NEW YORK METS 2010 SEASON POST: Collins named New Manager

I need that T in a Medium
Just for discussion:

Latest report is that the Mets MAY be willing to deal Mejia...and Pagan for Lee. I don't like it. Sure it'd give us a great rotation but then are we counting on Beltran returning to for and staying healthy for the whole year? I don't think you can move to strengthen what has been an already solid rotation while weakening the outfield and #2 spot in the lineup. I also don't see how you can give up two low salaries guys who've already proven some worth for a rental like Lee. I guess the Mets would get two compensatory picks but unless one is named Strasburg Jr, neither is going to have an impact in the near future.
I would give up pagan for him... it would be a sad day but then we would have an amazing pitching staff..

on another note, am i the only one who doesnt feel confident when Johan steps on the mound anymore?

He really needs to show me some consistency over the next few starts
Johan has had 96 innings of great baseball this season, I'm nowhere near worried when he steps on the mound. I'd like to see him develop another pitch, though, because it seems like he needs something new.
Finally caved and went to McFadden's after the game.

I have to say it's one of the WORST bars in all 5 boroughs. Ugly-%^$ girls dancing on top of the bar, overweight bartenders, and 100% of the people there JUST came from the game...we don't need to see highlights of said game on a loop. I'm goin' back to my usual post-game spot from now on.

Also realized I don't have many blue/orange Mets/Knicks kicks...damn Mez making me want to drop 3 bills on those Birthday LeBron IVs.
justhotkicks, McFaddens is horrible sir, nothing but white Long Island natives actin' a fool drunk as hell.

I always rotate between the Birthday Lebrons and the Bo Jackson Knicks retros that came out 1-2 yrs ago (I think).

- As for Lee, you HAVE to give up Pagan for him, this is Lee we are talking about. As long as we can find a way to NOT give up FMart, Mejia or Thole I am straight, not for no rental. Buster Olney said the Mets and Twins both are inquiring about a trade for him, Minny may be willing to deal their top C prospect.

- As for yesterdays game, it was fun to watch we had SEVERAL chances. We faced their best 3 and won 2.

.......and the best news.... Parnell will be a plus and Iggy is gaining the confidence he initially had before the injury.
I would do Pagan an Mejia for Lee in sec...I believe we have a chance to win it all this year...At the end of the day Beltran has the ability to do what Pagan does so he is replaceable.  By getting Lee you get the guy with the lowest ERA in the AL.  A top 3 pitcher in baseball.  It solidifies the rotation for the future and gives us a rotation for the playoffs that is as good as any.
We already have one of the more solid roations in the NL, adding Lee gives us the best rotation in baseball with Santana, Pelf, Lee, Neise, and errr RA Dickey (as a 5th), Tak would go back to the pen and make us stronger there.

Beltran finally playing baseball is just great to hear, we'll have that 2nd half push esp if he is effective from the gate. Losing Pagan would hurt since he is just clutch and gives us one of the best 1-2's at the top of the lineup, but Beltran could do what he does + with extra power.

I just hate that Lee would be a "rental" and he will demand 100+ M and he is already 30 years old. But we can win right now.
Okay...if we trade Pagan, who's our CFer and 2nd spot in the order? Please don't say you're counting on Beltran to be healthy for the full season? If so, that's been part of the problem with the Mets front office, depending on players who haven't shown an ability to stay healthy and basically needing to rely on ifs.

I'd love to get Lee and the rotation would be amazing but I think we'd be trading something too valuable and sacrificing offense/defense. IF there's a contract extension in there, I'm all for it because it helps us in the future as well.
Let's be real, I love Pagan and he's been great this entire year, but this is a career year for him.  Sell high on him and sorry I just don't see it with Mejia.  I know he's young but ehh...And I would be fine with giving Lee 100+ million to watch him and Santana pitch for the next couple years.  The Yankees built a team that was great for their short fences and we should do the same by building a team that makes sense with our long fences.
Trading Pagan right now is mindbogglingly dumb. So we trade our starting CF'er and count on Beltran's glass knees to hold up the rest of the season? There's tons of reports right now that Beltran can barely play CF anymore. Also after Beltran, we have to count on the seriously injury prone Fernando Martinez? Who really hasn't been good this year.

And finally, we have to see Castillo back in the two hole? He is one of the worst players in baseball and severely makes our team worse both offensively and defensively.
Mez 0ne wrote:
justhotkicks, McFaddens is horrible sir, nothing but white Long Island natives actin' a fool drunk as hell.

I always rotate between the Birthday Lebrons and the Bo Jackson Knicks retros that came out 1-2 yrs ago (I think).

