Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

I loved Dino Crisis 2 back in the day.

Then they had to go **** it all up with Dino Crisis 3. :smh:
I'm a fan of all consoles. I've had the Snes, Sega Genesis, PSone, N64, PS2, Xbox, PS3, and Xbox 360. From a neutral point of view, it is understandable why Microsoft left several things unclear and did not concentrate on the games on this reveal. If they would have gone all out with a 3-4 hour reveal of all of the Xbox One's capabilities, they would have nothing to present at E3, which is the biggest video game event of the year and is only 19 days away.

Am i being too logical?
Dedicated servers doe :pimp:

Unless I am drastically mistaken, the 300,000 servers have nothing to do with specific titles.

The servers were acquired because of how the XBox One cloud saves so much data. The need for those servers are system specific.

Its not like Activision went and bought 300,000 servers so, Heaven-forbid, they bring back dedicated servers and you dont feel like smashing your face through a window every time you log into Call of Duty Modern Phantom Ops 16.
From Destuctoid

Way to go, Microsoft

Microsoft's Matt Booty affirmed earlier today that digital publishing policies on Xbox One would be no different than they were on Xbox 360. Any hope that Microsoft would right the ship that has inconvenienced a good number of former XBLA devs went down the drain after we learned that indies still won't be able to self-publish their wares. Never mind that just about every other viable platform gives them flexible options, because Microsoft is having none of it.

You don't have to take my word for it! Those devs and others have taken to Twitter to express their disappointment in Microsoft's stubbornness. Maybe if enough of them speak out, Microsoft will reconsider its plans, but I somehow doubt it.

Below are just a few choice tweets. I'm sure there are more if you search around, but this should serve as a tasty appetizer.

Brian Provinciano, creator of Retro City Rampage:

"No self-publishing" doesn't just hinder developers. A lot of publishers must go to BIGGER publishers to be able to publish on Xbox.

Mike Bithell, creator of Thomas Was Alone:

not that I'll ever sell well enough to make a blip on MS's radar, but somewhere, the next Minecraft is being made, for another platform.

George Broussard, co-creator of Duke Nukem:

Microsoft you *must* prioritize a low friction indie self publishing path. Otherwise you hand Sony games, devs and $.

Robert Boyd, co-creator of Breath of Death VII, Cthulhu Saves the World, and Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3:

Microsoft just handed the indie dev community to Sony, Nintendo, and Steam on a silver platter.

David Frampton, creator of The Blockheads:

There doesn't appear to be anything actually new here regarding Microsoft's attitude towards indies. The news is that nothing has changed.

David Frampton again:

But the fact that Microsoft's attitude towards indies hasn't changed is definitely affecting this indie's attitude towards Microsoft.

Phil Fish, co-creator of FEZ:

microsoft doesn't care about indie developer.

Markus Persson, creator of Minecraft:

Also, I tried to get excited about the xbox one, but failed.

Tommy Refenes, co-creator of Super Meat Boy:

So as someone who doesn't play Forza or any EA Sports game and already has a computer hooked to my TV, what does Xbox One offer me?

Zach Gage, creator of SpellTower and co-creator of Ridiculous Fishing:

@BenKuchera that was the only thing i was hoping for :frown: things are not looking great for the XO

Tim Schafer, founder of Double Fine Productions:

"@Polygon: Indie developers cannot self-publish on Xbox One" Booo! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BoooOOOoooOooooo! Boo!

Terry Cavanagh, creator of VVVVVV and Super Hexagon:

But honestly, after their reveal yesterday, does anyone really WANT to make games for it?

And to top it off, here is Dan Adelman, head of business development at Nintendo and manager of the eShop:

One might think I'd be glad Xbox won't allow indies to self-publish. It's actually a big negative, as indies need more exposure. #growthepie
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I'm a fan of all consoles. I've had the Snes, Sega Genesis, PSone, N64, PS2, Xbox, PS3, and Xbox 360. From a neutral point of view, it is understandable why Microsoft left several things unclear and did not concentrate on the games on this reveal. If they would have gone all out with a 3-4 hour reveal of all of the Xbox One's capabilities, they would have nothing to present at E3, which is the biggest video game event of the year and is only 19 days away.

Am i being too logical?

Well, if they consider it a games console, then it's kinda silly to show practically nothing gamewise, even with E3 right around the corner. I mean, E3 or no E3, We don't need a fluff piece with Don Mattrick and Roger Goodell ******* each other off. We don't need a presentation of an announcement of a Halo Series.

They Didn't have to show a ton of games, but show us how the new OS interacts with games in some fashion. They didn't even do that.

It just sent a really weird message about the visions they have with this system.
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I think the message they wanted to send out was conveyed perfectly.

They're vision is for it to be an all around multimedia device and people don't like that.
I think the message they wanted to send out was conveyed perfectly.

They're vision is for it to be an all around multimedia device and people don't like that.

but thats th thing, the ps4 is for people who want strictly games. But if you are going to innovate, you have to be bold and thats what msft is doing.
But how are they innovating? Everything they announced can be done either better or more conveniently by a different device. The trade off is that it takes all of those applications and puts them in one device. Its not innovation, it's consolidation.

And no, I dont think Sony or Nintendo are doing much to innovate in the hardware space either.
Because of people's unrealistic expectations, it would take something incredibly epic for an electronic company to be viewed as innovative in today's day and age.
from reddit:

Everyone's reaction to the xbox won reveal.

