Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

Could any PS4 fanboys tell me why the non showing of the console in their conference ISN'T a bad thing?
well i'm not a 'fanboy' but I don't think it's a big deal at all because:
  • we all know it's gonna look just like the ps2 and ps3, black with hard edges, lines and boxy.  
  • nobody cares what the consoles look like, it's about what the CONTROLLERS look like.  remember the boomerang fiasco?  sony knows not to stray.
  • the rest of the presentation was on point.  sweet looking new games, intuitive social interaction and sweet looking new games.
Could any PS4 fanboys tell me why the non showing of the console in their conference ISN'T a bad thing?

Not a fanboy but I don't see how that matters.

I don't care what it looks like.

They most likely still were undecided on how it looks and that's why the didn't show it.
Sony gave tech stats. Showing the box is just for cosmetic purposes. Its a bonus for sure, and I enjoy seeing what they look like, but really why does it matter?

Its like finding out a new game is coming out but because they didnt show the boxart, it somehow detracts from the game itself?
Obviously there will be a console.

But the consensus seems to be that the fact that they didn't show it is no big deal.

because its something that most people are going to see twice, once at reveal and once at purchase... and thats the end of it

its not something that people will spend a whole lot of time interfacing with.... unlike a phone or a tablet

once its all plugged in... its possible to play without ever looking at again... no need to put in disks and can be turned on with the controller
Why do people have to call others fanboys? Why can't we just prefer something over the other?

It's a difference between preferring something over the other. And stating untrue facts about the other console because you prefer the other.

A "fanboy" goes out of his/her way to put down the other console.

Like the fact that Sony didn't show you the console. But told you damn near everything about it. Then showed games that will also be on it. And showed the redesigned controller.

Somehow that is viewed as a bad thing how? Why does it matter what it looks like? All should matter is the performance. It's not a car...

My 360 that I bought earlier this year. Had a small crack in it right when I opened the box. Didn't even care... Just plugged it up and started dominating in COD. :pimp:
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It's a difference between preferring something over the other. And stating untrue facts about the other console because you prefer the other.

A "fanboy" goes out of his/her way to put down the other console.

Like the fact that Sony didn't show you the console. But told you damn near everything about it. Then showed games that will also be on it. And showed the redesigned controller.

Somehow that is viewed as a bad thing how? Why does it matter what it looks like? All should matter is the performance. It's not a car...

I have like 10,000 gamer points. I think that qualifies me to voice my displeasure with the reveal, no?
I have like 10,000 gamer points. I think that qualifies me to voice my displeasure with the reveal, no?
Some unannounced features that will be in XB1...
Xbox One's ability to speak will allow it to function more like the iPhone's Siri, according to Microsoft officials who presented the feature. The voice may not be available at the console's launch, but if it isn't it will be added in a post launch patch within the first few months.
The Xbox One will also feature the ability to Skype a friend to ask them for help on a game and then allow them to take over gameplay. The feature is designed to allow players to help one another get through sections of a game when they're stuck
Sony announced the same BS feature. I get asking where a bosses weak point is but letting some one beat it for you?

Both companies must be tracking peoples game progress to even think something like this was needed
First point, I guess eventually they can release rental only versions of games like they do with dvds. Other two points, is you shouldn't get X1 without internet access, because it is going to require it daily.
but there are alot of ppl who play video games that dont have internet... they are basically alienating them. I was looking and its 74% of american homes have internet. And its 52% of homes in the south. And its 44% amongst minorities and even with minorities 83% dont even have basic broadband internet.

So in essence this move will pretty much eliminate at the very least 6 outta 10 minorities, and even with those 6, 2 dont even have decent enough speed. So its almost like they are saying we got 9 outta 10 whites, 8 outta ten asian etc...and well everyone else.... Get internet or the hell with you. I understand whites are a vast majority, but to bank success solely on mostly whites/asians and not include all other races. Thats quite a gamble.

Who cares and I'm in one of the minority groups that the statistics say doesn't have internet.
I've had Internet since the mid 90s and broadband since 2000. If people can't afford internet access then the least of their problems is which $300-$400 console to buy. If they live somewhere without internet access then sitting around playing Xbox should be secondary to relocating to civilization.

You can't hold technology back because a segment of the population can't afford it or because people aren't able to access the minimum requirements to use it.
First point, I guess eventually they can release rental only versions of games like they do with dvds. Other two points, is you shouldn't get X1 without internet access, because it is going to require it daily.
but there are alot of ppl who play video games that dont have internet... they are basically alienating them. I was looking and its 74% of american homes have internet. And its 52% of homes in the south. And its 44% amongst minorities and even with minorities 83% dont even have basic broadband internet.

