NEW YORK METS 2010 SEASON POST: Collins named New Manager

Wow....that looked like a home run off the bat (end of the bat at that), then it was 15 short of the warning track.

One more out.
That was huge. Frankie's ruined a few pairs of underwear for me.

It's amazing how the mentality has seemed like last year if we were down by 3 runs at any point in the game, it was a done deal. Now they keep plugging away.

Wright's looked great at the plate lately, Frenchy is back to where he was in the early part of the season and Angel's just been steady all year. If we got Reyes, Bay and Davis going at the same time too? That'd be nasty.
Originally Posted by ddot7

That was huge. Frankie's ruined a few pairs of underwear for me.

It's amazing how the mentality has seemed like last year if we were down by 3 runs at any point in the game, it was a done deal. Now they keep plugging away.

Wright's looked great at the plate lately, Frenchy is back to where he was in the early part of the season and Angel's just been steady all year. If we got Reyes, Bay and Davis going at the same time too? That'd be nasty.
My last post on the Mets for the day:

I'm not giving up on Takahashi as a starter yet but if we could pick up a legit top half of the rotation type guy, I'd love to see him back in the bullpen as a long reliever. I think he'll be more effective there. Let's say it's Oswalt or even Millwood, plus Santana, Pelf, Niese and Dickey or whoever as the #5. This team would be in much better shape than I ever expected going into this season. I wonder what'll happen with Maine.

Even if it's not til the All-Star break, getting Beltran back would just be a bonus.
I'll admit after Mets were down 5-0 I said we were done and decided to go out.  When I checked on my phone the score I literally was
.  Mets don't quit and shame on me for not thinking they can come back.  I'm so glad they swept the Marlins because well Mets suck against the Marlins.  Overall Mets are beastly at Citi if only they can bring some of that on the road they will look like a very strong contenting team for the NL east. 
Draft starts in 15 minutes. I keep hearing either Zack Cox (3rd basemen that would be moved to 2nd), Matt Harvey (RHP) and Bryce Bentz (OF). I personally would rather have the pitcher, but if not I'd be happy with Cox.
I'd prefer Zack. I like that our entire infield will probably be all homegrown players soon and I'd prefer if they spent more money on quality, established pitching when it becomes available..
Welcome to the Mets, Matt Harvey.. This pick looks solid.. He's got nice pitching staffs..
I wanted the dude from Ole Miss, but with him off the board I'm happy we got Harvey. Hopefully we get to see him soon.
SNY compared Harvey's stuff to Big Pelf's. If he turns out like Pelf, great pick. Might be a project like Mike, but let's go get Lee as a rental for 2-3 prospects and then depending on how he does, sign him in the offseason.
Only way we rent Lee for two or three prospects is if we give then Mejia, Martinez and Flores. I'm good. I'd rather get Milwood then trade Mejia. Now, if we could put together a deal without getting rid of Mejia, I'm with it.
Anybody think the Mets should go after Bannister or one of those lefties from Pittsburgh. As a cheaper option instead of Millwood,if the Mariners asking price is too high
Personally, I'd only trade for Bannister after picking up a guy like Milwood, and use him as my fifth starter so we could put Dickey and Taki Taki in the pen. I'd love to make this pitching staff as deep as possible.
David batting 5th and Frenchy 7th vs this lefty, why?


Someone tell Bay there is a game going on, he needs to move down in the order.
i Was at this game and let me tell you. It finally felt like home. Best game ive ever been to. the stadium was rockin, high fives all around. it was ELECtRIC
i Was at this game and let me tell you. It finally felt like home. Best game ive ever been to. the stadium was rockin, high fives all around. it was ELECtRIC
Originally Posted by jhova718

i Was at this game and let me tell you. It finally felt like home. Best game ive ever been to. the stadium was rockin, high fives all around. it was ELECtRIC
Same here, that was fun as hell.

Too many missed chances (Bay) with a runner on 3rd though.  Pelf is incredible.
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