News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

So is watchmen a full comic book series or just a graphic short series novel ?

I also like what Snyder did with 300, I hope the prequel is on point.
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Sonia watchmen a full comic book series or just a graphic short series novel ?

I also like what Snyder did with 300, I hope the prequel is on point.

Snyder has nothing to do with the prequel sadly.

Watchmen is a graphic novel, originally a 12 issue mini-series.

Damn, exactly what I was afraid of but who in the Avengers cast got paid $200k? Coulson probably got paid more. :lol: I'd be pissed to if I were standing next to someone who made $50mil.

Still sucks though, I just read of a contract negotiations with RDJ in the IM3 thread and now this. Avengers 3 might have a completely new look now. I mean this is Marvel/Disney they are dealing with, nothing ire more greedy than that damn mouse.
Snyder has nothing to do with the prequel sadly.

Watchmen is a graphic novel, originally a 12 issue mini-series.

IMDB has him listed as a writer/producer :nerd:

So this dude squeezed a whole mini series into one movie ? :lol:

Why not 2 or 3?
Snyder has nothing to do with the prequel sadly.

Watchmen is a graphic novel, originally a 12 issue mini-series.

IMDB has him listed as a writer/producer :nerd:

So this dude squeezed a whole mini series into one movie ? :lol:

Why not 2 or 3?

I don't think the studio approved it a multiple part Watchmen film. Snyder does have an extended version with 20+ extra minutes.

As for the 300 prequel, I though Snyder was writing it but dropped it when they gave it to another director. I still can't see it being close to 300 though, but will still watch.
Apparently Marvel has scripts for a Blade reboot and Ms. Marvel.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, "Marvel has a writing program it uses as a concept generator and has scripts for Blade and Ms. Marvel features, for example. Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Black Panther and The Runaways are other projects on the horizon. The company slowly has been reacquiring licenses to characters it lost during the 1990s, snapping up Blade, Ghost Rider, Power Man and Daredevil in the past year alone."


Please Disney/Marvel. Please don't make Blade a PG-13 affair. You can't make everything family friendly.



Lord have mercy. The woman is fine. Terrible casting choice though. I can already see the direction of the movie. :smh:

I still don't understand why they didn't go with a director who is familiar with the martial arts genre instead of someone obsessed with making things explode.

Bay's only producing, Jonathan Liebesman is directing, and from the cast i think this gonna be a comedy instead of an action movie

My mistake. Either way. Director or producer. I don't know if he's the guy you go to for accurate portrayals as much as he's the guy you go to, to cash in on the masses.

When I first heard they were going the live action route, I was excited because the level of practical and special effects now compared to when they made the 90's TMNT live action films is night and day. From Michael Bay to the casting, I get a little less excited each time they reveal someone in the movie.
If the dialogue in Watchmen were any different, Snyder would get flack from it too. The point was to translate it to film w/o much change because the book was great on it's own and it needed no re-write or much changes, including the dialogue.

I thought he did it well, similar to what he did in 300 though that was more effective with a much more simple story. I still think it worked though, but the film really is a love or hate deal with the fans.
I never said he should change dialogue. I said he thought he could get by just copying the dialogue and that the idea of cramming 12 issues in to one movie would work out well. Besides he shouldn't even be worrying about getting flack if he feels he's adding necessary new dialogue to better establish the characters motives and personality in relation to the story. I mean really where was the direction in this for the cast?

If the point was to do what you said then they weren't focusing on making a great movie and doing the great book justice. Sounds more like they said hey here's a classic book with a huge cult following, lets exploit it by making a movie, no need to really write a script from scratch, just copy the important parts and cut the fat (and it's not really fat cuz all the dialogue really mattered to set the tone for the story). It's akin to jamming 3 George R.R. Martin A Song of Ice & Fire books in to one 12 episode season of Game of Thrones.
Snyder has nothing to do with the prequel sadly.

Watchmen is a graphic novel, originally a 12 issue mini-series.

IMDB has him listed as a writer/producer :nerd:

So this dude squeezed a whole mini series into one movie ? :lol:

Why not 2 or 3?
That's just part of WB/DC's failures with these superhero movies. Best trilogy they pulled off so far was for Batman. They would've been better off if they were that unsure by trying this Before Watchmen crap as a movie before actually making the Watchmen movie. Put one prequel movie out there with their origins and the whole Nam Nixon background then after results see if they go through with it. That way they'd even have some type of blueprint for Justice League seeing as they don't want to copy Marvel's approach and want to jam all the heroes in to the movie at once with no build up.
Marvel being Marvel again. There's a possibility you'll see a new Thor in Avengers 2.
Honestly they only need to worry about RDJR and Sam Jackson. I really liked Norton's Hulk but apparently everybody else felt he couldn't fit and whats his name did a good job so with them getting the pass there they could easily bring in new guys for Cap and Thor and imo they can definitely get a better Cap so do it with Thor first since he tends to have the weaker stories.

