[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

That was a nice DP by Church and Gado.

Both pitchers pitching well, Harang has his velocity back. Touch control though in those conditions but both are in a groove right now.

Reds are solid even though they are rebuilding, they still have nice rotation.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Reds are gonna be nice this year
That's what I'm thinking also. I had them winning the Wild Card last season for some odd reason (I said it before the season evenstarted), and while I don't see it happening this season, I see them having a good year.

Their rotation is nice, and they have some young offense.
Murphy going from an 0-2 count to 3-2 as usual, then a bomb.

Dude reminds me of Wright when he first came up with those turn at bats.
Dan Murphy...
That was a pitch Gado crushes to center field, oh wells Murph with another RBI.

Watching TV while working FTW!
I haven't gone through the thread at all, so excuse me if this has been mentioned already....

What's the deal with Johan's wiggle before each pitch? Has he always done this??
Jerry Said he is going to ease him into the season, wasn't going to pitch more then 7 innings.
Jerry is throwing all these relivers "into the fire" as Gary said, damn.

I hope Parnell can have some success this season, he's another young guy I've been optimistic about the past 2 years.
Listening to the game on the MLB app on the Iphone and all they had was the reds broadcast.

I swear, if they say Davey, Dennis, or David Murphy one more time I think I might call up their station. lol.

Good to see Green come in and get the last out there.

Hopefully we can add some more runs here.
Well, here is what management put their money into over the off-season. Time to get it off to a good start.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Pen is


I can def. get used to this
Putz is
... dude str8 blew 3 fastballs past Votto, who is a dead red fastball hitter...that's how u know he has mean stuff
K-Rod is disgusting, I love him in orange and blue

Murphy, what can i say? i called this
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