New York YANKEES spring training thread......... 2 days until season starts: LETS GO YANKEES!

Yeah no doubt.

Tickets: Not available to the public. They were distributed to season-ticket holders and Bronx-based community groups.

Gates open: 11 a.m.

Workout: 1:10 p.m.-3:10 p.m.

What to expect: Batting practice, some infield practice, a few fundamental drills.
Heading over to my boys now to catch a ride...Check back later on in the day
Originally Posted by onewearz

4/21 OAK Tue 7:05 PM
5/18 MIN Mon 7:05 PM
5/21 BAL Thu 7:05 PM
6/8 TB Mon TBA
7/6 TOR Mon TBA
7/21 BAL Tue 7:05 PM

not too bad , got the o's twicw though

ill be there on the 21st
Some leftover impressions after nearly eight weeks in Tampa …

• There were empty seats at Steinbrenner Field on Wednesday and a noticeable amount of empty seats at other parks over the course of the spring. I think we're headed for a regular season where some teams will have to get used to crowds under 15,000.

• My first spring with the Yankees was 2006. I remember George Steinbrenner marching into Joe Torre's office while we were interviewing him, sitting on the couch and asking some questions himself. Now Steinbrenner arrives at the ballpark in a wheelchair and his friends whisper about whether it's a good day or a bad day.

• Hal Steinbrenner did not make himself available to the media once all spring, which is too bad because he usually has some intelligent things to say. You don't get the feeling that he loves running the team but he's doing the best job he can for the sake of his family. That's honorable.

• If Brett Gardner stays in the lineup, he'll steal at least 40 bases and make plays in center field Yankee fans haven't seen in decades. If he can keep his OBP around the league average, he'll be a benefit. That's a big if, however. But my money is on him.

• Prediction: Phil Hughes pitches at least 80 innings in the majors this season and proves to be an important piece. One of the starters is sure to break down at some point.

• When did Ramiro Pena suddenly become a hot prospect? Baseball America didn't have him in their Top 30 and they weren't incorrect. He can pick it but will he hit?

• Joe Girardi made a good, honest effort to build relationships with his players, coaches and the beat writers this spring. In his own words, he had to reach out to everybody in the clubhouse, no matter what their job was. But what counts - and he knows this - is what happens now.

• Those who are worried about the bullpen should be. Jose Veras and Edwar Ramirez have not yet reached the trustworthy stage. Phil Coke looks terrific but is untested as well. The same is true of Jonathan Albaladejo. Brian Bruney also had a rocky spring. But there are a lot of quality arms in the minors and Girardi and Dave Eiland have shown they can handle a bullpen very efficiently.

• I couldn't be more impressed at how seriously CC Sabathia takes being a good teammate or how fully he has invested himself in being a Yankee and being in New York. Sure, he came for the money. Everybody does. But he is committed to making the relationship work.

• Rob Thomson is a very, very good third base coach.

• How Girardi manages the playing time of Johnny Damon, Hideki Matsui, Xavier Nady and Nick Swisher will be his biggest challenge this season.

• The ever-pessimistic Brian Cashman says mid-May. But I keep hearing Alex Rodriguez will be back a lot earlier than that.

• Sure, Derek Jeter has declined. Now name all the AL shortstops you would rather have. Go ahead. It's a short list.

• Robinson Cano is actually a superior second baseman when he pays attention to what he is doing.

• If I were a Yankee, I'd do whatever I could to stay on Jorge Posada's good side. Jeter may be the captain but the catcher is the enforcer. He's Sonny to Derek's Michael.

• Mark Teixeira looks like he wants to be the MVP. He mashed all spring.

• If Mariano Rivera is the captain of the bullpen, Jose Veras is sort of his second in command. He has a way of bringing people together.

• Austin Jackson is going to have a huge year at Scranton.

• The Yankees make a big deal about their spring training guest instructors. Most of them don't much beyond standing around. But you know who actually tries to help? Reggie Jackson. He's totally full of himself, don't get me wrong. But he makes an effort to help guys out.

• It was a lot of fun to meet so many folks who read the blog.

• Brett Tomko got screwed. I think they'll regret not having a long man.

• Some amateur psychology on Joba Chamberlain: There was too much, too soon for him and his DUI was hard evidence of that. He got caught up in being Joba Chamberlain instead of remembering where he came from. Chamberlain seems more humble now and more willing to listen. Having CC Sabathia in his ear instead of Roger Clemens will be helpful, too.

