Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

ps1 and ps2 were my go to systems and then i converted to xbox when 360 came going back to playstation this generation.
Same. Cept I also had a Gamecube and PS3 but those were my secondary systems.

With the death of 3rd party exclusives and MS releasing bungie I will probably only need 1 system this generation unless the Insomniac xbox project is a killer app. Don't **** with motion controls.
Same. Cept I also had a  PS3 but those were my secondary systems.

With the death of 3rd party exclusives and MS releasing bungie I will probably only need 1 system this generation unless the Insomniac xbox project is a killer app. Don't **** with motion controls.
this man knows.
nobody is saying that you cant play games, but from a business standpoint, gamestop is taking money out of microsofts pockets. More than they are putting in. You can replace gamestop with walmart, target, best buy etc and still sell games. If anything, this is more a slight against gamestop than it is against gamers. it just happens that they will be affected also.

and I dont know why people think sony wont adopt a similar thing. The only reason we dont know about it is Sony didnt really open its people up to questions after their presentation. microsoft did
exactly was my point...that and they are really trying to deter the whole pirating scene. Companies never really talk directly...or often times at all about things like this...but you have to know it is an important factor to them... ie...the useless so called "needed" firmware updates...etc. Someone earlier said gamestop etc existed before trade ins, and this is true, but the whole trade in games/used game market is what has kept them afloat. Outside of techie geeks and these so called hatdcpre gamers...vast majority of ppl when going to a gamestop etc.. is to trade in something or looking to buy something used. Most ppl seriously dont go out their way, passing several walmarts/targets/best buys etc... just to buy a game at a video game specialty store.

Rental of games and used games and systems is a multi million dollar a year business in which the game makers and system makers arent making a dime from..and infact losing money from. Why wouldnt they want a piece of the pie.
Wow xbox one is taking a beating on twitter and every where :lol:

I think i officially jumped ship.

micro$oft tried to make money and made a huge mistake.


as someone who has never modded an xbox they are way too worried about a few folks.
I want to buy a game and I want to play it. Not download it onto the hard drive.
I want to have a game and be able to play it when my internet is down. Or something is wrong and I don't feel like fixing it
The list goes on..

Not to mention all of these anti-piracy features doesn't make it fool proof. and hackers will hack
This post ties into what I was saying about perception. I've heard in numerous places that the Wii didn't win the previous console generation.

I write this with all due respect as I don't want to start any arguments and don't care who won the last generation. For the sake of discussion the facts show the Wii had some the highest rated games, sold the most consoles, and had the highest selling games of all time. Yet there are individuals who will say the XBox 360 or the PS3 won this past generation. Why is that??

At their core they all do the same thing... they play video games. But in the eyes of some people Nintendo and the Wii brand are not relevant as video game devices. The general consensus is that the Wii was not a direct competitor of the High Definition consoles(PS3/Xbox360).

If Microsoft wants to be successful, they have to be able to differentiate themselves from what they have been in the past. So far they've done that with lackluster results. With the mainstream entertainment focus, I very well see Microsoft operating in that same space Nintendo was in last generation... the only difference is whether they can deliver on that experience.

It has nothing to do with being a fan of xbox or playstation though. I literally can't pick up a wii and have fun. the controllers were a gimmick. and they lack one of the most popular genres first person shooting. They opened up the market to nongamers with wii fit, that is all they did. and the non gamers numbers > gamers numbers

The community that purchased wii is not the community that games. Look at the competitive scene ranging from mlg to everything in between. wii has like no competitive scene. no one is playing cod on wii. (i hate cod for the record) none of the games with a featured competitive community plays on the wii console. the closest thing is brawl, and brawl got beat out by it's predecessor melee for a spot at Evo.
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I ******g hate motion/shake controls. I hate the wii and its mass casualization of the industry. But the Wii won the last generation plain and simple. No denying it. Fanboyism is such a childish feat. What do you gain or lose if your system won or not?

My system lost big deal
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Not sure if it was posted but it seems like more bad news for XB1 consumers if this comes into fruition. From IGN..

