new sidekick 2009 video showcase, showing off youtube plus more new stuff!

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

alright so what are the new features besides 3G?

Able to create your own ringtones.
No limit on video recording.
3.2 MP camera.
Twitter, FaceBook, and MySpace app built in.

I wanna know if there's a tabbed web browser, then it'll be perfect.
Originally Posted by quik1987

If you can't admit that the sidekick is marketed for teenagers then that's on you. I don't know any grown !%% man or professional that would rock a tony hawk or LRG edition phone. Be serious.

It's not about who it's marketed towards, it's about what it does and what you look for in a phone.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

touch screen > bunch of buttons that end up sticking after a ton of use

having your itunes library on your phone > ___

safari web broswer > ____

sleek, one piece phone > swivel, moving parts that end up breaking after a year or two

i had two sidekicks (mr. cartoon, sidekick 3) and they absolutely sucked after a while. service went out for no reason, swivel screen would stop working well after a while, buttons started to stick, big and clunky... i could go on. it's a phone for kids.

LMAO ... this guy ...

first off, touch screen phones are straight up GARBAGE ... theres no reason to get a touch screen because it will either a) not respond quickly enough b)respond to the wrong letter/button pushed c) break

having your itunes library? LMAO how about having an 8gb sd card with free reign on what music you put on there with no 3rd party software to deal with? ithink everyone can agree, if apple wasnt so hyped, people would much rather the various other mp3 players on the market because of the drag and dropcapabilities ... itunes SUCKS ... i can transfer files onto my phone with ease and that is on the current lx ... get outta here with that itunes $%!@, one ofthe worst arguments ive ever seen ...

safari web browser? ... ... ... ...

sleek one piece phone over the swivel? well i wouldnt know because ive had a sk for about 5 years now and its been more than enough for me ... when i sprungfor the og iphone on release date and it broke 1 week later, i swore off that garbage for good ... i know 2 seperate people that have sent their iphonespacking ... in fact, the only person i know with an iphone is this pompous broke %$# businessman who swears hes tight cuz he slicks his hair and has an iphone,+#+@! your broke ... and as the saying goes "every chick i bone cant leave the %#*@ alone, so i know its one of them every time i flip my phone,BREATHE" ...

and last but not least, i pay $60 a month for UNLIMITED calls, text, email, web browsing, whatever etc... etc...
if you really think you can type faster on the iPhone's touch screen keyboard than the Sidekick's keyboard, the best keyboard on a cell phone.
SW33TS1NC3R1TY talk on aim?
Btw the lx keypad looks better than this one. As a matter of fact the past lx looks better than this. This one reminds me of that sk 2008 or w.e. The middleparts to the side panels look weird and eh.
Sidekicks is a child's phone...let's be realistic. Ive never owned a sidekick. This sidekick seems like any other sidekick. Id rock with a g1 beforethis...
Custom ringtones...damn finally I've had like every sk since the 2 and now you wanna have custom ringers...oh well I'm off tmobile in 2months idk whereto go....ADVICE ANYONE???
its like everything that i wanted sk to fix, they did ... custom ringtones?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by SW33TS1NC3R1TY

Unlimited data (grandfathered) for 19.99 > for "grown up" phone image....

I swear some of u need to worry about your insecurites if you worried about your percieved phone stereotypes...

no one is insecure about anything, you're the one who continues to bring it up. btw, you misspelled insecurities and perceived, but i'm notsurprised...

as for lilistar, lol what you said is all bogus. safari is a great browser, itunes is simple to use. plus the great apps. but i won't waste my timearguing, no point. you'll understand in 5 years
i would bet im older than you and make more money than you ... and i use a sidekick ... and if i wasnt engaged, id whip out my sidekick and book more broadsthan you ever would whipping out your iphone ...

you all hell bent over making it known that a sk is a "kiddie" phone ... im grown as %%$%
Originally Posted by chris steez

Sidekicks is a child's phone...let's be realistic. Ive never owned a sidekick. This sidekick seems like any other sidekick. Id rock with a g1 before this...

someone doesn't read detail
Originally Posted by chris steez

Sidekicks is a child's phone...let's be realistic. Ive never owned a sidekick. This sidekick seems like any other sidekick. Id rock with a g1 before this...

Then you have no right to call it a "child's phone" when you obviously know nothing about it.
Isn't it ironic how the people in here saying "Sidekicks are for kids" are acting like bigger kids than the ones who actually own Sidekicks???
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

i would bet im older than you and make more money than you ... and i use a sidekick ... and if i wasnt engaged, id whip out my sidekick and book more broads than you ever would whipping out your iphone ...

you all hell bent over making it known that a sk is a "kiddie" phone ... im grown as %%$%
oh man, you got me. how will i ever book broads without a sidekick.

i know all i need to know on your maturity. if you're older than me, sad.

oh and i love how you threw in that dig about money, self-confidence need some boosting? i could care less about your financial situation, i investaggressively enough that i don't worry about another man's money. keep em coming.
Sidekick 09 ftw! In my opinion this is a great phone..easy use of internet an aim! What else can you ask for? Are people just into touch screens..does thatmake some1 more adult or something? But, to each his own
Originally Posted by SW33TS1NC3R1TY

better screen then the iphone
heh, that's funny. if you want i can post pics of my iphone that i've had since launch, no case, no scratches. the glass is hard toscratch and if you wipe it off even once a week, it looks good as new.
i was actually thinking about getting this data only. work is taking away my blackberry and giving me an nokia e71 which is nice but all apps are java apps andjava apps suck gonads.
you sk & iphone defenders are beginning to look like douches. they're just phones.

and really... if everybody & their mom gets on iphones like they did sk's in years past (I had one too
) then you'd say pretty much the same things...

played out, kiddy phones, etc...

cuz guess what? KIDS will have them. and when the brand expands to a new demographic, it'll adapt to it. sk's just happened to appeal to teens thewhole time... but don't think iphones & BB's aren't gonna be marketed to younger people.

but hey, when it comes down to it, the sk's hype is a fail. BB's & iphones rule the market right now. period.
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