NEW YORK METS 2010 SEASON POST: Collins named New Manager

Nieve out for Ollie
This is what Jerry gets for starting that #$$$!!% bum Nieve who's been worthless the past month instead of bringing up Misch or Gee or using someone who's actually thrown more than 2 innings this year like Valdes. This #$$$!!% team.
6-16 record on the road, losing two straight to a very bad Brewers team, we made their pen look unhittable lst night. Road record is sad, really no excuse to be dominant at home and horrible on the road. Nieve and Ollie in one

…one day this team gets stellar pitching and no offense, and the next day they get the offense, and no pitching…Nieve was disappointing, especially in the first inning when he allowed all of the runners to reach base with two outs, and then getting slammed like that…he’s basically a fastball/slider pitcher, and he’s going to have trouble being successful without a good third pitch in his repertoire…

…i know Perez is on the roster, and he’s been relegated to long relief, but he can’t even do that well…i would rather the Mets had tried and piece the game together with a combination involving Raul Valdes, because the Mets were down just two runs before Perez let up the two run homer to Hart which widened the gap even more…the Mets were able to get within a run, but its very hard to win a game when they’re spending the entire game chasing the opposition and playing catch up…

…at the time, i couldn’t believe Jerry Manuel decided to use Gary Matthews Jr. as a pinch hitter with the bases loaded and two outs in the third inning and not anyone else…but after thinking about it, i realized it might have been a better idea to use him there rather than, say, Chris Carter, than use Carter in that spot and Matthews later in the game in a critical, run scoring situation…of course, the point was moot in the end, as nobody reached base after the fifth inning, but the problem could be solved altogether if the Mets could figure out an alternative to Matthews on the bench…

Wright is now hitting .244 on the season…unreal…his approach against John Axford in the ninth inning was not good, considering he was ahead in the count 2-0 and he swung at a pitch out of the strike zone and flew out to centerfield…it’s a situation where he needs to get on base in whatever way he can, yet he went outside of the hitting zone and was unproductive…frustrating to say the least…

Ike is sitting today and Tatis will hit cleanup.........................why?
I'm upset this series wasn't won.  Jerry is really dumb for starting nieve and on top of that putting in ollie.  Hoping this game is momentum going into SD.
SD is a nightmare but I guess we are used to playing in large ballparks, take advantage with some doubles.

Franc had some good at bats for a change, worked himself into hitters counts every time. David as well but he is going to be up and down all season.
David is and always is a damn good player, but he is not the same David of a few years ago.

His at bats used to start when he had 2 strikes, now its just
at times. He seems halfway more often than not, needs to simplify things more.
Wow, I guess it's not surprising but Ollie is still refusing the idea of accepting an assignment to the minors, thinking he can just work out his problems some other way. Something needs to happen there.

We've got an opportunity to make up some ground with Philly & Atl playing each other, though the Padres are a good team. Need to win 2 out of 3 on the road for once.
You know you can't win on the road when the padres light you up. No pitcher tonight has shown the ability to get one scrub out
You know you can't win on the road when the padres light you up. No pitcher tonight has shown the ability to get one scrub out
Why is GMJ still on this team? Aren't the Mets paying him just 1-2 million? Cutting him couldn't be that big of a finanical hit for management.
Can't say that I blame Ollie for holding out.
Peter Gammons was a guest of Mike Francesa on WFAN today.

According to Gammons, Scott Boras approached the Mets a few weeks ago and asked them to put Oliver Perez on the disabled list, send him to Florida and have him work with renowned sports psychologist Harvey Dorfman.

However, Jeff Wilpon declined, says Gammons, ‘because he didn’t think that was appropriate, or necessary.’

Perez has since declined the team’s request to go to the minor leagues.

In either case, Gammons believes the Wilpon, Omar Minaya and Scott Boras will find a solution.
Originally Posted by PapaPrem

Why is GMJ still on this team? Aren't the Mets paying him just 1-2 million? Cutting him couldn't be that big of a finanical hit for management.

Just in case anything were to happen to Pagan in center field.  Once Beltran is back, Matthews should and will be cut.  Also, get Fernando Tatis off this team. 
I personally think Ollie spending 60 days on the DL and going to a shrink would be a great idea. He's taking up a spot, getting paid regardless and he needs his damn head examined.
Tatis is good as a PH, he's gotten some hits for us (should not start though).

Nothing to comment on about last night. I can't watch these games since I have to be up early but no pitcher had any control last night, everyone just looked flat.

On to the next one, I have a feeling we will only split the next 2 games (despite Pelf/Santana) just because they are pathetic on the road. Another disappointing road trip brewing.
I like the Mets west coast games. I enjoy staying up late and watching them play even if we're losing(like the blitzing sd gave us last night).

Speaking of SD, the Mets seem to always play really bad down there
Man...Pelfrey looks damn good. If we could get a legit #3 and have any of Takahashi, Niese and Dickey at the back end of the rotation? That'd be incredible.

This was the perfect type of game to me, without it being a perfect game. Starter goes deep, get a couple of HRs and, of course, K Rod makes it interesting in the 9th but we still win.
I guess no one was watching this game this thread was like 4 pages back
...Santana threw another scoreless outing but bullpen couldn't help him win again.  My question is why the #$@ was Valdes pitching out there when he was sucking @*! the entire road trip.  Sometimes I feel like Jerry just wants the game to end to go home so he makes a dumb decision like this. 
What does Santana have to do to get some W's??? Forreal, I know stats and w-l shouldnt be all that but Santana has pitched better then just a 4-2 record. Even in the past two seasons, he should have had 18+ wins each of the past two seasons but somehow the Mets seem to screw up.
 I really wonder what Santana feels about being a Met right now, he probably wont ever show it but I know hes pissed. Oh well maybe making 20+ mill a year will keep him at ease 
I knew they would split and somehow disappoint.

Their play on the road is really inexcusable when you factor in how well they play at home, @!$% at least play .500 on the road.

Santana has a 0.47 ERA in last 5 games and is ONLY 1-0.
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