Because of people's unrealistic expectations, it would take something incredibly epic for an electronic company to be viewed as innovative in today's day and age.
unrealistic expectations...such as showing actual gameplay?

LOL at M$ showing their system without showing gameplay and acting like they one upped sony.
unrealistic expectations...such as showing actual gameplay?
LOL at M$ showing their system without showing gameplay and acting like they one upped sony.

I can't wait until this argument is put to bed at E3.
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unrealistic expectations...such as showing actual gameplay?
LOL at M$ showing their system without showing gameplay and acting like they one upped sony.
I can't wait until this argument is put to bed at E3.
Wasn't the whole point of the xbox reveal to one up sony by actually showing the console and some games?

Maybe I'm mistaken.

I wasn't expecting to be amazed. I was expecting to be enticed or convinced as to why I should buy the next gen console to play next gen games.

ps4 has my attention so far.

TV: I already watch tv. Don't need an xbox to watch tv.

Kinnect: you can't be kellogs

"always online/used game fees/must install games onto unreplaceable hdd"  naw b.
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I thought the point of the console reveal was to, you know, reveal the console.

E3 is three weeks away. If Microsoft gave all the naysayers what they feel entitled to, the showing at E3 would be irrelevant.

That is unless you think they have enough content right now to have had an equally impressive showing at each event.
I thought the point of the console reveal was to, you know, reveal the console.
for a lot of people, a console is something meant for playing games, first and foremost... its why we call them game consoles

microsoft basically just suggested... yeah we dont have to show any of that because you know it will

well what about sony... you know its going to be a black box
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[QUOTE url="/t/534150/next-gen-xbox-reveal-confirmed-for-may-21/960#post_17954773"]
I know this wont effect most people but the no Ethernet port for the Xbox is huge for me. I have all 360 and ps3 plugged in directly instead of wireless and it's a big difference when doing things like playing online and Netflix

huh?  it looks like the last port on the right is ethernet

Smh your right I spoke to soon. I saw a compararison chart and it had ps3 as wireless/Ethernet and it had Xbox as wireless only.[/quote]Wait what? No ethernet port? What are these dudes thinking :smh:. That's so stupid. I don't like playing on wifi like that it's too unstable.
[QUOTE url="/t/534150/next-gen-xbox-reveal-confirmed-for-may-21/960#post_17954773"]
I know this wont effect most people but the no Ethernet port for the Xbox is huge for me. I have all 360 and ps3 plugged in directly instead of wireless and it's a big difference when doing things like playing online and Netflix

huh?  it looks like the last port on the right is ethernet

Smh your right I spoke to soon. I saw a compararison chart and it had ps3 as wireless/Ethernet and it had Xbox as wireless only.
Wait what? No ethernet port? What are these dudes thinking :smh:. That's so stupid. I don't like playing on wifi like that it's too unstable.[/quote]

Nah there is. I read the chart wrong
i while i understand some ppl views/thoughts on b.c...I really dont see it as a big deal. i mean If your still buying and playing games from a prior system, you could just wait to buy the next generation system. I get some ppl like the whole nostalgic aspect on some...even though i beat a certain game 10 times and its 6 years or so old...i wanna play it again just for old times sake. But most gamers... are buying the new system offa hype and "just cause" and the oh look at me i got the latest system. And usually dont have the funds to buy games for it...the system hasnt released any good titles, and so basically your stuck for awhile with a overhyped, expensive dust collector untill great games come out, or the cost of games/used games etc...lowers.

Thats why i think the majority of ppl want/like backward compatibility. They went out to be the first to have it...went broke in doing money to buy games for the system, and/or the system doesnt really have a strong library yet. I dont think the vast majority of ppl go out and spend half a grand or more..on a game system just to play o.g halo...or old school mortal kombat. Cause in todays time its not like the make newer games for the older systems and dont make a advanced version on the newer system...or make a updated/enhanced version of classic games for the newer system.

Problem with that is that it cost you money/more money. Whereas the b.c. ability is alot cheaper or if you have the game already free.
i while i understand some ppl views/thoughts on b.c...I really dont see it as a big deal. i mean If your still buying and playing games from a prior system, you could just wait to buy the next generation system. I get some ppl like the whole nostalgic aspect on some...even though i beat a certain game 10 times and its 6 years or so old...i wanna play it again just for old times sake. But most gamers... are buying the new system offa hype and "just cause" and the oh look at me i got the latest system. And usually dont have the funds to buy games for it...the system hasnt released any good titles, and so basically your stuck for awhile with a overhyped, expensive dust collector untill great games come out, or the cost of games/used games etc...lowers.

Thats why i think the majority of ppl want/like backward compatibility. They went out to be the first to have it...went broke in doing money to buy games for the system, and/or the system doesnt really have a strong library yet. I dont think the vast majority of ppl go out and spend half a grand or more..on a game system just to play o.g halo...or old school mortal kombat. Cause in todays time its not like the make newer games for the older systems and dont make a advanced version on the newer system...or make a updated/enhanced version of classic games for the newer system.

Problem with that is that it cost you money/more money. Whereas the b.c. ability is alot cheaper or if you have the game already free.

Strongly disagree with you when you said multiple times the majority/most of people that buy new systems do so going broke.
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