NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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As the scandal broke, the NFL was investigating a possible violation into the number of radio frequencies the Patriots were using during the Jets game, sources told ESPN’s Chris Mortensen, who reported at the time that the Pats did not “have a satisfactory explanation when asked about possible irregularities in its communication setup during the game.”

Quarterbacks communicate with the sidelines via microphones in their helmets that pick up an NFL-monitored radio frequency. An NFL sideline official cuts off communications on this frequency 15 seconds before the play clock runs out.

O’Leary — who uses data crunched by a Las Vegas bookie and a Ph.D. statistician from China with no previous familiarity with Spygate — suggests Patriots “director of football research” Ernie Adams, a prep-school chum of Belichick from Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., was the nerve center behind the chicanery.

Offensive plays would be called based on stolen signals and the information relayed straight to Brady’s helmet, O’Leary theorizes.

In this scenario, the extra frequency is critical, as it allows the team to do something in real time with the stolen signals, out of earshot of the NFL monitor, and change its plays accordingly.

If there’s an open channel during the play itself, you can also alert the quarterback to open receivers he may not see.

O’Leary repeats a rumor that Pats backup quarterback Doug Flutie once said he accidentally picked up Brady’s helmet during the 2005 season.

“He was amazed that the coaches kept right on speaking to Brady past the 15-second cutoff, right up until the snap,” ­according to O’Leary.

“The voice in Tom Brady’s helmet was explaining the exact defense he was about to face.”
It has nothing to do with the outcome of games though
Former Buccaneers quarterback Brad Johnson has admitted to paying a bribe to have the footballs tampered with before the 2003 Super Bowl.

Johnson, whose Buccaneers beat the Raiders at Super Bowl XXXVII, said he paid $7,500 to some people he did not identify so that they would scuff the balls set to be used in the Super Bowl, making them easier to grip. According to Johnson, there were 100 footballs set aside for the game, and the people he bribed tampered with all 100, to Johnson’s specifications.

I paid some guys off to get the balls right,” Johnson told the Tampa Bay Times. “I went and got all 100 footballs, and they took care of all of them.”
Former Buccaneers quarterback Brad Johnson has admitted to paying a bribe to have the footballs tampered with before the 2003 Super Bowl.

Johnson, whose Buccaneers beat the Raiders at Super Bowl XXXVII, said he paid $7,500 to some people he did not identify so that they would scuff the balls set to be used in the Super Bowl, making them easier to grip. According to Johnson, there were 100 footballs set aside for the game, and the people he bribed tampered with all 100, to Johnson’s specifications.

I paid some guys off to get the balls right,” Johnson told the Tampa Bay Times. “I went and got all 100 footballs, and they took care of all of them.”
Still not a bad as The Pats though.
does it really matter what ball Tom Brady throws, how inflated , whatever . he's still gonna light up that secondary, Richard Sherman got hurt at the perfect time. Gronk's gonna spike at least 2 more and deflate cause he's so BIG AND STRONG :smokin

Lets go Pats !!!
does it really matter what ball Tom Brady throws, how inflated , whatever . he's still gonna light up that secondary, Richard Sherman got hurt at the perfect time. Gronk's gonna spike at least 2 more and deflate cause he's so BIG AND STRONG

Lets go Pats !!!
I see what you did there.
I will say this about that Brad Johnson story...

To quote a PFT commenter:
Story drops just after state of the union. I swear the nfl has a reality TV team that just leaks stories to the media for extra attention through out the year. As they say any publicity is good publicity. Be it bad or good.
Why keep doing petty **** like this? Spygate, deflating footballs. Pats fans act like everybody just wants to hate on their team but you're team keeps giving people a reason to look at 'em funny. The Pats are a great team, they got a coach, a QB and TE that are top 5 ever at their positions yet they keep doing little cheap stuff to try to get an advantage lol. Robert Kraft seems like a stand up guy, he's probably tired of hearing about his team in the headlines for stories like this.
does it really matter what ball Tom Brady throws, how inflated , whatever . he's still gonna light up that secondary, Richard Sherman got hurt at the perfect time. Gronk's gonna spike at least 2 more and deflate cause he's so BIG AND STRONG :smokin

Lets go Pats !!!

Que the stats on how they dominated since spygate. "Dey jus bittah" "dey h8 us cuz dey ain't us". Love the victim mentality their fans have.
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Patriots fans breaking their keyboards with 28-0 like the time when you get caught is always the first time the crime is committed.
one running back cant stop touching himself 

the other one sucker  puched a guy after a game in college 

 DL be wildin 
Skip thinks they should have a 1st round taken away

Screaming A thinks Bill should get a year long Sean Payton ban
rillo , me and u as Jet fans should just appreciate the football we are being presented with by Mr. Belicheck. I'm sure DSA wouldn't mind having us Jet fans root while Tom Brady writes history in front of us.
:lol: I know about the radio frequencies, etc.

Like I said it was clearly illegal but Bill Cowher, a NFL coach we beat on the way to the Super Bowl, downplayed it himself and said everybody was stealing signals. Jimmy Johnson and others said the same thing. Dudes act like this was some top secret **** that nobody knew about, the problem was the league sent out a memo saying for everybody to stop doing it in 2006 and the Pats continued.

Jimmy Johnson:

"Bill Belichick was wrong because he videotaped signals after a memo was sent out to all of the teams saying not to do it. But what irritates me is hearing some reactions from players and coaches. These players don't know what their coaches are doing. And some of the coaches have selective amnesia because I know for a fact there were various teams doing this. That's why the memo was sent to everybody. That doesn't make [Belichick] right, but a lot of teams are doing this."

Eric Mangini himself:

"I didn't think it was any kind of significant advantage, but I wasn't going to give them the convenience of doing it in our stadium, and I wanted to shut it down. But there was no intent to get the league involved. There was no intent to have the landslide that it has become."

As hard as this may be to believe I think I'm gonna give more credence to what NFL coaches are saying vs. some salty Jets fans :lol:

FWIW the Pats win percentage post Spygate is actually better than before it happened. I would have to track down the numbers I posted them in here earlier this season.

I'm done talking about all this tho, people are gonna believe what they wanna believe as far as how much it really impacted the game. They ****** up doing some **** that was illegal and they'll get punished for it, labeled as cheaters, etc. It is what it is.
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When you're using Nerf balls for the last decade, it's easy to have a high win percentage.

No one cares what Jimmy "been out of the NFL for years" Johnson or Erica Mangina has to say.
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