• You know who could emerge in the bullpen? Steven Jackson.

• You know who won't? Humberto Sanchez. He can't stay healthy.

• At some point soon, it'll about the team and not the new Stadium. But we're still a ways away from that.
Originally Posted by briannnnn

I never heard of McPherson until reading about it on LoHud...essentially has great hitting potential and could be a long-term option as a corner OF or a 3B...except we have a space case of a 3B for the next 10 (thousand) years in A-Rod...

McPherson was the dude who was supposed to replace Troy Glaus, the reason they were so willing to let him go. If you ask Ska about it he's still mad abouthow the whole thing panned out.
Kevin Devaney recorded some impressions from the Yankees on their new ballpark:

Joe Girardi: "Last night when we walked in, it felt like it was Christmas morning. Just listening to players talk about it, and the excitement of visiting every nook and cranny in the ballpark and in our clubhouse, it's an unbelievable building."

Andy Pettitte: "I was out there last night and, the dimensions, it looks exactly like the old ball park. You just look from the dugout, it looks like it's going to play big in left and there's a short porch in right.

"Obviously you walk through the door and see this, the clubhouse. Just the facilities we have, how beautiful everything is and the lighting, it's state-of-the-art. For me, I'm a big-time whirlpool guy. We have unbelievable facilities as far as swimming. It's just unbelievable."

Joba Chamberlain: "You're kind of in awe at first. It's like having a new toy. You want to come in and play with everything.

"It's going to be a little bit different because you have to get adjusted to the backdrop. You have to adjust. Your depth perception is different everywhere you go. So we're going to have to get out there on the mound and just get your surroundings."

Derek Jeter: "Homefield advantage is in the crowd. Our fans are always going to be the same. The atmosphere is what makes it fun for the players, so I expect it to be the same as it's always been."

Mark Teixeira: "It's special to be a part of this. It's going to be the greatest the sports venue in the world. We're going to be excited to be playing on it for a long time.

"I loved playing in the old stadium. It was my favorite place to come to as a visiting player and I'm going to miss it. But when you come in here, it makes you forget about the nostalgia a little bit."
Johnny Damon: "You could see by the looks on some of our faces that Christmas came a little bit early this year. My first thoughts were that we're very fortunate to have a place like this. The old Yankee Stadium was definitely very special. This player is special from the moment you walk into it. As a player, you're fortunate to put on the Yankee pinstripes and have this nice new ballpark."
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Damn, impressive. But it def has alot of the features from the old YS
Some people who were there today to see the team workout were saying that the new Stadium does still look like the old Stadium at certain angles.

But after seeing pics of the Stadium before the renovated it, I have to say the original Stadium looked so much better...the original copper frieze, the steepupper deck, how there were more just looked so much more imposing and intimidating, imo.
So, I just went on the Yankee forums I am a member of, and a few people posted pictures of their visit at the workout today.

The place is amazing looking, except for the bleachers. I am truly shocked at how bad they screwed this up. The restaurant in CF is a disaster to thebleachers.

Take a look



*Credit to a member over at forum*

Left Field has it worse

Other than the bleachers, the place looks great based on pictures (and I am sure it is in person). I am going to miss the, sad to say, "old" YankeeStadium, but am welcoming the NYS with open arms. It's our new playground fellas
Damn that left field is section 239....a lot of us have tickets there to the Red Sox game.....Does seat # 1 start from the wall of the cafe? or does it startafter the section before it? I hope it starts the sectiion before it because I got seats 1 & 2 ....on the end it shouldnt be that bad....but if its againstthe wall im selling these things
Wow, those obstructions are horrible.

I even heard the bleacher seats are metal, smart move when the summer months roll around.

Stadium is nice but since there are a ton more seats I heard the leg room isn't that great either. The HD screen is NUTS though.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Wow, those obstructions are horrible.

I even heard the bleacher seats are metal, smart move when the summer months roll around.

