New HBO series "Ballers" starring The Rock

i like how theyre showing mj as an alternative to prescriptions for athletes

a guy from the ravens got cut for trying to get involved w research




Seiford is a scumbag. He was ready to pull up from HALF once Charles wife facetimed him. He was definitely plotting
Can't eem blame him. Why her fine *** wearing them tight *** dresses with nipples poking like she still tryna get chose.
And damn they have some of the finest women on this show. Charles wife so damn fine
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I mean I wasn't expecting Ballers to one of HBO's critically acclaimed shows, but it has dipped a bit in quality compared to the first two seasons.

I still watch because The Rock is my dude and for Julie Greene cameos.
Didn't Ricky sign with the saints at the end of last season? This season they're saying he won a ring with the Patriots last year.
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