New York YANKEES spring training thread......... 2 days until season starts: LETS GO YANKEES!

End of Football: 23 days until 1st Spring Training game


I visited "The House Randy Levine Built" over the weekend...






You all know what was once buried here.
SMH at Brian waiting till the new page to post the pics. I only wished i had brought my sharpie, niketalk could have been part of the new stadium.
Maybe we could have written a message for John Sterling in the media lounge

Or maybe on the dugout bench...
wait you guys went on the tour together, what happened to the biracial siblings? i need to get one of these tours ........
I can't wait for the damn season to start. I have to go and get my Mark Teixeira and C.C Jerseys...i'm sooooo hyped!
Originally Posted by onewearz

wait you guys went on the tour together, what happened to the biracial siblings? i need to get one of these tours ........

Honestly, just grab yourself a construction hat that says "turner" on the front and look like you belong at a construction site and you'dprobably be fine.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

also does anyone know when single game tickets go on sale?
Been wondering this for the longest. I don't know how much longer I can keep the money I have saved for them.

Damn college textbook prices.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

also does anyone know when single game tickets go on sale?
Been wondering this for the longest. I don't know how much longer I can keep the money I have saved for them.

Damn college textbook prices.

story of my life
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

End of Football: 23 days until 1st Spring Training game


I've been really ready for baseball since I came to realization that the Jets would blow it and not make the playoffs

Looking at the pics, and just reading this thread in general, I cannot wait
heres a pic i found of the main entrance. they just layed it down. i think it's gray and white bricks. gotta see it in the daytime but it looks
regardless ......

The opulence of new Yankee Stadium

The people who have tickets at field level are entitled entry to this private bar and eatery...the entrance to that joint, along with the other walldecorations is just
Debating the value of the once-great Abreu

Monday, February 2, 2009 | Feedback | Print Entry

Why is Bobby Abreu, so good so recently, still unemployed? As Tyler Kepner writes, Ed Wade (for one) just can't figure it out:

"Some players are sitting at home and their wives are saying, 'Where are we going for spring training? Where do we live during the season? What about the schools?'" Astros General Manager Ed Wade said in a phone interview the other day. "There are a whole lot of pressures right now that most of us don't even think a whole lot about, but they're very real."
I called Wade because he could offer uncommon insight into the case of Bobby Abreu, perhaps the best player left on the market not named Manny Ramirez. Wade was G.M. of the Philadelphia Phillies when Abreu played there, and he called him "one of the most underappreciated players in the game."

"He's a sabermetrician's dream, from the standpoint of what he produces statistically," Wade said.

A sabermetrician's dream? Hardly.

Abreu's OPS+ last year was 120; the year before that it was 114. Those numbers are good, but far from dreamy. Throw in Abreu's defense -- which probably can't be as awful as advertised, but certainly isn't good -- and it becomes impossible to justify paying Abreu anything like the $16 million he earned last year.

According to FanGraphs, Abreu was worth around $6 million last season. I'm a little skeptical about that figure, because a big chunk rests on the notion that after posting a minus-4 Ultimate Zone Rating in 2007, he plummeted to minus-25 in 2008. When we see a difference like that, we have to wonder if it's due to a difference in performance and ability, or perhaps a difference in luck and measurement.

According to FanGraphs, Abreu was worth around $6 million last season … but around $12 million in each of the previous two seasons. Is he actually a $6 million player? Or is he closer to a $12 million player who maybe got a few bad reads on line drives last year? Wasn't measured by statistics to his best advantage?
I don't know, exactly. I do know that Abreu's no longer a sabermetrician's dream. Granted, he was a sabermetrician's dream from 1999 through 2004, running from his age 25 season to age 30 (incidentally, any sabermetrician worth dreaming about will tell you that those are typically a player's prime years). But now he's just a once-great player who's a couple of years into his inevitable decline. He's still good enough to play, and with luck he'll wind up with an American League team, for whom he can hit four times per game and forget about the outfield.
The ones that are right behind home plate and the dugouts are $2500 each while the rest are $1500 or something.
Just seen on the bottom of the ESPN ticker..

White Sox offered Abreu 1 year/8M offer..

Please, go. His defense alone makes me want to punch him in the mouth.
manny rejected the dodgers 1 yr 25 mil. dollar offer. i would love for the yanks to trade nady or matsui and swoop in to steal this guy. the yanks need to takeadvantage of the struggling economy and the fact that no one is able to spend right now. its like playing poker, you got the worst hand but the most money soyou bluff and buy a pot

make it happen cash.........
Originally Posted by onewearz

manny rejected the dodgers 1 yr 25 mil. dollar offer. i would love for the yanks to trade nady swisher or matsui and swoop in to steal this guy. the yanks need to take advantage of the struggling economy and the fact that no one is able to spend right now. its like playing poker, you got the worst hand but the most money so you bluff and buy a pot

make it happen cash.........

While waiting for Joe Torre to arrive at the midtown bookstore earlier today, one reporter joked that there were more journlaists waiting for Torre - who no longer works in New York - than were in the room when the Jets introduced their new head coach, Rex Ryan.

Thing is, he was probably right.

The store was packed, both with media and fans. The second floor was essentially shut down, which was bad news if you were interested in picking up a DVD, a children's book, a graphic novel of any kind or one of the several shelves of books being advertised as "bargains!"

The line for would-be signers was closed around 11 a.m. for a 12:30 p.m. signing. The store, according to one employee, had sold out of all copies it had a little after noon. Outside, snow was falling heavily but a line of people hoping for autographs stretched around the corner and halfway down the next block.

One of the people in line, John Garges of Yonkers, said he was there because he had made a deal with a friend in which he would go buy three copies of "The Yankees Years" in exchange for two other books.

Although Torre has been criticized for writing the book by posters on blogs and other message boards (including this one, obviously), there was little negativity that I saw from the folks at the store. Lots of smiles and cheers for Torre and it certainly didn't appear that fans of Torre's current employer are worried about his place in their clubhouse; there were more than a couple of people wearing Dodger hats grinning as they exited with signed books.

No one seemed all that upset about the notion that Torre might have broken some clubhouse trust. At one point during his time with the media, Torre tried to explain his rationale for writing so frankly about players on his team.

"What I wrote about individual players, depending on who they were, in some instances I wanted to humanize them more than they were as opposed to thinking they were one player making too much money or a lot of money," he said. "And you don't get an idea of what the heartbeat is. That's why I talked about certain things in and around the clubhouse."
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