Stadium is nice but since there are a ton more seats I heard the leg room isn't that great either. The HD screen is NUTS though.
No there is more leg room in the Stadium...I'm pretty sure in Citi too
Old is on left....New on right
[table][tr][td] Seat Width[/td] [td]18" to 22"[/td] [td]19" to 24"[/td] [/tr][tr][td] Legroom Between Rows[/td] [td]29.5"[/td] [td]33" to 39"[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by jrp44

Damn that left field is section 239....a lot of us have tickets there to the Red Sox game.....Does seat # 1 start from the wall of the cafe? or does it start after the section before it? I hope it starts the sectiion before it because I got seats 1 & 2 ....on the end it shouldnt be that bad....but if its against the wall im selling these things
1 & 2 should NOT be against the wall.... since 238 is to the side farthest away from the wall....... so then 1 & 2 would beat the start of the new section (if you get what I'm saying)
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by jrp44

Damn that left field is section 239....a lot of us have tickets there to the Red Sox game.....Does seat # 1 start from the wall of the cafe? or does it start after the section before it? I hope it starts the sectiion before it because I got seats 1 & 2 ....on the end it shouldnt be that bad....but if its against the wall im selling these things
1 & 2 should NOT be against the wall.... since 238 is to the side farthest away from the wall....... so then 1 & 2 would be at the start of the new section (if you get what I'm saying)
Yeah I get it....I was just making neve know how they number them lol
....I should be ok then...
Aright fellas, sorry I didn't get to the computer faster..Traffic on the way back home and having to go get my girl from work, it threw off my timing(plus, I made 1-2-3 SEXY TIME tonight to cap off a great day.

Today was great. Perfect weather, perfect atmosphere, it felt like game day.

Since I type like an $$$, I'm gonna make it easy on everyone with bullets..I would've taken more pictures, but half a battery combined with not findingthe charger hurt.

  • The New Yankee Stadium is, to say the least, amazing. The attention to detail throughout the whole place is ridiculous.
  • Seeing the old Yankee stadium hurts. It's like when you have a toy, play with it, basically wear it out, then when you get a new toy, it gets thrown away. It's sad to see it all deserted like that, but we've gotta get used to it. The new stadium is here for the rest of our lifetime.
  • Being able to walk around the whole stadium is soooo nice, as opposed to being locked in the bleachers if you're sitting there.
  • %@&! THE RESTUARANT. The obstructed views are not a good look.
  • The new screen is absolutely ridiculous. 1080p, 100 feet X 60 feet. ITS HUGE.
  • Seeing past players and teams on the inside of the stadium is a great touch. All the great moments, pictures, sayings are all around the stadium.
  • The tributes to our Legends is first class. They have a picture of Lou Gerhig's "Luckiest Man" speech, with a loop of the speech playing. Classy.
Some non-related stories for the day.
  • My boys, singlehandedly, might be the luckiest guys in the world. My dude Rich= 1 BP HR caught, 2 signatures. Matsui and Tex. Tony=2 BP HRs Caught. My boy Rich is a MOOK. This kid got Arods last year
  • Joba did me greasy today. I was RIGHT by the RF Foul Pole with his jersey on and he was right there BSing with other pitchers. He goes after a ball, STARES at me waving his jersey and throws the ball the opposite way.
  • Damon wasn't signing ANYTHING until he seen this hot blonde cougar ask him to sign stuff. Then he was signing everything
Baseball related stuff
  • Tex was SMASHING balls today. He looks very comfortable in Pinstripes. Chatting it up with fans as well too. He's gonna be great.
  • Swisher is gonna have a great year this year. If he gets some playing time, he's gonna be a stud for us. He was using the whole field today. He looked good.
  • CC is HUGE.
  • Robbie looks like he put on some muscle this year.
  • The majority of our young guys look like they're having fun out there, especially E. Ramirez.
Onewearz, I tried getting your cousins attention today when he was rightby the RF pole..I almost smacked this little kid who was right next to me...I was like.."JON! I KNOW YOUR COUSIN!"..this little booger takes my line,so I'm like..NO YOU DON'T.

Jordan201 Did you get my PM today? I didn't have any luck, but did yousee the PM I sent you.

Deadset Yeah, a 6:30 am class. I suck, I know.

Onto the pictures.

First thing we see.








The Team

I had to take 2 pictures cause it was THAT BIG.


Looks alot like the Old Stadium







The Facade around is sooo




Random pic of an old team


The 2 autographs and the 1 from last season



And last but not least.


More pictures to follow.

nice pics, seeing old yankee stadium hurts my heart. all the grass is already gone.

congrats on the sexy time also
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