New York YANKEES spring training thread......... 2 days until season starts: LETS GO YANKEES!

Nice pictures & stories Yoda

Yeah it's still a trip that the old Yankee Stadium is no more

Here I'll throw some coal on the fire.....

Side story..

As we were coming out of the stadium, there was this NYPost writer who got to us and started asking us questions and took pictures of all of us..

So ofcourse, the luckiest kid that we went with got into the paper...

Rich Bory
sweet pics of your new stadium. looks pretty tight aside from those obstructed views. when i heard about obstructed views at the new stadium, i thought theymeant poles or something, no idea it was the walls of the restaurant. but the place looks tight regardless.
Did not know the older ones were metal, you'd figure they upgrade em or something, that restaurant really sucks I feel bad for the creatures.

No there is more leg room in the Stadium...I'm pretty sure in Citi too
Old is on left....New on right

I know there is def more leg room, Citi has more leg room since there are far far less seats obviously, I'm just going based on a review I read.

I'll have to get tix to a Yankees game sometime to see it for myself.
Couple more pictures..Still waiting on my other friend to upload his pics.

Monument Park from up top


Jeet, CC, and Jorge


2 BP balls my boy caught


Yours truly on the far left (Hold the jokes for the game


I'm gonna be up at SUNY Albany this weekend visiting my friends, so I wont be around..Have a good weekend everyone
You go up to Albany too to drink to death?

lemme know who you know up there we might know the same people, I'm heading up during April...
Great pics Yoda, thanks for posting. I'm so pumped to go there, even though I will always remember the ballpark across the street
Looks like you had a great time though. I too like the idea of being able towalk around the entire Stadium. I used to always sit in the bleachers whenever I went to games, and it felt weird not being with the rest of the Stadium, butat the same time felt good. Crowd had to rely on us bleacher creatures, the separated fans, to get things going
. The bleachers in the NYS, on the other hand....

TBONE, that video you posted, I have the same chills watching it that I did the first time I saw it (during the last game at the Stadium last season).

"I won't miss this place, because it's inside of me."
Originally Posted by bkmac

Accroding to Wikipedia
, we have signed Frank Catalanotto.

=New York Yankees
On April 3rd, 2009 Catalanotto signed a two year deal with the Yankees, finalizing a homecoming with the team he idolized growing up. The exact dollar amount was not revealed yet, but it is rumored to be in the range of $1 million-1.5 million.

not sure if im imaginining this or not, but that dude ALWAYS comes thru against us. he's a b grade red sox killer
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by bkmac

Accroding to Wikipedia
, we have signed Frank Catalanotto.

=New York Yankees
On April 3rd, 2009 Catalanotto signed a two year deal with the Yankees, finalizing a homecoming with the team he idolized growing up. The exact dollar amount was not revealed yet, but it is rumored to be in the range of $1 million-1.5 million.
not sure if im imaginining this or not, but that dude ALWAYS comes thru against us. he's a b grade red sox killer

I don't know if those reports are true...... I can't find it anywhere....
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by bkmac

Accroding to Wikipedia
, we have signed Frank Catalanotto.

=New York Yankees
On April 3rd, 2009 Catalanotto signed a two year deal with the Yankees, finalizing a homecoming with the team he idolized growing up. The exact dollar amount was not revealed yet, but it is rumored to be in the range of $1 million-1.5 million.
not sure if im imaginining this or not, but that dude ALWAYS comes thru against us. he's a b grade red sox killer
I don't know if those reports are true...... I can't find it anywhere....

They aren't. I just thought I would post what I saw on Wikipedia, even though we know never to believe random Wikipedia entries.

Everyone who is going tonight (or tomorrow), have a great time, and take plenty of pictures for us.

onewearz, you weren't originally going right? How you get a hold of tickets? You best hunt down your cousin!
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I hope the rain subsides.

I'm under a rock all day but it's still raining? I thought they said it'd be done by 3 or so. That sucks.

Hitting the post limit at 4:30 = no bueno.
i got the a call from my cousin ( not that one
), he had 2 extra tix so he gave em to me. bleachers sec 236. i gotta work tonight 10 -6 am so i gottaleave early but its all good i just wanna see the stadium ......
I'm seriously hating anybody who is at this game right now.

Hell, I hate anybody standing outside the Stadium...
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

I'm seriously hating anybody who is at this game right now.

Hell, I hate anybody standing outside the Stadium...
I know how you feel
. I wish I was there, this place looksamazing.

Game time in a few minutes. Wang on the mound, that's my boy!
It's already 1-0 Cubs, but Gardner threw a beauty to Posada that almost got Aaron Miles out.
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