NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Can someone explain the rule

Son just pushed dude out of bounds and he can't touch the ball again after that?
They got stopped 3 times at the 1, they didnt deserve to win, but that ending was BS
VJ missed that TD by literally 2 inches in the back of the endzone.. damn.

and maybe i'm thinking of college, but i could've sworn if you go out of bounds, if you reestablish yourself (which he clearly did) you're allowed to touch the ball?

Where are all u dudes who were calling us the worst team in the league 2 weeks ago? :tongue:

worst team in the league was a stretch, but you beat the bills. and needed a 4th and 15 TD with 1 minute left to do that.

******g ********.

He was pushed out of bounds anyway, so it should've at least been PI or maybe illegal contact (not sure if it was 5 yards out or if that can be called in the endzone however)

And he established himself back in. So it doesn't count?

So if your a defender you might as well just push all receivers out of bounds in the endzone and then you good for that play. WTF?! :lol:
So wait, I thought if you get pushed out but then reestablish both feet into field position, you're good to go :nerd:

That should be a reviewable for Tampa
Pretty sure that last play in the saints bucs game was a bad call. Guy reestablished himself in bounds then made the catch.
Looks like the refs wanted to go home, they were like "nah no overtime for me, lets just end it right here."
So because Freeman was out of the pocket. That just voids everything the DB does? Wow
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The hell just happened in that Saints/Bucs game :lol: ? robbery

I was so mad, i googled the rules and replayed the last play. A player has to take 3 steps in-bounds to reestablish himself in bounds, Mike Williams took 4 or 5 steps and then caught the ball. :smh:
Mike Pereira ‏@MikePereira

In TB not illegal contact because the QB was out of the pocket and you can't come back in and be the first to touch.
Mike Pereira ‏@MikePereira

In TB not illegal contact because the QB was out of the pocket and you can't come back in and be the first to touch.
this sentence doesn't make sense.

and cosign on VJax being underrated.. dude is an upper-middle class man's Andre Johnson.
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I don't have a preference for the Bucs or Saints and I'd prefer the right call to be made.. but I'm glad Buc Em is unhappy.
RGIII 71+% completion today.
Lol. Once again, did you watch the game?
I don't care how he got it, what don't you get? He put a ball ON THE MONEY 30 yards down field to WIN the game.

If it was this easy to have 70+% passing and put up 30 something points then why isn't everyone else running a similar offense???????

Hes getting the ball to the people he needs to get the ball to in order to be successful. That's a fact.  How many bubble screens they run is irrelevant.
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