New video of the Oscar Grant shooting

nelly28 wrote:
this could happen to anyone. you would think people know by now not to even make any movement around the police.
They will still shoot you regardless

If being shot flat on your stomach from behind isn't enough then I don't know what is...

Well I can see this case coming to my office pretty soon

Seeing people protest my office and walk around our building FTL.

Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

He definitely didn't deserve to be shot, but he shouldn't have been a punk trying to resist arrest. Look at the other cats, just sitting there cuffed. Dude was squirming around fighting back.

You call that resisting arrest?? YEA OKAY!

Let someone 230lbs put their knee in your neck with most of their weight behind it and we will see if you "squirm"

Cops do be OD'ing sometimes with putting their weight on you when you are handcuffed.

When my cousin got arrested the cops broke her arm because he put his knee in her back and was pressing on her arms while she was handcuffed.
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

i live in san francisco and they been covering this nonstop ive got off at the spot where he was shot at b4... wat a shame my condolences to his family and R.I.P. everytime i see a bart police ima dog em!

someone post that bolo young "'you are next "' gif for this dumb repy
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by Ajwings23

pretty sad and why have they been moving the officer..he is scared of His life unto people what you want to be done to you. Live by the gun and die by one.

This is the problem with all the videos and pictures being released. He's being tried in the public, while people are forming their own opinions based on biases and personal experience. Of course they should move him, he should only be killed by the law not a vendetta or angry mob. Not to mention putting his family at risk for no reason.

he should have thought about that first. Thought about his unborn child at that time and make a great decision.check the link that the MOD posted..there arecouple more vids from that link..if I know am about to have a baby, I will think about my family first. I don't have a kid now but someday I will love tohave one..and when I do I will love to be there for them and GOD willing have a longer life to see him/her be a better person.
damn that's crazy. you can clearly see he was not cuffed though, still doesn't make it right.
a cop can taser you till you cant control your body and call it resisting arrest

Originally Posted by wanksta23

accidents do happen...would the right way be charging him with murder?

yes, civilians that accidently murder people get charged with murder
accidents do happen...would the right way be charging him with murder?

Ok but where is the accountability? In every other job even if you make an honest mistake you have to endure some kind of consequence. This shouldnot be any different. Myabe it was an accident, but he should at least lose his job and never become a cop again.
- im tired of watching that video

- i hate cops.

- we shouldnt have to suffer through watching a young mans life being taken over and over again trying to decipher if a cop intentionally shot him or not whenhe had NO BUSINESS with a gun drawn in the first place.

- i HATE cops.

- imagine if we didnt live in this digital age with cellphone video cameras all over the place? then what?

- im so tired of the injustices of people when it somes to cops.

- god i hate cops.

- however, i have to be honest and say it really does look like an accident. meaning i dont think he meant to shoot the kid (he did mean to draw his gun forwhatever reason). but his gun has no business being out, so what would that make it manslaughter? either way....even if im wrong on his intent.....alife is another life is gone and ive grown so tired of the same old %+%*%%!$ with cops. damn i hate +%@*#@ cops.
Originally Posted by socaking

accidents do happen...would the right way be charging him with murder?
Ok but where is the accountability? In every other job even if you make an honest mistake you have to endure some kind of consequence. This should not be any different. Myabe it was an accident, but he should at least lose his job and never become a cop again.
Lose his job? What about his 4-year old daughter who lost her daddy FOREVER?
Lose his job? What about his 4-year old daughter who lost her daddy FOREVER?
Look we all know that under normal circumstances no cop is really going to jail of it looked like he made a mistake or was his actions werejustified. But hopefully that lawyer and videos chnage some things around. I mean 3 different videos is alot for one situation.
it does look like the officer thought / tryna get his taser. but how do you not differentiate how your gun and a taser feels?

in any case, accidental or not, dude deserves to do time.
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Damn, if this cop doesn't go to jail for the rest of his life, it just goes to show no matter how many people are watching, police can still get away with murder. Execution style too
The whole point is why does he need to pull out his piece when dude is lying face down? He must not have been that much of a threat if he could stand up offhim, aim and squeeze the trigger
he thought it was his taser???

when has a cop issue 9 and a taser ever felt remotely the same?
....puthim UNDER the jail.
people saying he thought it was his taser

accidents do happen...would the right way be charging him with murder?
If I were in a struggle with someone I had subdued and I thought I reached for my taser and fired, but it was my gun, and I ended up killing him,would I be charged with murder?

Yes, I would.

But even if you don't think so, if I had thought that I had pulled a taser on a cop and I fired, but it was my gun, and I ended up killing him, would I becharged with murder? No. I'd be killed, by other cops.

Yes, charging him with murder would be the right thing to do. Either he intentionally shot a subdued man in the back, killing him... or he was negligent withhis weapons (for those of you who buy the 'He thought it was a taser' bullcrap), and his negligence resulted in a fatal wound.

Either way, the responsibility for that man dying lies solely on the shoulders of that moron with a gun.