It'd be hilarious if Marvel just straight up Onslaught's the Avengers cast and starts pushing Heroes for Hire and Thunderbolts :lol: Hell they could easily wipe out the current cast and try to raise the team's prominence with the likes of Black Panther, Wasp, and Ant-Man leading.
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that $200,000 has to be a lie just to make it a bigger story. and if it isnt a lie its probably for the background cast and none of the major players...

maybe the chick from how i met your mother? if so she is easily replaceable

IMO movies like these should just use any random actor that matches the character's body physique and just CGI the face. This would cut the expenses of paying top dollar for actors, never have to worry about recasting, movies could be years apart without having the character drastically age, and get the right look of the character to a tee. Marvel would cut their troubles and budgets in half if they went this route. It's something they should take into consideration. I hate when they have to recast actors to play the same role. It just ruins it for me. :smh:
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that $200,000 has to be a lie just to make it a bigger story. and if it isnt a lie its probably for the background cast and none of the major players...

maybe the chick from how i met your mother? if so she is easily replaceable

I wouldn't doubt it if Chris Hemsworth really is only banking in 200k per movie. He was basically a nobody when Marvel signed him on for Thor and other movies. 200k was what they offered Mickey Rourke and he was coming off an Oscar nom.
i think that 200k is a lie. I read that slj and scarlett got between 4-6 mill. Thor, hulk, hawkeye and cap got between 2-3 mill. and yea RDJ did get 50 mill.

Now I do remember reading somewhere that Chris evans only got 300k for Captain america 1. But youd think thatd be renegotiated once marvel started raking in the big bucks for these projects
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I do think Hemsworth only got $200k and probably a lot less for Thor1. The main issues seems to be negotiation for Hemsworths contract.

Already a lot of brinkmanship played out for Captain America 2 and Thor 2. Calling it the “weirdest experience”, one rep still can’;t believe Marvel offered “only a $500,000 raise and then would pay another $500,000 when the movie hits $500M. Are they out of their minds?” When it was pointed out to Marvel that Hemsworth already had received $5M for his starring role in Snow White And The Huntsman, the studio shot back, ”I don’t know why you’re complaining when Marvel only has hit movies.” To which the response was, “He’s happier working at a place like Universal.” After hard-fought bargaining, Chris Evans for Captain America 2 and Chris Hemsworth for Thor 2 wound up with deals still weighted on the back end but at least with attainable break-even numbers and small upfront guarantees and box office bonuses.

We imagine Whedon isn’t that worried, since he took in a reported $100 million for The Avengers, but it’s a different story for actors like Chris Hemsworth, who took in less than $1 million in his first two Marvel films.
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I do think Hemsworth only got $200k and probably a lot less for Thor1. The main issues seems to be negotiation for Hemsworths contract.

Already a lot of brinkmanship played out for Captain America 2 and Thor 2. Calling it the “weirdest experience”, one rep still can’;t believe Marvel offered “only a $500,000 raise and then would pay another $500,000 when the movie hits $500M. Are they out of their minds?” When it was pointed out to Marvel that Hemsworth already had received $5M for his starring role in Snow White And The Huntsman, the studio shot back, ”I don’t know why you’re complaining when Marvel only has hit movies.” To which the response was, “He’s happier working at a place like Universal.” After hard-fought bargaining, Chris Evans for Captain America 2 and Chris Hemsworth for Thor 2 wound up with deals still weighted on the back end but at least with attainable break-even numbers and small upfront guarantees and box office bonuses.

We imagine Whedon isn’t that worried, since he took in a reported $100 million for The Avengers, but it’s a different story for actors like Chris Hemsworth, who took in less than $1 million in his first two Marvel films.
hopefully whedon AND rdj are able to back the other less paid actors so we can get the original avengers from part 1 back
hopefully whedon AND rdj are able to back the other less paid actors so we can get the original avengers from part 1 back

Man, Avengers 2 without the original cast would really look weird.
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So if I'm reading this correctly...

Dude got paid 5 Millie for Snow White ...

But less than 1 Millie combined for Thor and Avengers ? :wow:

I wonder how much he got paid for Star Trek :lol:
So if I'm reading this correctly...

Dude got paid 5 Millie for Snow White ...

But less than 1 Millie combined for Thor and Avengers ? :wow:

I wonder how much he got paid for Star Trek :lol:
he was in the last star trek or the upcoming one?
Probably got paid $10k. :lol:
That was a very minimal part (though important being Kirks dad and all) but he was an unknown back then.
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