Xbox One: Will Kinect 2 Use Visual DRM?

Microsoft has responded to fresh privacy concerns over a patent from 2011 that suggests Kinect 2 may be used as a form of visual DRM, should the company decide to implement such a measure in Xbox One.

ExtremeTech discovered the filing back in November, which is labelled as covering "content distribution regulation by viewing user." Theoretically, if the Kinect establishes there are more people in the room than is permitted according to the licence that users agree to when renting of purchasing content, the movie won't play.

"The users consuming the content on a display device are monitored so that if the number of user-views licensed is exceeded, remedial action may be taken," it reads.

According to unverified "industry sources" spoken to by MCV within the last month, this is a real thing Microsoft is planning to implement on Xbox One using Kinect 2.

Today, however, the company has responded to speculation with the following statement: "Microsoft regularly applies for and receives patents as part of its business practice; not all patents applied for or received will be incorporated into a Microsoft product."

That appears to be all the information the company is sharing for now. While there's no guarantee it's true, if it is then it's latest instance of a potentially concerning encroachment into privacy. Seeing as we already know that the Kinect 2's microphone will always be on and the new console won't function without the device, such a measure isn't out of the question.

Microsoft has, however, already told Polygon that privacy is of the utmost importance when it comes to Xbox One and Kinect. "The new Kinect is listening for a specific cue, like 'Xbox on'. We know our customers want and expect strong privacy protections to be built into our products, devices and services, and for companies to be responsible stewards of their data. Microsoft has more than 10 years of experience making privacy a top priority. Kinect for Xbox 360 was designed and built with strong privacy protections in place and the new Kinect will continue this commitment."

We've reached out to Microsoft to see if we can get any further information, though it's unlikely we'll get much. As soon as we hear, we'll be sure to update the story.

I wanted to give Microsoft a chance since I never owned any of their systems but with all the reports coming in and the fact that they are aiming for a more entertainment center than gaming console I think I'll stick with my Wii U and get PS4 sometime down the line.
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Not sure if it was posted but it seems like more bad news for XB1 consumers if this comes into fruition. From IGN..

I wanted to give Microsoft a chance since I never owned any of their systems but with all the reports coming in and the fact that they are aiming for a more entertainment center than gaming console I think I'll stick with my Wii U and get PS4 sometime down the line.

That sounds ******ed, im sorry. I refuse to believe that Msoft gonna end up pullin sich a dumb ploy. Sounds like a lame april fools joke. Like, I have ppl over to play kinect. And we take turns wit some games, depending on the game n the group size. With xone kinect, the game wont play a four plyr game if it sees 5ppl? I gotta have friends get tha steppin to keep my console happy, to play a game for me? wtf? This is bogus and I doubt this comes to fruition.
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Not sure if it was posted but it seems like more bad news for XB1 consumers if this comes into fruition. From IGN..

I wanted to give Microsoft a chance since I never owned any of their systems but with all the reports coming in and the fact that they are aiming for a more entertainment center than gaming console I think I'll stick with my Wii U and get PS4 sometime down the line.

That sounds ******ed, im sorry. I refuse to believe that Msoft gonna end up pullin sich a dumb ploy. Sounds like a lame april fools joke. Like, I have ppl over to play kinect. And we take turns wit some games, depending on the game n the group size. This is bogus and I doubt this comes to fruition.

that was just specualtion. Companies file patents all of the time, and never use them
It has nothing to do with being a fan of xbox or playstation though. I literally can't pick up a wii and have fun. the controllers were a gimmick. and they lack one of the most popular genres first person shooting. They opened up the market to nongamers with wii fit, that is all they did. and the non gamers numbers > gamers numbers

The community that purchased wii is not the community that games. Look at the competitive scene ranging from mlg to everything in between. wii has like no competitive scene. no one is playing cod on wii. (i hate cod for the record) none of the games with a featured competitive community plays on the wii console. the closest thing is brawl, and brawl got beat out by it's predecessor melee for a spot at Evo.
and truth be told it provided more variety in terms of actual ways to play the themselves...and concepts/genre of games. Kills me how these ppl say oh i want something new something different something they dont they want the same ole...rehashed sports titles...updated graphics of the same ole rpgs.... and new versions of the same ole fps... and c.o.d/battlefield etc..