Too many cops fight for power during a crisis when what they're supposed to be fighting for is control. They are supposed to gain control of situations,not get in power struggles, but so many of them... nearly all of them... get into power struggles, and nothing ends a power struggle quite like a bullet firedfrom a gun. Those people who get into these power struggles don't need guns and shouldn't be cops... but they are, and their irresponsible, powerhungry actions are too often protected instead of addressed.

Nothing will happen to this cop.

that's some straight +*%@*@!%!
i completely do not understand how he can say he thought it was his tazer, it's a %!%%%*@ gun!, clearly not your tazer.
definitely shouldn't have happened, this cop deserves to be killed. it's inexcusable to kill someone and say it was a mistake. rot in jail for the restof your life even, just as anyone else would.
this pisses me off just to watch or think about, so much injustice.

If nothing happens to that officer, oakland will erupt...the pass serveral month the cops been getting on the wrong side on local citizen
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Nothing will happen to this cop.

- im thinking the same thing.

- i tell you what, Oakland will burn if nothing happens.....

like NY with Sean Bell
(01-06) 22:06 PST San Francisco -- Johannes Mehserle, the BART police officer who fatally shot a man on the Fruitvale Station platform in Oakland early New Year's Day, is being kept under wraps and moved from place to place after receiving a number of death threats, BART spokesman Linton Johnson confirmed Tuesday night.

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[h2]BART Shooting[/h2]

Mehserle, 27, a two-year veteran of the BART police force, shot and killed 22-year-old Oscar Grant of Hayward as Grant lay face-down on the station platform following a fight between two groups on a train.

While the nature of the threats hasn't been revealed, Johnson said at least one of the threats was made to Mehserle's family. As a result, he has been moved twice.

Mehserle is described as "devastated" over the shooting, but has yet to give a statement to investigators. Johnson said the delay was caused when Mehserle's attorney showed up at the station within two hours of the shooting and invoked the officer's right to "retain counsel and not say anything."

Probes by BART police and the Alameda County district attorney were further hampered because investigators were off over the holiday weekend.

On Friday, Mehserle's girlfriend had a baby - and then, to further complicate matters, BART passengers' videos of the Fruitvale Station incident began showing up on the airwaves. BART lawyers and brass have been in scramble mode ever since.

Johnson said Mehserle's attorney "has not made it easy to schedule him for an interview, but hopefully he'll be coming in very soon."

Odds are: If Mehserle is charged with a crime in Grant's shooting, it will be a first.

No one we talked with - from the district attorney's office to lawyers who work either side of police shootings - could remember a case in the last 20 years in which an on-duty officer had been charged in a fatal shooting in Alameda County.

"By and large, police officers have been reacting to some type of situation before they shoot someone that usually provides a legal justification," said District Attorney Tom Orloff, who has seen dozens of police shooting cases during his nearly four-decade career as a prosecutor.

Orloff, whose office would ultimately decide whether Mehserle should be charged with anything, hastened to point out that many details about the Fruitvale Station shooting remain unknown and that it is far too early to know whether the case will enter the criminal arena.

The most recent controversial police shooting in Alameda County happened July 25, when Oakland police Officer Hector Jimenez shot a drunken-driving suspect in the back as the man ran from an early morning traffic stop in the Fruitvale District.

Police said Jimenez shot 27-year-old Mack "Jody" Woodfox III because he thought Woodfox was reaching into his waistband for a gun, although no gun was found. Jimenez gave the same reason for taking part in the fatal shooting New Year's Eve 2007 of another man, Andrew Moppin, who, like Woodfox, turned out to be unarmed.

Police and a deputy from the district attorney's office interviewed Jimenez after the Woodfox shooting, then went out to the scene at night and re-enacted the incident as the officer related it.

The result - although technically the case is still pending, no charges have been filed.

John Burris, the Grant family's attorney, has sued Oakland police on behalf of the Woodfox family, filing a $25 million civil rights suit in federal court.

Burris filed a legal claim in the BART case Tuesday, a precursor to what he says will be another $25 million suit.

"Police don't get charged because D.A.'s and police work together, so they sort of get a pass," Burris said.

"That's why you have lawyers like myself. If you didn't, nothing would be done."
Originally Posted by early90s

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Nothing will happen to this cop.

- im thinking the same thing.

- i tell you what, Oakland will burn if nothing happens.....

like NY with Sean Bell

- i assume you mean NY didnt do anything but march (if that). see Cali aint scared, they've brought fire to the streets a few times out that way....
This is ridiculous. It's that plain and simple! There is NO WAY POSSIBLE that a 2-yr. vet doesn't know the difference between a taser and a gun when itis drawn, let alone not knowing where each is on them at all times. Simply put it was murder. There's no TRUE and LEVEL-HEADED explanation for why he wouldeven consider drawing a gun with fellow officers there, w/ the victim subdued and unarmed. They should throw the whole dayuum book at him! But in this world,at this time, I don't know what to expect anymore....

2 years shouldn't ever be used with the term VET.

I was just talking about this in the Warriors thread.

That really bothers me. He was still a new hire as far as I'm concerned.
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