News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Ben Hur looks AWFUL...guaranteed flop

Indiana Jones 5 got me jittery

Good for Harrison to demand another Indy film in order for him to be in SW7

I hope they bring back the Nazis as enemies and no more ET stuff
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Having just watched the first 3 movies last week, I think an Indy 5 could work with the right director and if they basically Star Wars it

Doubtful that they can get Sean Connery back..

But hopefully John Rhys-Davies is available.. Sadly denholm Elliot died.. Could have a call back to the Asian kid from part 2, maybe a couple characters from that movie (even though it is probably the weakest film of the 3)

They could have a young professor at whatever university he's at being trained to take over his spot.. Someone comes for revenge against Indy or some adventure they have to go on and the kid gets dragged into it.. And at the end Indy sees the kid has a good heart and the whole "it belongs in a museum" thing going
I'm a huge Indy fan. There was never a 4th Indy film. Nope it never happened. Not sure what y'all are referencing.

oh and Indy > Han. fight me
Some movies just shouldn't be remade.. There is now way you can truly recapture what the original was..

Sure use the concept, but you don't need to remake that movie.. Like gladiator

Next thing you know Hollywood will be pushing for a gone with the wind remake.. How the west was won.. And/or Lawrence of Arabia

Hell you got movies like jaws and the exorcist that I think you won't be able to fully recapture the spirit of
Point break is a good example.. Use the idea, fast and furious

No need for a remake
I always wondered if anyone would be brave enough to remake Back To The Future. They would receive the most epic amount of hate.
I always wondered if anyone would be brave enough to remake Back To The Future. They would receive the most epic amount of hate.

Won't happen until the creators die and might not happen then if their families won't allow it.
That was all a rumor.

I don't think age matters with Ford though, he looked more spry in TFA than Indy 4 :lol:

He is also doing Blade Runner so it looks like he is just finishing up and closing the books on his big films/franchises, maybe all these characters will end the same way as Han?
What if someone made a 4?

They won't do that either Zemeckis and Spielberg both went on record to say that a remake/reboot another sequel won't happen while they are alive. They have also said it would be stupid for someone to try and do that. While this may happen to other franchises(Ghostbusters, comes to mind) When 2 of the greatest directors who created the franchise come out and say we don't support this and it sounds stupid( I'm sure it's more Spielberg than Zemeckis) than you just backdown.
That was all a rumor.

I don't think age matters with Ford though, he looked more spry in TFA than Indy 4

He is also doing Blade Runner so it looks like he is just finishing up and closing the books on his big films/franchises, maybe all these characters will end the same way as Han?
 I can only take so much.

If Indy suffers the same fate...I might lose it lol.
I always wondered if anyone would be brave enough to remake Back To The Future. They would receive the most epic amount of hate.

Won't happen until the creators die and might not happen then if their families won't allow it.

What if someone made a 4?

No sequels or reboots.

"Zemeckis remains adamant that he won't grant permission for a sequel, remake or reboot - something Universal are contractually obliged to obtain before they can go ahead with one."
yea, trying to remake back to the future would be a terrible idea..

I have no clue who even to suggest to try and take over the marty and doc roles

rick and morty is a great homage to those movies
I like Indy 4 a lot (granted I was still in middle school and that's when I first saw Indiana Jones and I love the Disneyland ride)

It's better when grounded into the original mythology of the original trilogy (aka shouldn't have aliens)

But it was enjoyable

Still sits at 78% on RT too.
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for Marty I could see a younger Miles Teller, but even then I'm not even sure. Doc????? I have no Idea Morgan Freeman??? :lol:

I actually wrote a beat sheet out to a reboot that takes place in 2020(no flying cars or anything like that stuff basically the technology we have now) and the marty character would travel back to the 90's(the time I grew up) so there's alot to play around with pop culture and time wise. It's just something I do when I'm burnt out on writing my own material, but know i should keep writing.
It's not just remaking the movie itself but the time the character goes back to,that period has to be an interesting enough but at the same time show the contrast between the original time period the main character comes from....super hard. Also a car that can be that iconic
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