NFL Could ban hair flowing out of helmets...

For the paychecks they get, they better cut any hair they are told to. And you fans better not say a damn thing about it. bastards
Yep, youre 100 % correct if the hair hits 1st o n attempted catch on the sideline u are considered out of bounds and it is an incomplete pass
They work for the league and should abide by their rules. For most people at their jobs if they refused to do what is asked as long as it isn't ridiculousthan they would be disciplined or even fired. People in here obviously have no real job experience or just can't see the connection that this is their joband no different than any other. But if they just stated from the beginning that it could be a safety issue like the horse collar tackle than there probablywouldn't be too much arguing.
I'm neutral on the issue but if youre going to have long hair then understand the dangers of playing with it
The NFL should have the right to dictate something like this, only because it can come into play during the course of a with LJ/Polamalu.

I don't really agree with it, but I can understand it. I personally would rather it be that if you choose to have long hair, it's considered part ofyou and you risk being pulled down by it, whether that %!+! gets ripped out or whatever, so it'd give the players freedom to do what they please and haveto face the possible consequences. You can't give opposing players a disadvantage by maybe penalizing them for grabbing something that one player may havewhen the majority don't (pause?). It's not like a facemask or horse-collaring someone, which could happen to anyone, dudes with long hair are choosingto leave it out there as an extension (no Randy Moss) of themselves.
YO Fededpt, you come up with the stupidest logic ever, you changed the issue from being a health hazard to an appearance issue. Get your @@@!##% head straight,you're always tryna twist the argument when someone has a counter argument. Your pathetic. In every single thread that has to do with a controversial topicthe above happens. LMAO at ur ignorance and arrogance.
i think this is odd. you can't reach into the pads to horsecollar someone, but it's totally fair game to rip them down by the hair? so if they'relooking out for the "safety" of the players and banned the horse collar style, why is this even an issue? oh, i can't keep up with you causeyour too damn fast, so i'll just rip on your hair? oh, thats right, your hair is part of your uniform, just like your face mask. but we cant pull on thateither.
@ the NFL seriously. They are really getting out of control with all these %$@$*%# rules.
aka. the Palomalu rule.

I dont really have a problem with this but i dont think it should be hanging outside there helmets like Palomalu has it.
Seems good in my opinion. Other players should not have to worry about pulling someone's hair on accident. If you're chasing down or lunging atsomeone, you're going to grab whatever you can get your hands on. You shouldn't have to worry about accidentally grabbing their hair and then having tolet go right away. If they want you to cut your hair, cut your hair. Most jobs have these rules anyway. I'm sure if you were offered a great regular jobfor six figures you'd be more than willing to cut your hair if they requested it, so why is this any different? You claim to be a professional and sure getpaid like one, so what's wrong with presenting yourself like one?
Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

They wear HELMETS during a game who cares if they have to cut it
Football isn't the only thing that matters.
there are more serious things in the world god forbid they cut their dreads a little bit.
Great logic.

Are you kidding me, seriously? HAIR is THAT serious? Hair? What's wrong with the logic? It's hair. They will still have groupies waiting for them in clubs and outside hotels if they cut their hair.

its their hair, who are you to tell a grown man how to have his hair.

You do know some employers have rules against how long you hair can be, right?

I remember a couple years back alot of you clowns were getting on David Stern on the dress code. And the same people made a Appreciation Post on how the players look, so please.

...well what if its a relgious obligation , which could be the case with some players? They should just cut their hair?

yeah someone could be Rastafarian
like most people have said

if you work for a company you have to abide by their rules and if you don't like it you can quit
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