So in essence this move will pretty much eliminate at the very least 6 outta 10 minorities, and even with those 6, 2 dont even have decent enough speed. So its almost like they are saying we got 9 outta 10 whites, 8 outta ten asian etc...and well everyone else.... Get internet or the hell with you. I understand whites are a vast majority, but to bank success solely on mostly whites/asians and not include all other races. Thats quite a gamble.

Who cares and I'm in one of the minority groups that the statistics say doesn't have internet.
I've had Internet since the mid 90s and broadband since 2000. If people can't afford internet access then the least of their problems is which $300-$400 console to buy. If they live somewhere without internet access then sitting around playing Xbox should be secondary to relocating to civilization.

You can't hold technology back because a segment of the population can't afford it or because people aren't able to access the minimum requirements to use it.
i have a internet connection but i still wouldnt want to buy a console that NEEDED a internet connection in order to work. i think thats dumb. what about when ur connection is down because of maintenance or something. or **** what if u just decide u dont need it and just want to play games. u shouldnt NEED an internet connection just to play a game by urself
Who cares and I'm in one of the minority groups that the statistics say doesn't have internet.
I've had Internet since the mid 90s and broadband since 2000. If people can't afford internet access then the least of their problems is which $300-$400 console to buy. If they live somewhere without internet access then sitting around playing Xbox should be secondary to relocating to civilization.

You can't hold technology back because a segment of the population can't afford it or because people aren't able to access the minimum requirements to use it.
it may not even be that they cant afford might simply be they have no need for internet at their homes. I mean when you think about it...the avg person outside of work on their leisure time uses the internet to basically blog, twitter, fb, instagram etc... Most of which you could do on a cellphone/tablet. To be honest what is an absolute neccesity of home internet? A job sure i can see that, but most of those things such as pay bills etc can be done at work. So many dont have it...just for the fact really dont need it..same way many of us have it just cause.

And as far as technology this isnt a advance in technology... it is a deterent if anything. I could see if they made disc nonexistent, and games were cloud/internt solely based. But this whole internet must stay on....24 check is a direct counter of last generation jtagging/modding.

But the thing is the very ppl who are doing this are in majority. So this whole action really isnt stopping them, cause im sure they will come up with a workaround. So really what will it solve? Only thing that will be accomplished is that they have left alot of money on the table by eliminating a large population of gamers.

Not to sound racist/prejudice..but this move wont stop the white/asian techie geek...cause before long they will find a crack/workaround this. But what it will do is alienate the spanish/black etc.... guy who has no idea what a jailbreak/jtag etc... is, who just want to play games and is actually going to spend the money on games, and has no clue about flashing drives, copying/pirating games.
i have a internet connection but i still wouldnt want to buy a console that NEEDED a internet connection in order to work. i think thats dumb. what about when ur connection is down because of maintenance or something. or **** what if u just decide u dont need it and just want to play games. u shouldnt NEED an internet connection just to play a game by urself
exactly alot of ppl including myself i dont get on be honest i enjoy playing games by myself or just with my homies. And there are alot of ppl who feel this way. Im pretty sure the majority of 360 owners dont get on xbox live. And surely the majority of minorities dont...(thus why you have so many majorities who gang up and feel they can free range be racist..use racial slurs etc...that and the anominity of it all).
I saw a link where there were comparisons made between Forza 5 & Drive Club.

Both look :wow:
Some unannounced features that will be in XB1...
Xbox One's ability to speak will allow it to function more like the iPhone's Siri, according to Microsoft officials who presented the feature. The voice may not be available at the console's launch, but if it isn't it will be added in a post launch patch within the first few months.
The Xbox One will also feature the ability to Skype a friend to ask them for help on a game and then allow them to take over gameplay. The feature is designed to allow players to help one another get through sections of a game when they're stuck
Sony announced the same BS feature. I get asking where a bosses weak point is but letting some one beat it for you? :smh: pathetic

Both companies must be tracking peoples game progress to even think something like this was needed

18-30 year old people are not the only people who game. What's wrong with helping younger or older people out with their games? Shouldn't a divorced father be able to help his son at his mom's house? Just because you're such an amazing gamer doesn't mean other people don't need help.
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Nah, I was just laughing at the tought that an arbitrary number qualifies for anything.

Plus I thought you were being sarcastic.... sadly you were serious

I wasn't really serious. I'm just highlighting the silliness of the term fanboy. What is a fanboy? Someone that likes a system I don't? Someone that doesn't like a system I do? Where does it begin and end?
Nah, I was just laughing at the tought that an arbitrary number qualifies for anything.

Plus I thought you were being sarcastic.... sadly you were serious
I wasn't really serious. I'm just highlighting the silliness of the term fanboy. What is a fanboy? Someone that likes a system I don't? Someone that doesn't like a system I do? Where does it begin and end?
 damn it, you got me good
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