News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Not a bad suggestion. Could he buff up and be bizarro Buff Dave Chappelle though?

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I don't think Cutty's really a film actor. Especially not a film leading man. If they casted him as Cage, it'd be for little scenes on the SHIELD show and not much more.

I like Wood Harris. He wasn't bad in Dredd last year, but maybe dude's just better as the bad guy? :lol:
The Wire cast inserting itself everywhere. :lol:

Yeah. I like Wood Harris a lot. He's a great actor, but I could see him better as a villain. He kills in crime dramas.
Wood Harris? Nah man. He's also in his 40s as well. We just naming black actors at this point. Would be perfect for Will Smith with all of the running.
Why is Beast not a blue furball in that picture? The writers should make sure everything makes sense with all this time traveling and not rush it too much. The first movie did feel rushed in some parts and the way they handled the only black guy xman was dumb.
Just like in Days of Future Past, Age of Apocalypse, and every other Marvel alt timeline where things are ****** up somebody most likely went in to the past and changed something. Probably killed somebody.

So for the First Class sequence of events maybe somebody went back in time and did something to somebody which led to a sequence of events where Beast never tried to cure himself which led to his mutation going in to overdrive or maybe whatever was changed caused him to do a different experiment where he can transform from human form to beast form or the simplest explanation being those pictures are of Beast before he experimented on himself or he never got a chance to.

Even with the time travel if the story is kept as linear as possible all the changes will eventually make sense
Wood Harris? Nah man. He's also in his 40s as well. We just naming black actors at this point. Would be perfect for Will Smith with all of the running.
And will smith ain't in his 40's? :rolleyes
And am I the only one who thinks his movies are over-rated and he ain't really a good actor? I mean I'm glad he has been successful but he isn't really a good actor to me
will smith already had his super hero movie ended up putting someones head up another guys butt hole :lol:
There's too much of a back story for DoFP. The general audience won't be too familiar with the OG xmen cast and their roles. To much time looping, too many characters. And I'll put good money on it that they'll mess up the sentinels and that's IF they're in there
There's too much of a back story for DoFP. The general audience won't be too familiar with the OG xmen cast and their roles. To much time looping, too many characters. And I'll put good money on it that they'll mess up the sentinels and that's IF they're in there

Millar confirmed the Sentinels.

I don’t really want to give too much away but the Sentinels are a big feature of this story. They will be cool and this will deliver on all of the teasers. We’ve all been waiting for this ever since X-Men: The Last Stand showed us one of their heads.
There's too much of a back story for DoFP. The general audience won't be too familiar with the OG xmen cast and their roles. To much time looping, too many characters. And I'll put good money on it that they'll mess up the sentinels and that's IF they're in there

Millar confirmed the Sentinels.

I don’t really want to give too much away but the Sentinels are a big feature of this story. They will be cool and this will deliver on all of the teasers. We’ve all been waiting for this ever since X-Men: The Last Stand showed us one of their heads.
hopefully with DoFP they can make it seem like the last few xmen(x2,x3) movies didnt exist and will hopefully reboot that xmen timeline
Well Singer is using X1-X3 as canon but he wants to "fix" what X3 did. An interview he did with IGN a few months back, not really a movie spoiler, just a long interview.

IGN: One thing that’s interesting about the alternate universe/timeline in Days of Future Past is that it could potentially give you the opportunity to revisit things that happened in the third film in terms of characters and endings that you might like to see changed.

Bryan Singer: You mean, what you’re politely saying is, “fix s**t.” Is that what you’re saying? That’s what I’m hearing. [Laughing]

IGN: [Laughing] Maybe…

Singer: There’s going to be a little of that, a few things I can repair.

IGN: Are fans going to be pleased with these things you will be repairing?

Singer: I think so, I think so, yes.

IGN: Do you have regrets about what Brett Ratner did with Last Stand?