A game like mario galaxy and hardcore gamers are like ah nah thats weak... im on some different ish real gaming... then turn around a play c.o.d, halo, battlefield etc... which to be honest is one in the same kinda game.

the wii more or less was like a buffet if you will of was a restaurant with a very limited menu....who never introduces anything new, and pretty much 4 or 5 choices...granted they maybe be good, but never the less only have those 4 or 5 choices.
That sounds ******ed, im sorry. I refuse to believe that Msoft gonna end up pullin sich a dumb ploy. Sounds like a lame april fools joke. Like, I have ppl over to play kinect. And we take turns wit some games, depending on the game n the group size. With xone kinect, the game wont play a four plyr game if it sees 5ppl? I gotta have friends get tha steppin to keep my console happy, to play a game for me? wtf? This is bogus and I doubt this comes to fruition.

The always on kinect microphone is ******ed as well but they implemented it
Can't wait for the xbox 720 teardown vids where ppl find out that the kinnect has it's own battery source that lets it keep recording video even though it's not plugged to a power source.
i have a internet connection but i still wouldnt want to buy a console that NEEDED a internet connection in order to work. i think thats dumb. what about when ur connection is down because of maintenance or something. or **** what if u just decide u dont need it and just want to play games. u shouldnt NEED an internet connection just to play a game by urself
exactly alot of ppl including myself i dont get on be honest i enjoy playing games by myself or just with my homies. And there are alot of ppl who feel this way. Im pretty sure the majority of 360 owners dont get on xbox live. And surely the majority of minorities dont...(thus why you have so many majorities who gang up and feel they can free range be racist..use racial slurs etc...that and the anominity of it all).

Like I said before, I could care less why someone doesn't have or want internet at home. I have it and if they can enhance my gaming or media experience then its fine by me. Once upon a time people bought computers without any thought of ever connecting to the internet but today that's no longer the case. The Xbox relies heavily on internet access, if that's a problem for you then don't buy it.
Like I said before, I could care less why someone doesn't have or want internet at home. I have it and if they can enhance my gaming or media experience then its fine by me. Once upon a time people bought computers without any thought of ever connecting to the internet but today that's no longer the case. The Xbox relies heavily on internet access, if that's a problem for you then don't buy it.
but they arent is the point....and they know this thus why an 1hr and 30 minute reveal about a new VIDEO GAME system, discussed everything under the sun except VIDEO GAMES. lets face it all xbox one showed us was a multimedia box that can play games, with slightly improved graphics. In other words for 500+ dollars we are going to save you shelf space on having a xbox and a cable dvr box. Not exactly enhancing/improving anything. Moreso making things more convient perhaps, but enhancing improving...not quite.
also there are around 75 mill xbox's sold and 46 mill xbox live users. So thats about 61% of users already have an internet connection. So honestly, I think that always on issue is not as important as people think. Of that remaning 40%, how many of them have internet access and just dont use live versus, people who dont have access at all?

and as for the guy stuck on minorities being left out, a $500 or so box probably shouldnt be somebody's main focus if they dont even have internet access in 2013
and truth be told it provided more variety in terms of actual ways to play the themselves...and concepts/genre of games. Kills me how these ppl say oh i want something new something different something they dont they want the same ole...rehashed sports titles...updated graphics of the same ole rpgs.... and new versions of the same ole fps... and c.o.d/battlefield etc..

A game like mario galaxy and hardcore gamers are like ah nah thats weak... im on some different ish real gaming... then turn around a play c.o.d, halo, battlefield etc... which to be honest is one in the same kinda game.

the wii more or less was like a buffet if you will of was a restaurant with a very limited menu....who never introduces anything new, and pretty much 4 or 5 choices...granted they maybe be good, but never the less only have those 4 or 5 choices.

