NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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Man, ****.

Trent Richardson been KNOWN to be blasted BY EVERYONE in the NFL community, all across the internet. Writers, bloggers, scouts, other players, NTers, anyone who watches the NFL and got wi-fi. There was a tweet that there was an audible laugh at NFL Media this morning when the news broke. I mean, we not tellin secrets in here or anything. :lol:

He signs a ******* contract with your team and you in here tellin us we got blind hatred and let's see what he's got??????? Man, **** that.

Good Lord. :smh:
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It's a low risk and since they have to spend 90% it I don't see the problem signing him. NT wannabe scouts always give me a good laugh.

If he sucks then gets cut and if he's good then he will get his incentives.
As much as Richardson ran into the backs of his linemen while they made gaping holes for him, he'll be rushing for 770 yards on 437 carries.
"Blind hatred" :lol: I watched every single game that Trent wore a Colts uniform :lol:

The guy has terrible vision, makes bad decisions, plods through holes, has zero wiggle and just kinda sucks at football. It ain't an o-line issue, either. Since Trent became a Colt, the other RBs on the squad averaged:
Donald Brown 5.3
Ahmad Bradshaw 4.6
Vick Ballard 4.8
Dan Herron 4.5

Trent at 3.2

But hey, I'm just an NT wannabe scout. :pimp:
"I don't see the problem with the signing" = I'm a ******* blind *** homer.

He signs that deal with ANY other team, you tellin jokes, he signs with yours, "Let's see what he's got" :rolleyes
Richardson at 24 yr old  is a low risk high reward signing. 

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I have yet to tell a jokes about Richardson. I don't see the problem with the signing because he's playing for peanuts
lol you guys are really laughing at this signing? he signs for less then 2 Mil per, he's 24 years old and going into an offense he's familiar with that he ran at Bama...Not too far fetched...

Worse case scenario- he's a busts, he's cut and it's Latavius Murray + Roy Helu + possibly a drafted player.
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And Trent talking about starting - what is he suppose to say? I'm here to be the third string back? 
He sounds a little bitter

Schools put the student athletes in those classes because they don't have the time, discipline or background to compete in those harder classes and majors

It's sad that after reading those tweets, you came to the conclusion that he's bitter. All he did was verbalize what a whole bunch of people already think, he said the spot on truth.

I'm referencing his tweets about education

What does he want the universities to do?

He said Ohio State University welcomed him back to help him graduate

Its been 13 years since he lasted played for them

He says hes still 2 years away from graduating
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If you come out with draft hype, how bad do you have to be until GMs actually believe it??
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