Singer: It would have been nice to have done the third one, but I really wanted to have the Superman [Returns] experience. And I’ve never really talked about it before, but there were negotiating issues that were there. I didn’t fully have X-Men 3 in my mind and I had this take on Superman and suddenly that was easy. That was an easier deal, it took three days and we were ready to go. So I made that move and it pissed off certain people – we’re all good now. But you know, maybe I wouldn’t have ended up with X-Men: First Class and where I’m sitting today making this epic combination of casts. So in the end, I’m glad I had my Superman experience. It was a little awkward for me to see X-Men 3, obviously. In fact I was so emotionally nervous about it that a person -- who shall remain nameless -- brought me to a building in the middle of the night in Los Angeles and sat me in front of the computer and showed me the movie. Completely against the law, long before it was finished, just so I could be prepared. And I watched it reel by reel on the computer. You know Brett and I are good friends, I actually saw him in London last week, and I don’t know if I’ve ever told him that frankly, because I just kept it to myself. But I just needed to see the movie so that when I actually went to the theatre and saw it, it wasn’t shocking to me or disturbing. Seeing a Superman movie will be very different. I’m actually very excited to see Zack Snyder’s Superman because it’ll be so different from mine and that’s quite distant. But today I don’t have regrets because I’m sitting here doing this amazing hybrid, so maybe it was all meant to be.

IGN: As a fan of this world too, though, do you want to see Scott and Jean return? Because it’s what everyone is thinking. That we want to see them return, you know?

Singer: Who wouldn’t? Who wouldn’t? [Laughing] That’s all I can say.

IGN: [Laughing] Fair enough.

IGN: What is the balance between the first classers and the original trilogy actors in Days of Future Past?

Singer: The movie takes place at different times. It deals with, I don't want to say time travel, but time displacement. A form of time travel which is steeped more in the X-Men [mythos].

IGN: There was a real distinctive tone created in First Class, that was sort of in the vein of a film from that era, how are you going to integrate that into this one?

Singer: The majority of it...or that part of it, takes place in the early 70’s, 1973. So Nixon is a character, and there will be different styles and automobiles. And there will be some futuristic, as well as retro, technology which you haven’t seen. There are science fiction aspects of the movie, and then there’s some retro science fiction that the X-Men films haven’t had quite yet. So we’re exploring that, which will be fun. And there’s an attitude [difference]. We discover our characters, particularly the younger characters, at a different place in their lives. Every character you discover in this movie is in a completely different place than you’ve ever seen, emotionally, and it's about them moving through that. Hilarity ensues!

IGN: When you think about it, it’s possible to come out of this movie with three separate branches of the X-Men franchise: the First Class time period, the original X-Men time period that you created and now the alternate timeline/universe that X-Men: Days of Future Past will delve into. The alternate universe timeline could exist on its own. Is that a possibility coming out of this?

Singer: Yes, I think so, but I think it’s even bigger than that. I think that if you really examine the X-Men universe it’s every bit as big as the Marvel universe. There are lesser characters, but if you take certain characters there are a myriad of films you could make, and stories you could tell, with these characters as individuals. Wolverine being one of them, and that’s currently being done. But you could really mine this universe. I’m glad to return to it and I’d like to get more involved in it because it hasn’t really been orchestrated – somewhat with the Wolverine pictures – but I think there is a lot more that one can do.

IGN: Have you sort of started to map out plans for a Disney/Marvel movies approach to the X-Men franchise?

Singer: It’s just something we’re thinking about. Really my big focus was this movie. Because it’s really massive, and we’re going to start shooting soon. But we’re talking, [producer] Lauren Shuler Donner and I, and we’ll see.

IGN: I know you love to announce on Twitter. When do you think there will be announcements about the rest of the casting and who Peter Dinklage is playing and those kinds of things?

