News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

they really can't wait... :rofl:

Constantin Film to Produce New ‘Resident Evil’ Reboot Movie

Just four days after Resident Evil: The Final Chapter hit retail shelves on home video formats, Constantin Film has announced that they will be continuing the franchise in the form of an upcoming reboot movie. Constantin’s board chairman, Martin Moszkowicz, confirmed to Variety at Cannes Film Festival that the project (based loosely on the popular Capcom video game series) is currently in development.

It isn’t surprising that Constantin wouldn’t want to stop at The Final Chapter… the film earned over $312 million worldwide on a budget of just $40 million (low by big action movie standards). While interest in the franchise has waned in the United States over the years, its recent entries have been smash hits in international markets like China.

A reboot most likely means that the series’ star, Milla Jovovich, will not return as Alice; and that her husband, Paul W.S. Anderson will likely not be returning to the franchise to write and/or direct. After six films, it will be interesting to see if the key talent sitting this one out will affect consumer interest at the box office.

At this time, writers, directors, actors, a release date etc., have yet to be confirmed. Stay tuned to Horror News Network for more details on the Resident Evil reboot as it breaks!
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:smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh: @ Resident Evil Reboot

In other news:

Universal calling their monster-verse DARK UNIVERSE. Confirm Depp as Invisible Man & Javier Bardem as Frankenstein's monster

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i get planning for it and signing multi year deals.. but kinda need to see how the 1st one goes before getting too far ahead of things
i get planning for it and signing multi year deals.. but kinda need to see how the 1st one goes before getting too far ahead of things
Studio thinks the actors attached will carry the universe.

And Sofia Boutella is on a damn roll. She's in everything now.
i get that.. but announce after the 1st one when you got the ball rolling.. let some hype build.. leave nuggets of what's to come, but you have a legit 1st film
it's part of marketing for the first film

announce the universe so it gets some publicity and maybe those who didn't even know the movie is coming out in 3 weeks might check it out and those on the fence be pushed to now checking out that it's building to something bigger
after watching king arthur, it's hilarious to me dude had a plan for a bunch of films..

i'm still waiting for the real rock n' rolla
We've known about this shared universe for over a year now tho, and so far, from what I have seen in the trailer and the casting, they have the right idea, now hopefully they follow thru with the right execution.

My first question, already, why Bride would be the second film, and not something around Crowe or Depp, Bardem, etc. That surprises me, honestly.

I also wonder, given the shared nature, do they follow the trend of after credit scenes to lead into the next film?

Either way, really lookin forward to the Mummy in 3 weeks, loved the first two Frasier films, but not sure if they hold up today. Watched The Mummy Returns last night and my wife started laughing when the Scorpion King came out at the end, it was pretty bad. :lol:
Plenty of us here know but I wouldn't be surprised if the general public has no idea about the shared universe. Even the Depp and Bardem casting were rumors.

But now they have officially confirmed those names (minus Jolie) and even have an official website ( so more people are put on notice.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of young audience today might not even know the history of Universal Monsters, they probably just know vampires and werewolves from Twilight :x
Wait, why do they need an Uncharted prequel?
I bet they'll do the Uncharted series like Harry Potter

Start with the actor while he's young; we see him age until the final movie

Start with Holland at about age 20, maybe end in his 30s
People will probably be wondering why jack reacher is fighting a mummy now. CBG19 said it would've been a nice change if they made cruise the mummy / villain. Basically get a break from him saving the day again.
they really can't wait... :rofl:

Constantin Film to Produce New ‘Resident Evil’ Reboot Movie

Just four days after Resident Evil: The Final Chapter hit retail shelves on home video formats, Constantin Film has announced that they will be continuing the franchise in the form of an upcoming reboot movie. Constantin’s board chairman, Martin Moszkowicz, confirmed to Variety at Cannes Film Festival that the project (based loosely on the popular Capcom video game series) is currently in development.

It isn’t surprising that Constantin wouldn’t want to stop at The Final Chapter… the film earned over $312 million worldwide on a budget of just $40 million (low by big action movie standards). While interest in the franchise has waned in the United States over the years, its recent entries have been smash hits in international markets like China.

A reboot most likely means that the series’ star, Milla Jovovich, will not return as Alice; and that her husband, Paul W.S. Anderson will likely not be returning to the franchise to write and/or direct. After six films, it will be interesting to see if the key talent sitting this one out will affect consumer interest at the box office.

At this time, writers, directors, actors, a release date etc., have yet to be confirmed. Stay tuned to Horror News Network for more details on the Resident Evil reboot as it breaks!

I'm down for a Resident Evil reboot if they stay faithful and don't pull any more of that made up character nonsense. We need a legit bad *** Chris Redfield.

When I first heard RE reboot, I mentally checked out, but then I saw James Wan's name. Wan has been successful with horror and action flicks. So this might be the perfect situation. But video game movies are also cursed. :lol:
Like wan being involved.. previous movies weren't for me.. but I think wan could do work with it

But I really want wan to get control of JL dark.. or the Constantine film..hell that whole side of things from them.. also would love to see him tackle some batman stories
Producing is never the same thing as directing.

Any time a movie has the tag line of "From the producers that brought you...." that **** is a red herring.

Majority of producers that produced classics usually have at least 2-3 stinkers just due to the sheer volume of movies they help produce.

James Wan executive produced all of the Saw movies but the first one :lol:

He's a good up and coming director with a strong resume of films he's directed but even Nolan produced BvS: Dawn of Justice :x

Like wan being involved.. previous movies weren't for me.. but I think wan could do work with it

But I really want wan to get control of JL dark.. or the Constantine film..hell that whole side of things from them.. also would love to see him tackle some batman stories
JL Dark is firmly in the hands of Doug Liman for the time being with Del Toro "producing".
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Nolan got some bad producing titles, can't forget transcendence

I'd rather see liman on some of the other DC stuff
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