NEW YORK METS 2010 SEASON POST: Collins named New Manager

Is it possible to take the Cy Young without dougle digit wins?

Knew K-Rod and the bats would find a way to blow another Santana started game.

Ineptitude on the road= no October baseball for this team. One of the best home teams and worst road teams will equal 81-81 at the end of the season the way it looks at this point.
I heard Danny Murphy had to be carried off the field last night, seems like he re-injured the same knee he hurt in spring training. That really sucks for him. Home he makes it back on the field soon.
Murphy is prob gonna miss the rest of the season, ugh.
He still has a role on this team somewhere, he was raking in the minors so far too...

Ineptitude on the road= no October baseball for this team. One of the best home teams and worst road teams will equal 81-81 at the end of the season the way it looks at this point.

I feel you, but I feel that if they can stay afloat (.500 or slightly better) until after the break, they can make a run if they make a trade for a starter and get Beltran back.

We can make a season out of 2010.
We have the next 6 at home I believe, so we should be able to go 4-2 in those games. I think Beltran is closer than some think. I plan on seeing him in 2-3 weeks.

Anyone watching Strasburg pitch against our AAA affiliate Buffalo? It's on SNY now so I figure I'll watch.
Originally Posted by youngin33

We have the next 6 at home I believe, so we should be able to go 4-2 in those games. I think Beltran is closer than some think. I plan on seeing him in 2-3 weeks.

Anyone watching Strasburg pitch against our AAA affiliate Buffalo? It's on SNY now so I figure I'll watch.
lol we're not seeing Beltran in a rehab assignment before July, let alone seeing him at the show within the next month.
I might catch the replay to the Strasburg game later, but probably not.

Anyway, I have huge expectations for this team 2nd half. I think it's all going to click in and we're going to make a run like the Colorado Rockies did last year, and depending which pitcher we trade for, maybe even a run similar to theirs in 07.
K-rod always makes it interesting
...Good outing from R.A. though
20-9 at home!!
Yea I'm starting to not trust K-Rod at all anymore...

As to making a run like Colorado did last year... I just dont see that happening at all. I cant explain why but simply cause its the Mets we're talking about 

But anyway, another great outing by Dickey! We fought back tonight to come back from behind which is something we need to do more often.

Also, I feel like Jason Bay wont even exceed 10 HRS this season simply because Citifield will keep robbing him and giving him doubles instead even though hes hitting the ball hard (3/4 of all his doubles he hit this year even the triples are easily HRS in other parks especially fenway). Maybe next season he will adjust.

So our rotation will be Santana, Pelf, Neise, Dickey, Takahashi? We definitely need to trade for a starter real soon...but that may be hard since Daniel Murphy suffered season ending injury 
 he was going to be a potential trade chip.
If we could only play half decent on the road, $$%% even a .500 record on the road we'd be in 1st place and the best team in the NL
Aside from the obvious that it helps the team, I don't know why, but I pull for Francouer and I like it when he's hitting. And between him, Bay and Angel, this team has to have a ton of outfield assists this season right? Most dudes won't run on Frenchy at this point but it seems like Angel's thrown a bunch out at home plate alone.

Like Mez said, just some decent play on the road and we'd be GOOD. %*+#, support Johan once every few games and we'd be in 1st.
Great outing by Neise today 
 If he keeps this up, we will have a strong 1-2-3 and if Dickey (hoping) continues to be solid, I feel that we may be able to contend all the way through the end of the season.
But I am still curious to see who we will be willing to give up to acquire a starting pitcher as the trade deadline approaches... I dont think the Mets want to breakup the core of their young players but something has to give.
At least we've built up some prospects now that if it were necessary, we could trade some of them. I know there are plenty of others out there that have been productive, but look at guys like Gomez and Milledge that were traded...they're both still relatively young but I don't think either one would be playing all that much if the Mets had held onto them. If it's a move that helps us contend now AND in the future, I hope management goes for it. I don't think a rental like Cliff Lee would be worth it, unless it's a really low cost.
It doesn't make any sense how good Mets play at home and are a totally different team on the road.  I reallyyyy hope Beltran comes back because I want Gary off this team so badly.  What moves can the Mets pull off to make this team get another starting pitcher.  Their going to have to pull a robbery.
Pitching (mainly the pen) has been awful on the road so far, we need another front line starter to really give us one of the deeper rotations in baseball.

They need to start winning these close games on the road though, but a sweep tomm would be nice.

Castillo and Ollie on the DL, hopefully GMJ can be cut sometime soon and we can bring up another outfielder from AAA. It was nice seeing an entire homegrown infield (except C)....Tejada has 2 XBH in two days.

Their going to have to pull a robbery.

We have a lot of talent, getting a guy like Lee would be nice but we can
Lee could definitely be got, but we'd probably have to give up either Flores or Mejia, or maybe even both and I don't know if it's worth it with Lee being a free agent.
Ruben Tejada is already 100x better than Castillo.

This clown Castillo has 3 xbh's the ENTIRE season. Ruben needs one more to tie him already. His defense is also vastly superior.
I'd like to see a move for a pitcher, I just want it to be smart. It's not like we're in the position of the Phillies a couple years ago where going to the World Series is basically a given by acquiring a guy like Lee, so I don't think a rental is worth the prospects.

I think it's addition by subtraction with Ollie, GMJ and Castillo. As much as I don't like Castillo (only because of his lack of ability to do anything other than slap a single or sac bunt), at least he looks like he's giving effort, he's just constantly injured.

Did I read/hear that Cora's player option vests after 80 appearances this year? That !%!* is terrible if true and if that's the case, I REALLY hope Tejada's up for the rest of the year.
random but the field is looking dirty as hell

i guess the wind from the upcoming storm is kicking in?
Igarashi's been struggling. This inning could hurt.

Not terrible to get out of that with only 1 run scored but between that and the Ross HR, hopefully it's not too much of a hole.
The Mets gotta do something about Citifield. I don't think too many power hitters are going to want to sign with or be traded to Mets.
MFing Frenchy! What was that about power hitters?

I hear you though, it could help with pitchers too.
Someone is en fuego, but we have to hold them here.

Igarashi just needs to gain his confidence back, 1 run allowed that inning could've been a lot worse.

EDIT: Good job by Bay staying back for that hit.
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