Singer: I don’t know. We’ll see. I’m not sure... I’ll see how it goes. Some people will figure stuff out on their own and then it just gets out there. I tweet very impulsively. You know, just when I have a moment in the day, or when something like [Peter Dinklage’s casting] happens. You know when they call me and say, ‘Okay, Peter’s deal is done.’ I wish I could tweet every conversation, but when I tweet it has to be an official thing. When I tweet it it’s for real. There’s another person that we’re negotiating with right now, so hopefully that will work out and they’ll be a part of the movie as well. And there are some new roles, younger roles that will appear in the movie. My tweets are just to be connective to fans and they’re impulsive. Sometimes they’re silly - or spelled wrong. I just have to make sure I don’t tweet when I’m drunk or anything. [Laughing] My biggest fear is that I have the phone, it’s right there…You gotta be careful because you have this direct line in your pocket to lots of people. But I think it’s a great tool. I wish I had it on Valkyrie, for instance. Because there was a lot of snarky scrutiny that was completely inaccurate and if I had Twitter I could have just addressed it. Like when they were saying, ‘Oh my god, they’re coming back to the United States for reshoots, the movie is in trouble!’ I could have said, ‘No, we’re coming back to the United States cause there are no deserts in Germany and I have a sequence that takes place in a desert.” And that would have been such an easy tweet – ‘No, the movie is fine.’ So when people panic that you’re doing something, wrong or something’s wrong with the movie, you can either not address it, or address it without needing to call a press conference.
Interested to see how they'll address the whole havok thing. How can cyclops have a younger brother that was a founding xmen when he, head hurts already
Just for the hell of it, here's the Sentinel Concepts from X2 & X3 (which I am kind of glad never made it to the film). I think some of you guys might remember thiese:



Interested to see how they'll address the whole havok thing. How can cyclops have a younger brother that was a founding xmen when he, head hurts already

Well Cyclops was in 1st Class, he was one of the kids Prof X started to find when he first used Cerebro (kid in sunglass w/ a baseball). None of it makes sense, I mean cyclops was also a teenager in Wolverine Origins and that was no where near the time period of first class. :lol:
Interested to see how they'll address the whole havok thing. How can cyclops have a younger brother that was a founding xmen when he, head hurts already

Well Cyclops was in 1st Class, he was one of the kids Prof X started to find when he first used Cerebro (kid in sunglass w/ a baseball). None of it makes sense, I mean cyclops was also a teenager in Wolverine Origins and that was no where near the time period of first class. :lol:

:lol: yeah u guys are making me rethink this whole DoFP thing will be a good idea. Will u guys get upset at the source material with this like iron man? :lol:
:lol: yeah u guys are making me rethink this whole DoFP thing will be a good idea. Will u guys get upset at the source material with this like iron man? :lol:

If they mess this up, I'm thinking Marvel will get the movie rights back. This feels like this is Fox's ace in the whole because the wolverine is lookin like a hot P.O.S. My homeboy told me silver samurai might be a robot. I don't know where he got that blasphemy from but I DARE them to pull of some bull like that...
The ship for Marvel getting rights back sailed.

When Wolverine leaked online, and they gave up on finished the effects and just shoved it out there...that was the chance. That tanks and maybe. Instead, it made almost as much as X2. And then people actually liked First Class.

Fox'll keep churning em out until Hugh Jackman dies.
:lol: yeah u guys are making me rethink this whole DoFP thing will be a good idea. Will u guys get upset at the source material with this like iron man? :lol:

If they mess this up, I'm thinking Marvel will get the movie rights back. This feels like this is Fox's ace in the whole because the wolverine is lookin like a hot P.O.S. My homeboy told me silver samurai might be a robot. I don't know where he got that blasphemy from but I DARE them to pull of some bull like that...

He probably got it from the trailer:

But I still think it'll just be a guy in a samurai suit:
I don't know. That pic from the trailer is looking mighty cyborg-ish. Trust me I want him to be a regular....well mutant in a suit but mannnnnnnmnnnnnnn
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