NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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look man, i know we cut block but we don't do it like that. he cut him from almost behind him, that's dirty.

Vilma still suspended for the year. He thought he got off the hook for a second there. Obviously I will never know what really happened but I've always had the feeling he was 100% guilty. I'm sure Goodell had enough evidence to stand by his initial punishment.
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Vilma still suspended for the year. He thought he got off the hook for a second there. Obviously I will never know what really happened but I've always had the feeling he was 100% guilty. I'm sure Goodell had enough evidence to stand by his initial punishment.

When Goodell met with Vilma recently, he handed over a sworn affidavit from Gregg Williams where he outlined Vilma's involvement. This of course was given while under oath so either Williams is telling the truth or he perjured himself...Check out the pdf if you want....Vilma is a lying sack of ish...
This of course was given while under oath so either Williams is telling the truth or he perjured himself...Check out the pdf if you want....Vilma is a lying sack of ish...

While I don't disagree with your statement on Vilma, Greg "I'll say anything to get another shot at the NFL right now" Williams is not the most credible source. The NFL even rejected his initial statement and had him revise it to say what they wanted said in the testimony.
This of course was given while under oath so either Williams is telling the truth or he perjured himself...Check out the pdf if you want....Vilma is a lying sack of ish...

While I don't disagree with your statement on Vilma, Greg "I'll say anything to get another shot at the NFL right now" Williams is not the most credible source. The NFL even rejected his initial statement and had him revise it to say what they wanted said in the testimony.

Yeah, but you don't want to perjure yourself, not only could that mean jail, you definitely wouldn't get another shot to coach in the NFL...
just wanted to stop by and let everyone know about what the fans are doing here in Kansas City.

we have not won a playoff game since 1993 and things need to change. the tension in this city is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

we have already flown one banner and are planning to do another plus billboards around Kansas City/Dallas(where our GM lives)

just wanted to get the word out.
When I saw that link I thought, "The Chiefs are moving?!"

Clicked the link and saw it was about disgruntled fans stirring up a semi-revolution. Fire Pioli? Bench Cassell? Those are short term solutions to long term problems. It starts at the very top, because if your owner doesn't have the desire to apply himself and do his homework on possible head coaches then your team will continue to head nowhere, fast. Trust me, as a 49er fan who's had to deal with the bull John and Denise York put us through from '99 to '08 had me grinding my teeth nearly the entire time. Only when he relinquished his duties to Jed did we begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Jed's been dedicated to winning and putting the best product on the field. Sure, he had his first misstep in hiring Singletary to quickly but at least he had the fortitude to correct that mistake.

Hold your heads up Chiefs fans, you'll get to where you want to be sooner or later. But it all starts at the very top.

and that has been talked about too. he haven't heard a word from our owner and everyone questions if he is even a fan of the KC Chiefs. he sees this as a way to make money. He also owns the Columbus Crew and when you look at what that team has done, it is very similar to what the chiefs have done. put a serviceable team on the field that can win just enough games to keep fans coming back and merch sold.

poili biggest mistake was handcuffing himself to a backup QB and having horrible drafts. dude is a fraud. im 100% certain the patriot system is real.

its pretty bad when you have national media writers giving $600 checks to help the cause.

all im saying is, look at where Atlanta was in 2007. HC walked out and their QB was in Leavenworth, KS and look at them now.

Mistakes were made.

fire poili.
What's up with Andre Johnson this year? He's not even in the top 30 receiving leaders... Is he playing hurt?
What's up with Andre Johnson this year? He's not even in the top 30 receiving leaders... Is he playing hurt?
I don't think hes hurt, but his snaps are limited... And for some reason from what I've seen Schaub doesn't look his direction enough.
What's up with Andre Johnson this year? He's not even in the top 30 receiving leaders... Is he playing hurt?
I don't think hes hurt, but his snaps are limited... And for some reason from what I've seen Schaub doesn't look his direction enough.

Seems like he hasn't been the same since he started having hammy issues. What was that last year or possibly the year before?

Edit - watching bits of that MNF game, I thought the receivers looked kinda meh. I mean they made Cromartie look kinda ok. I don't think the rookies get separation well from what I saw.
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Honestly with Dre my best guess is Schaub is trying to get the ball out evenly and not focus strictly on Dre.

And remember over the last 2 seasons that Houston had become a run 1st team.

Before he got hurt last year he was on his way to a 1,200 yard season.
Yea that's what I was going to say, they're a running team now. No need to throw it that much throughout the game anymore.
Good think Johnson isn't a typical U player. If he were, there'd be some griping from him by now about not getting touches. Schaub doesn't seem to be looking in Johnson's direction much either (at least from what I saw on MNF & the Redzone channel). If I were Kubiak, I'd get him some more touches (if he's not hurt). They should mike up Foster some more, he's funny when talking on the field.
Dres looks are definitely more limited... Its the way their offense is though (With their running game now & Foster getting a lot of touches).

When Schaub steps back Im surprised Dre isn't targeted a little bit more, though.
Dres looks are definitely more limited... Its the way their offense is though (With their running game now & Foster getting a lot of touches).

When Schaub steps back Im surprised Dre isn't targeted a little bit more, though.
That's the main thing I see... Schaub had 28 attempts on Monday and Dre caught 1 ball.  I think he had a couple of targets but still it didn't seem like Schaub's progression really involved Dre that much.
Dre hasn't been productive these past few games. Gary Kubiak even talked about how he needs to get Dre more involved with his play calling.
Dre is 31 and it seems that's he's lost a bit of a step but he should have decent stats by the end of the year.
Dre hasn't been productive these past few games. Gary Kubiak even talked about how he needs to get Dre more involved with his play calling.
Dre is 31 and it seems that's he's lost a bit of a step but he should have decent stats by the end of the year.

Damn, he's 31? I guess he has been in the league for a minute now...I thought he was playing hurt...

That "turn up the voume" thing Daniels does is country...:D
Yea Dre came into the league in 2003.

He's about to eclipse 10k in yards :pimp:

Andre10K :pimp:

He had a couple of target, issue is jets were doubling him a lot, that one pic Schaub threw ? Dre was doubled :lol: but it allows Waltet and Daniels to work the field
Dre doesn't get a good amount of targets. Most of his looks come from play action pass

Yeah, it seemed like Schaub was even looking his way often...But maybe it's because of double teams & what not...Hope we're not starting to see his decline. It's already sad seeing Polamalu being shadow of his former self...

BTW :lol: @ Chris Johnson saying someone needs to step up & make plays on the Titans...Ummm, isn't that what their paying you to do?
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