to have an exact formula for how much information you give out and how much you wouldn't. Literally, it was sort of a pie chart. It's hard to be that controlling, but you certainly want features that people are discovering. Some amount they learn about in advance, and some amount in reviews, but hopefully you can keep [other aspects] quiet until [people] are actually playing the game, because you want it to have the surprises and you want it to be magic.

The less they know about how things are pieced together and how things are exactly broken down, and exactly what our processes are, the more it will feel like this thing is alive, that you are being dragged into the experience. That's what we want.

[h3]The Main Story[/h3]
Chico Vialpando, he has the car, the money, the charisma and the way with women. He has the luck in life. In a time where money is scarce, Chico was one of the lucky ones, although his parents are struggling to make ends meet.

Taken under her care as a baby, Kendl raised Leo as her own, after the fatal shooting of CJ in late 1992 and the fatal car accident in 1995 of Leo’s mother, Denise Johnson, leaving Leo an orphan.
Denise had spent all of her husband’s money and when she died, there was nothing left. Some say it was suicide, regardless, Leo was now 20 years old, with not a dime to his name.

Day by day he is being persuaded to join the street gang syndicate…Chico’s family are on the border of disowning him, Chico wants to help his cousin Leo, he doesn’t want to see his family go under, but at the same time doesn’t want to give them all of his money.

Cesar cannot continue to operate the garage business due to lack of business and failing economy. He is lured by the thought of escaping to Vice City.
Cesar had told his son Chico the legend of Carl Johnson, how he had saved the streets and that Leo was all that remained of Carl’s legacy.

It is when Chico meets the business man, Toni, that things start to change. Toni Cipriani arrived in Los Santos after leaving behind his failed marriage and kids, meeting Chico, who’s own family are on the border of destruction, the timing was perfect. Time and money were of the essence. Little does Chico know, Toni has his own agenda in San Andreas.
Los Santos, 2012. The playground of the rich and famous, now a city folding under an economic crisis. Difficult political issues, crime and poverty hang over the streets. Where the rich stay rich and the poor die trying.

For Chico, it’s been fun. Now it’s time to get serious. In an epic journey that will take him across the entire state of San Andreas, Chico must save his cousin Leo, put an end to the street gang syndicate and stop his family from self destruction. The question is ‘At what price?’
CHICO VIALPANDO – 20 yr old, successful and lucky in life
CESAR VIALPANDO – Father of Chico, struggling to make ends meet
KENDL VIALPANDO – Mother of Chico, was CJ’s sister. Adopted Leo after the death of Denise Johnson. Trying to keep the family together
LEO JOHNSON – The son of Carl Johnson. Being persuaded to join the street gangs syndicate
TONI CIPRIANI – Just arrived from Liberty City, head of the Leone Corporation, has had failed marriage, two children who live with ex wife. Is in Los Santos ‘on business’
JOEY FARRINGO – Sindacco mobster, in Los Santos on the trail of Toni for alimony owed to Toni’s ex wife
FRANK BASTACCI – Also Sindacco mobster, in Los Santos with Joey. Is a former mental patient
GREG MACILVOY – The Los Santos CutGrass golf pro, he is seen in the trailer #1 teeing off at the par 3, 8th
ELI PAYNE – Is a ‘man of the street’ – he knows a lot of people
VERONICA FANNING – She is a girl that Chico wants to date, she loves to tease him about it but secretly admires his style. Seen crossing the street in #1 trailer, she is into the band ‘Love Fist’
REGGIE WILSON – African American who thinks he has style, seen in #1 trailer with colorful sweater
CHUCK ‘DADDY’ LOW – Pimp of Los Santos
DEX KINTON – Computer genius who is in love with an avatar
HOSÉ GONZALES – This Mexican has connections to the street gang syndicate
AGENT 69 – This man works undercover for the F.I.B.
CINDY BUCKSTUD – Young upcoming movie actress in adult entertainment
ED WALLBERGER – Fast talking lawyer who mixes his words up and confuses even himself.

Obviously the legitimacy of this information can be taken with a huge pinch of salt, like any leaked info.Take Two  will be at this years E3 but it is currently unknown as to whether any new information aboutGTA V  will be released.
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