[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]


Typical K-Rod save.

Put runners on (in part thanks to fatboy's footwork at 1st)....

And then slam the door shut.

Good win.
Originally Posted by Aze201

Do Reds fans exist? It sounded like Citi.
Red fans didn't even come out to support their team in the 2nd game of the season.Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad empty seats out there.
Gado was on the bag anyways he slid across.

K-Rod had no command of anything 'cept that curve but he found a way, crazy game.

Pelf was decent after that bad 1st inning, low pitch count every inning and threw up zeros.

Wagner aiin't pitching this year.
Mets would be 0-2 EASY with that pen last year.

K-Rod was behind 2-0 with the bases loaded and just threw those nasty curve's and breaking balls, dude has some cajones.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Mets would be 0-2 EASY with that pen last year.

K-Rod was behind 2-0 with the bases loaded and just threw those nasty curve's and breaking balls, dude has some cajones.

Mets got lucky.
Originally Posted by Spyda23

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Mets would be 0-2 EASY with that pen last year.

K-Rod was behind 2-0 with the bases loaded and just threw those nasty curve's and breaking balls, dude has some cajones.

Mets got lucky. have a bullpen, plus I'm an idiot.
Man, my cable is messed up. I DON'T HAVE SNY! I missed Monday's game, and only caught the first 3 innings of today's game at a bar. FML.

Glad to know the Mets are winning the games they should. Based on the comments above, i'm glad I missed to end of tonight's game lol. A W is a W.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by Spyda23

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Mets would be 0-2 EASY with that pen last year.

K-Rod was behind 2-0 with the bases loaded and just threw those nasty curve's and breaking balls, dude has some cajones.

Mets got lucky. have a bullpen, plus I'm an idiot.

Thats only funny cuz im high man.
Damn, there's the typical Mets 9th inning I'm used to seeing. Didn't catch much of the game besides the 9th, but it seemed to be an interestinggame to say the least.

2 down , 160 to go...

Day game today too. Won't be able to catch all of it unfortunately.
Yes SHUGES, Mets, Jets, and Nets.

Guess I have a thing for ETS teams. lol.

But the Rangers in Hockey kinda destroys that theory so.....
Yeah, early thursday starts are killers.

Lucky to have the mlb app so I can listen to the game from time to time at my desk.

RIP to that angels pitcher. real shame.
Considering my work takes place very early in the morning and late at night, I appreciate these early starts.
I love this Murphy kid, I just hope we continually utilize him.

These starts are great for me on the West Coast.
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