New video of the Oscar Grant shooting


what the hell man..
Its sickening all the way around. Even if he meant to use his taser, he didn't really need to by the looks of a cell phone video.

If him having a kid led him to be edgy along with the activities that took place prior on BART and around it, then BART is just as liable for negligence.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by 430AM

Arms behind his back and hand cuffed already... Damn.

for the record...he wasn't cuffed.
the cuffed him after he was shot
They just aired it on the noon news and videos from different angles show that he was def. cuffed before the shooting.
Analyst also state that the officer had already pulled out his taser then for some reason it just disappears, and then he pulls out his gun. It doesn'tshow whether he put his taser back in his holster or passed it off to another officer.

People in Oakland are pissed because the DA has yet to press charges... There was about 50-100 people rallying in front of the DA's office earlier thismorning.
Originally Posted by Super T1ght

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by 430AM

Arms behind his back and hand cuffed already... Damn.
for the record...he wasn't cuffed.
they cuffed him after he was shot
point taken but totally irrelevant imo.
no...but it's a point that could be used by the defense that Grant was struggling...which he did appear to be initially doing.
like i said in the other post..super justice need to be served. Cop should be killed too..
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by 430AM

Arms behind his back and hand cuffed already... Damn.

for the record...he wasn't cuffed.
the cuffed him after he was shot

Thank you, how you even cuff someone that you already shot and killed..this people know what they are doing. And why won't he
even come out and say something.
Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by 430AM

Arms behind his back and hand cuffed already... Damn.

for the record...he wasn't cuffed.
the cuffed him after he was shot
They just aired it on the noon news and videos from different angles show that he was def. cuffed before the shooting.
look at the end of the video that was posted.
you can clearly see his hands were NOT cuffed...he's waiving them around 1:46-1:59
for some odd reason this hits close to him. I could just imagine me being in that same situation

Dude went to my high school, and we played in the basketball team together but i didn't really know him that well. It's still disturbing to see him golike this...SMH
pretty sad and why have they been moving the officer..he is scared of His life unto people what you want to be done to you. Live by the gun and die byone.
this could happen to anyone. you would think people know by now not to even make any movement around the police.
Originally Posted by Ajwings23

pretty sad and why have they been moving the officer..he is scared of His life unto people what you want to be done to you. Live by the gun and die by one.

This is the problem with all the videos and pictures being released. He's being tried in the public, while people are forming their own opinions based onbiases and personal experience. Of course they should move him, he should only be killed by the law not a vendetta or angry mob. Not to mention putting hisfamily at risk for no reason.
He definitely didn't deserve to be shot, but he shouldn't have been a punk trying to resist arrest. Look at the other cats, just sitting there cuffed.Dude was squirming around fighting back.
i live in san francisco and they been covering this nonstop ive got off at the spot where he was shot at b4... wat a shame my condolences to his family andR.I.P. everytime i see a bart police ima dog em!
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