NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Eli looks like a ******ed deer in headlights but that man is clutch as hell....probably no other qb I'd rather have the ball with in a final minute drive.....but sheesh man RGIII is going to be an eagles fan I am not pleased about that but dude is the truth I can't even be mad :smh:. Giants came up big though at the end, Santana went from hero to goat though
Ravens need that bye next week in the worst way kills me how my Eagles beat the Giants and Ravens but lose to the bum *** Lions at home :smh:, NYG is looking strong this yr too
RG3 will be a problem for years to come, they need to trust him more to throw, stop with this gimmick college nonsense.

I'll take an ugly divisional WIN any day of the week, Gilbridge was the reason they almost blew that game with some dumb passes on 1st down with 3 minutes to go.

Eli was off all game and missed some wide open WR's, made a big time throw. :pimp:
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Incredible win by the Giants. But man, RGIII is a problem. That pass to Santa Moss was an absolute DIME! Perfectly in stride with the game on the line. Just wow.
RGIII 71+% completion today.
I like RG3 but he made two nice long passes all game, everything was a fake handoff, handoff, or short screen pass
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