NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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Sayin I don't have a prob with the signing is fine. I'd even agree.

But then callin us out for "blind hate" and "let's see what he's got" etc is pure bull ****. You wouldn't defend him one damn bit if he signed with 31 other teams.
Didn't even know; wasn't sure he was serious at first. 

Only thing I thought of was if guys have time to shadow neurosurgeons around and become rhodes scholars, then the foolishness that this dude is typing has to be a joke. 

On another note, dude said 'blind hatred for his team' and every other thing he posts is exactly that for the 9ers. 

*I don't think trent is as bad as he's played though. 
[COLOR=#red]You know how I know it's a slow day in the NFL... the last three pages have been about Trent Richardson...[/COLOR]
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