NEW YORK METS 2010 SEASON POST: Collins named New Manager

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

I really hope we can keep this going. Not even for the team's sake but for my own selfish best interests. I've been talking WAY too much #*%! to my Yankee fan friends.
I can actually say i love watching this team.

All it took was Castillo, Maine, and Ollie to go away.

BTW, look at the wonders of having an actual hitter in the 2 spot instead of Slappy McDropballs.
Haven't been in this thread in a minute, but the squad is showing quite a resurgence. If it took beating up the O's and Tribe on the road to get our heads straight away from Citi, so be it. And no greater joy comes from a Yankee victory, a shutout at that.

Big Pelf tomorrow, hope he can duplicate what he did to the Skanks a couple week back.

PS- If we make September ball, I will be in cardiac arrest with K-Rod closing.
I just want to keep seeing Ws regardless of who we're playing but it's always a little sweeter when I've had to listen to Yankee fans all day about how they'll bring us back to reality, sweep the series, blah blah blah.

Great game though, the team is just coming up big in the right spots. Reyes and Pagan are definitely setting the tone at the top of the order too.

Maine threw 88 pitches in 4 1/3 innings. That doesn't sound like someone who's anyone near ready to resume a spot in the starting rotation. I'll admit I was discouraged by those two bad starts in a row that Takahashi had, it looked like teams might be starting to figure him out but I don't see how you can even think about replacing him or Dickey with Maine. What has Maine show to deserve it? I think he could be serviceable in the bullpen and that's about it.
If Tak continues to pitch effectively (he did throw too many balls today but the Yanks lineup is patient), I don't see how Maine will get to start if he doesn't show huge progress in the minors.

Let him pitch an inning out of the pen, take Tak's old role.

We still need a serviceable starter to add to this rotation though, a # 3 guy behind Santana/Pelf.

It's one thing to trade for a #1-3 type starter and change Takahashi's role...but for Maine? That'd just be stupid. I think Maine could be pretty decent in the bullpen, he just tends to throw too many pitches as a starter and can't go deep into games anymore.

[h2]Note: Hisanori Takahashi Will Remain in Rotation[/h2]
June 19, 2010 at 12:30 pm · 1 comment

by Michael Baron

This morning at Yankee Stadium, Jerry Manuel told reporters John Maine will not displace Hisanori Takahashi in the rotation.

In addition, Manuel said John Maine will not join the bullpen, either.

…and so, it seems Maine’s career is over as a New York Met, as i can’t see them tendering Maine a contract in december…i don’t know how he could rejoin the rotation under any circumstances, given how well both Takahashi and R.A. Dickey are throwing, and disrupting that chemistry…he has done nothing so far in his rehab that shows any kind of improvement in velocity and control to warrant replacing any of the arms in the rotation right now…

Last night, for Triple-A Buffalo, Maine went 4 1/3 innings and threw 88 pitches, 50 of which were strikes, and allowed a run and one hit, walked three and struck out four.

[h2]Opinion: David Wright Needs to Start All-Star Game[/h2]
June 19, 2010 at 9:00 am · 23 comments

by Michael Baron

David Wright is hitting .288 with 12 home runs and is tied for the National League lead with Troy Glaus with 53 RBI, and both are tied for third best in all of baseball behind only Miguel Cabrera and Vladimir Guerrero.

In contrast, Phillies 3B Placido Polanco is hitting .312 with five home runs and 25 RBI this season.

As of the latest vote tallies, Polanco is leading Wright by approximately 200,000 votes for the starting third base job at this year’s All-Star Game in Anaheim.

…he just has to start, especially if this game counts towards home field advantage in this year’s World Series…Polanco is a great player, but how on earth can he have more votes than Wright…i mean, the numbers aren’t even close…if the NL intends to win this year, then Wright has to be out there for the bulk of the game…

To vote for Wright and other members of the Mets, click here.

- Philly fans ballot stuffing, I could care less about any all star game, but with the dumb home field advantage rule which I hate,k the best players need to be out there.

- Oh, Jeter is out with a bruised right heel.

- If Feliciano is going to be the 8th inning guy, we need another lefty in that pen.
Wow, I wonder if there's some sort of subliminal meaning with the Maine situation. He can't be replacing Dickey, so he's done? Best of luck to him then, seems like a guy that puts a lot on himself to do well and the injuries have just killed him.

I'm getting ready to leave so I'll only get to watch some of the first few innings but I was watching this CW11 pregame show...turrble.
Pelfrey's fastball is flat today.

This small $!@ strike zone doesn't help either.

Manuel now said that Maine will be returning to the rotation and Taki Taki is staying put as a starter. What the hell has Maine done the past 3 years to show that he's more worthy of a starting spot than Dickey and Shniese? Jerry's a %+%#!%# moron.
Maine will be gone soon, anyone in Jerry's dog house will be disposed of quickly. Knowing the Wilpons they probably over-ruled his decision, you know Jerry does not like Maine at all.

At least Pelf kept us in the game, I really dislike short distances at the corners for home runs, its not good baseball.
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