Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

I said on the market right now. It's 2013 bro. All fighters back in the day had low number of characters. As the genre grew and the capabilities of studios and consoles expanded, so did fighters. And Blake they stated that they are aiming to make this a major tourney ready fighter. At this rate I don't see it happening.
This looks pretty slick

I personally just dont see the hate for KI

First off the original KI only had like 11 characters total.

They havent made a new game for the series since the mid 90's so they basically remade the game from the ground up unlike other fighters like SF and Tekken who've been releasing games periodically for a good minute now.

Its the first fighting game on the next gen consoles and its free to play;$20 if you want all the current characters at once.

Im sorry but what else do you want.
Have fun getting shafted with Micro Transactions and half assed games like this and Titanfall that are incomplete games with the no single player mode.

Have fun getting shafted with Micro Transactions and half assed games like this and Titanfall

half assed games like this and Titanfall


half assed

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Dropping that gif in multiple threads I see. Might as well run it into the ground.
But to Iyens post, does a game really need 3 grapplers? Not really. Does a game need ken, ryu, and akuma? Not really. You could make 1 character with all of the main moves and balance it. There are only but so many archetypes in fighting games. The guys at DH are trying to cover all of them
Variety is what keeps fighting games accessible and relevant to most people.
what is dh?
I may be the only one who doesn't even touch single player when it comes to fps games.. Every cod and BF jumped straight into m.. Don't see a problem with no sp mode honestly. Leaves more room for cool stuff in mp

You aren't the only one, I haven't played a single player fps since COD 2. Everything else has been straight into multiplayer.
I don't know why ya'll are making those ridiculous assumptions lol. I've been playing fighters at all levels since the 80s. No, that's not a typo. Perhaps I should've been more clear. There's nothing wrong with people CHOOSING the same characters over and over. There's something VERY wrong with those being your only choices. What successful fighter on the market right now has such a limited roster? And I'm not into this whole leak the other characters out slowly over time nonsense. If there's going to be 16 characters in the game they need to be available from the start, regardless of pay scheme.


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be happy you even have the option of dlc fighters instead of buying a whole new full priced game
You're comparing Killer instinct releasing in 2013 to Street Fighter 2 which released in 1991.

Also the new versions of sfiv aren't full priced and you can get them as dlc anyway. Doesn't change the fact that the roster for KI is still small for a game like this releasing this year.

I personally think they should have not rushed it out for launch and released it next year. As far as I know, there are no next gen fighters on the horizon so there isn't much competition and it's not a low budget game like skull girls either.
It would have been better if they made a good first impression like what Injustice did this year for a new IP.
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That's basically it. They wanted it on " the greatest launch lineup ever" and basically rushed it. Same way I'm hearing Dead Rising 3 is having frame rate issues. Rushing things...

But I'm a fanboy :lol: I'm just lying I guess.
I may be the only one who doesn't even touch single player when it comes to fps games.. Every cod and BF jumped straight into m.. Don't see a problem with no sp mode honestly. Leaves more room for cool stuff in mp

i do, only for the trophys/achievements though

You aren't the only one, I haven't played a single player fps since COD 2. Everything else has been straight into multiplayer.

I never play Campaign on FPS, I rarely play any game thats not MP. Ever since I got hooked on SOCOM 1 and Phantasy Star Online, I get bored with playing a computer.
Man all this negative talk in here are about about KI and what it lacks smh.

If you don't like it don't buy it,

Let's get to a real topic, when is this supposed to drop PS4 gave us date for launch

any chance Xbox drops prior to PS4? When should we expect an announcement?
Man all this negative talk in here are about about KI and what it lacks smh.

If you don't like it don't buy it,

Let's get to a real topic, when is this supposed to drop PS4 gave us date for launch

any chance Xbox drops prior to PS4? When should we expect an announcement?
Expect the xb1 to release in nov.

if you want a specific date, wait till m$ announces it.
Thanks for that breaking news iyen, but actually read my post next time. I didn't ask for a speicfic date.

I asked for when people think it might be announced and if that release date could happen before Playstation 4. >y questions were to get opinions of my fellow NTers.

We know it is supposed to drop in november. Im wondering if any announcement would come from another conference that is upcoming or if historically MS just announces it away from large events and ones that they host themselves?
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Man all this negative talk in here are about about KI and what it lacks smh.

If you don't like it don't buy it,

Let's get to a real topic, when is this supposed to drop PS4 gave us date for launch

any chance Xbox drops prior to PS4? When should we expect an announcement?

Rumor is that they're running into stock issues which is why they are releasing in only 13 countries which will normally mean releasing later when you have enough stock.

However, It won't surprise me if they picked November 5th to launch with COD Ghosts to undercut Sony.
It will mean launching with COD in NA and launching with free Fifa in Europe and then getting more stock for black Friday on the 29th.

Going head to head with Sony on the 15th If they have less stock would not be a good idea. It will mean some people who originally wanted a XBone might come back home with a PS4 cuz that's all they had in stock.
Rumor is that they're running into stock issues which is why they are releasing in only 13 countries which will normally mean releasing later when you have enough stock.

It falls in line with the rumor that they are having yield problems with the chips.
Thanks for that breaking news iyen, but actually read my post next time. I didn't ask for a speicfic date.

I asked for when people think it might be announced and if that release date could happen before Playstation 4. >y questions were to get opinions of my fellow NTers.

We know it is supposed to drop in november. Im wondering if any announcement would come from another conference that is upcoming or if historically MS just announces it away from large events and ones that they host themselves?
I said if, so don't get your jimmies rustled.

From wiki: "Microsoft chose a November 2005 release date not because they wanted to be first to market but because they thought Sony would ship their PlayStation 3 at that point.[sup][6]"[/sup]

Take from that what you will.
First off, it doesnt really matter when they launch as long as its before Black Friday. Most of the stock will be gone due to pre-orders anyway. Launching before Sony would just give them a boost in PR and news and allow them to dominate the internet more than help sales
^you're super late bro.

This might of rustled some jimmies a couple months ago but now that you can play offline and leave the Kinect disconnected, it just makes it a pretty bad troll.

*waits for "oh i'm not trolling, i just thought you guys might have been interested"*
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how much does gamestop give you for a xbox system right now? the slim one?

might need to start unloading these early to offset the cost
Okay so I need some help guys. Very late pass needs to be sent my way but anyway,

I want to get Xbox live...what do I need to hook up my Xbox wirelessly through my router in the room on the other end of the house. If you could provide a link to a product sold on amazon that would be best. I need to know everything I need to be Xbox live ready.

Thanks nters!
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