New GTA V screen shots + more this week.

Thank you! That's why I loved 4 so much. The story was amazing.
Don't understand how people fail to realize that.
Thank you! That's why I loved 4 so much. The story was amazing.
Don't understand how people fail to realize that.

I think you got it the wrong way. Part 4 was exactly like what the guy said, do this do that kill him kill her. So how was that amazing to you? If anything it did feel like a slave/errand boy.

I remember this game, it was pretty fun. I remember as soon as you pull that handbrake (even when you're at a complete stop), if a cop is nearby, he will chase you down. :lol:
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I'm taking a day off school + work on the release date so I can lock myself in my room and play ALL ****** DAY with the lights off :smokin

I want an AWSOME storyline, Something that will keep me interested in the game. And not feel like some kind of errand boy or slave that runs to fools to do missions and crap.smh, I wanna be my own boss and do my own missions, I mean meeting a few new characters along the way is cool, but I don't wanna have to do crap for them like im there pet slave and spit.
We bout that empire life!

Pleeeeease let us be MacGuyver Walter
This game is going to be something else. The psychics engine of GTA IV + fun stuff from San Andreas = win. 

Say what you want about GTA IV but every single time I play that game something different ALWAYS happens.

My personal fave is Vice City though. That game was a masterpiece. 

EDIT : Wow I completely looked over some details. Weapon customization seems to be in. First we saw a silencer now there's a laser sight on the AK.

It also looks like the main character is C.J in the 2nd and 4th pics but it looks like the old white dude in the 1st and 3rd pics. Will this be the first GTA where you play as multiple characters? Seems logical when the GTA IV expansions both had different characters. GTA IV in total had 3 real main characters. This would be dope if they did this in game. The storytelling would be way better.
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I want to cop but after 4 I don't know if I can take the risk

Why do people act like GTA IV was not worth the $$? Sure, you can think that it wasn't as great as SA or whatever, but c'mon son.

GTA IV was an excellent game.

this. I loved it. honestly, I didnt have any complaints about it. just that it wasn't as long as I wanted. but I loved the dark aspect of it. just like I loved RED Dead. I love that rockstar makes games that you can zone out and get lost in.
Those Screenshots

Jacking cars from a moving vehicle

I hope they add custom soundtracks for the game. I don't want to start the game & have to listen to Swizz Beatz - Top Down every single time
EDIT : Wow I completely looked over some details. Weapon customization seems to be in. First we saw a silencer now there's a laser sight on the AK.

Look a little closer...

It appears that that these new NOOSE agents have these on their M4's now... Or that its a feature available to assault rifles...

Not to say that AK's won't or can't have beams on them now...

Hopefully, we'll get a wider selection of weapons than what we had in GTA IV...

Body is beyond ready ofr this game... :pimp:

Oh... and I can't see how folks are saying that GTA IV wasn't fun... Game was nice... Not as fun as SA, but still very enjoyable IMO...
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Nice screen shots.

Still haven't finished GTA IV yet, hopefully I do before GTA V's release date.
^ Not only that but there seems to be hints at some multiple playable characters.


Got the old dude flying the jet

hispanic guy with the A/K shooting at the chopper.

Black guy drying the lambo/ jacking car from semi.

Plus the guy driving the van.

I want to cop but after 4 I don't know if I can take the risk

Why do people act like GTA IV was not worth the $$? Sure, you can think that it wasn't as great as SA or whatever, but c'mon son.

GTA IV was an excellent game.

people dont like change.

only problem i had with IV is the lack of customization, the half *** job they did porting it over to pc & the lack of subway service in Alderney
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They should have online modes like COD and you can join a gang and ish, walk around murkin jokers left and right... real time poppin whips and rollin out, but in a closed map 15 min or whatever that would be dope... more real life that COD though, I would dig it
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