I'm going to have to disagree with PS/Xbox being a limited menu. Yes the cods fifa battlefield are the most popular, they are the ones that light up the sales charts but there is plenty of variety from on PSN and XBLA from indies and in Sony's case their first party studios also.
Third party games dried up for the wii a long time ago. Even Nintendo dropped support of it quite early but I guess the jump from SD to HD will do that to you
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also there are around 75 mill xbox's sold and 46 mill xbox live users. So thats about 61% of users already have an internet connection. So honestly, I think that always on issue is not as important as people think. Of that remaning 40%, how many of them have internet access and just dont use live versus, people who dont have access at all?

and as for the guy stuck on minorities being left out, a $500 or so box probably shouldnt be somebody's main focus if they dont even have internet access in 2013

SMH. Sorry brah, but you don't know what you are talking about.

You didn't account for repeat buyers, and 46 million doesn't mean active users, it means people who created a XBL account. Someone who is silver and connected to the internet once would account in the 46 million.

76=/=76 million people with Xboxes

46=/= active XBL users

Plus Xbox have never been $500
I'm going to have to disagree with PS/Xbox being a limited menu. Yes the cods fifa battlefield are the most popular, they are the ones that light up the sales charts but there is plenty of variety from on PSN and XBLA from indies and in Sony's case their first party studios also.
Third party games dried up for the wii a long time ago. Even Nintendo dropped support of it quite early but I guess the jump from SD to HD will do that to you
I believe M$ is abandoning Indie Games with the X-Box One They won't allow indie devs to self publish anymore and all the devs are voicing their displeasure with the news. They already lost 3 of the biggest indie devs in the game. They are controlling EVERYTHING next-gen and that was my biggest fear. They are going to know EVERYTHING you're doing and are going to make a lot of money from advertising partners. It's not about "personalizing your experience" but rather constantly bombarding you with ads. At the end of the 360's life the advertising has gotten out of control. 

It seems like PS4 is the way to go this generation if you want to play some good games. 50% more powerful than the X-Box One and a lot more focus on games. However, if you want all to spend more time doing misc. things and socializing with friends, I think X-Box One would be the better choice. I have no dog in this race though, I'm mostly PC and Nintendo and whenever a good Console exclusive comes out I'll dust off the X-Box or PS4. I'm a big fan of PS+ and would love to see that service get even better. It got me to play of a lot of games I would normally brush off offers good deals constantly. Even though, it's NOTHING compared to Steam it's okay for Consoles I guess.
also there are around 75 mill xbox's sold and 46 mill xbox live users. So thats about 61% of users already have an internet connection. So honestly, I think that always on issue is not as important as people think. Of that remaning 40%, how many of them have internet access and just dont use live versus, people who dont have access at all?

and as for the guy stuck on minorities being left out, a $500 or so box probably shouldnt be somebody's main focus if they dont even have internet access in 2013

SMH. Sorry brah, but you don't know what you are talking about.

You didn't account for repeat buyers, and 46 million doesn't mean active users, it means people who created a XBL account. Someone who is silver and connected to the internet once would account in the 46 million.

76=/=76 million people with Xboxes

46=/= active XBL users

Plus Xbox have never been $500

I didnt say people played games on live. If you have silver, thats live. Unless you actively dont sign into it. And repeat buyers isnt going to make up for the majority of that 75 mill.

and i was using $500 as hyperbole. We have no idea how much it would cost.
the lady from the reveal said that there's 46 million xbl subscribers.

I'm assuming that it means people who buy xbl gold not people with xbl silver.
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the lady from the reveal said that there's 46 million xbl subscribers.

I'm assuming that it means people who buy xbl gold not people with xbl silver.
I would assume they were talking about active paying gold subs.  Even though people do have multiple and that does have to be accounted for.

I've got 1 gold and 1 silver and own 2 xbox 360s.
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