- As for Lee, you HAVE to give up Pagan for him, this is Lee we are talking about. As long as we can find a way to NOT give up FMart, Mejia or Thole I am straight, not for no rental. Buster Olney said the Mets and Twins both are inquiring about a trade for him, Minny may be willing to deal their top C prospect.

- As for yesterdays game, it was fun to watch we had SEVERAL chances. We faced their best 3 and won 2.

.......and the best news.... Parnell will be a plus and Iggy is gaining the confidence he initially had before the injury.

Guess I need to check that place out

Yuku teabagged me just now, and I'm not rewriting everything I said, so in short I'll just say that I'll trade Pagan and anybody but Mejia and Flores (I'd like to keep F-Mart too if we're trading Pagan) for Lee. I'd like to see Bay move up to the 2hole when Beltran comes back, and see Tejada get the majority of playing time at 2nd. And Omar is going to need to get another outfielder if we trade Pagan, maybe a guy like David Dejesus could be acquired on the cheap.
LOL why would anyone go to McFaddens?

You guys would be crazy to trade away both for a rental on Lee when you can lose only one and some other marginal prospect and pick up Carmona.
Carmona's weird, I don't know how much I trust him. Oswalt makes the most sense for us, but I have no clue why the Wilpons don't want him. Sure he's got 30 million left on his day, but he also has 2 good years left in him. It makes so much more sense to have him for the duration of his contract, and then pass the torch to Harvey who should be ready by then.
He'd be a better fit but they'd ask for Meija, Pagan and probably another arm for him. Carmona at least you know can deal with good hitting lineups when he's been doing well against Detroit, Minny and KC. I'd imagine they'd want Meija, Flores or Haven and maybe someone like Holt.
We'd have to give up two good prospects at a minimum in any trade for a legit front-end pitcher.

Yeah, Pagan's playing above his "career" numbers but SOME of that could be attributed to the fact that's he's been given a chance to play every day, develop a rhythm and he's shown that his defense is solid too. It might not mean much to some people, but I also think it's really important that he seems to be a positive personality for the team. We've gotten rid, to an extent, of Castillo, Perez & Maine and I don't just think it's removing their lack of production that's helped.

Until I see something different, I just don't like the idea that the team would lose something valuable for right now to gain something for right now. If we're just trying to get better (and I agree that Lee would make us much better on the pitching end, including Takahashi in the bullpen) I'd rather give up prospects, who are just potential, and be able to benefit next year as well or get two picks back in next year's draft.

I want to see Beltran out there crushing the ball and playing a great CF but I think people are getting ahead of themselves if they think that he'll return to form anytime soon. If we were in the AL with a DH, I'd feel more comfortable that Beltran would hold up and his production could be a huge boost.

[h2]Mets Unwilling to Trade Angel Pagan[/h2]
June 25, 2010 at 11:16 am · 31 comments

by Matthew Cerrone

The Mets are unwilling to part with Angel Pagan or any other major league regular in a trade this summer, reports Andy Martino of the Daily News, because of the uncertainly surrounding Carlos Beltran’s health.

However, Martino says the Mets are willing to trade Jenrry Mejia, Francisco Rodriguez and other minor league players.

…i still see no way the Mets end up with a guy like Cliff Lee without trading mejia… because, if the Mets and Twins are the front-runners for lee, that is only the case because they can keep the price up to a point that other teams are unwilling to get involved… in other words, if, say, the Twins are unwilling to trade top prospect C Wilson Ramos and the Mets are unwilling to trade mejia, and the price drops, how, at that point, do the Dodgers, Yankees and Rangers get involved… and, at what point is it more valuable for the M’s to keep lee and, instead, get two compensatory draft picks when he signs with a new team this winter…
Its still too soon to see what his potential is. Angel Pagan is a solid fielder and above average hitter. How about we trade Oliver Perez, John Maine and Castillo for Oswald or Lee? Lolol. Throw in Daniel Murphy too. Lol. I would give up Beltran also. I don't see Beltran doing what Pagans doing now. Beltran will need to get his timing back. Heck, last season he never had his timing at all. I'm tired of Beltran. I miss Endy Chavez.
By the way, what the heck is Gary Mathews jr. Doing? NOTHING!!!!
Someone mentioned the need for mets colored footwear? Skull pack air max1's. The nyk penny 1's. Royal half cents.
Someone mentioned the need for mets colored footwear? Skull pack air max1's. The nyk penny 1's. Royal half cents.
How about Mejia , Flores , F-Mart for Lee? I'd do that in a second bc i just see F-Mart being another Alex Escobar type who has all the potential but will never put it together. Flores would be the one i'd be most sad to see go but you gotta give something to get something.

There's NO WAY i ever entertain trading Reese Havens. Kid will be a STUD.
Nah, you're trading our top 3 prospects for a guy that's gone after the year. I'm not trading Mejia and Flores for nobody. One or the other, not both.
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