NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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You're speaking logic in room full of deaf people. The truth is this is like Christmas in May for Pats haters, some of the replies in this thread are downright embarrassing. I'm far from a Pats fan and clearly must be in the minority here when I think there shouldn't be any suspension nor a fine. That report was a complete joke and if you consider yourself halfway intelligent, you'd realize that and wouldn't take the bait.

When this story first broke it seemed like it was a media driven circus, which as we can see now, it is. There was no story leading into the SB & ESPN needed something to Tim Teebow us with. The fact that people are even paying any attention to this media created story just reflects how gullible people can be. Every single QB in the NFL doctors their footballs, facts. New England didn't need deflated footballs in the 2nd half of the AFC title game or the SB in order to win. I know you Pats haters are going to come at me, but I'm just speaking from a non-bias perspective.

if they didn't need to do it, why did they do it? and why did they try to cover it up ?
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It's just the double standard that gets me,all the venom gets sent one way yet others like AR get passes for the same transgressions.

I think the way Brady and Kraft responded to this whole incident is what's going to make it so much worse when the punishment comes down. Brady hiding it also makes it seem much worse to the fans. I mean Brady laughing it off, making jokes and saying he had no clue about it is a slap in the face to Roger. Kraft going off and demanding an apology :smh:

Brady was definitely nervous about incriminating himself before the damn SB so I get his thinking and Kraft was pissed about the whole media circus taking away from his squads journey and just adding more distractions but I do agree with you. Just the fact that they've rubbed off most of the league the wrong way for years mostly in part due to their winning but also just the teams demeanor so I'm not surprised at people demanding the book be thrown at them :lol:.
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It's just the double standard that gets me,all the venom gets sent one way yet others like AR get passes for the same transgressions.

he admitted it. brady denied it

so in your mind, as long as you own up to it, you can break rules and not be punished for it?

and i'm not saying AR deserves any punishment, just to be clear. just wondering why there's no witch hunt going on there.
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It's just the double standard that gets me,all the venom gets sent one way yet others like AR get passes for the same transgressions.

he admitted it. brady denied it

so in your mind, as long as you own up to it, you can break rules and not be punished for it?

and i'm not saying AR deserves any punishment, just to be clear. just wondering why there's no witch hunt going on there.

I guess :lol:,TB definitely looks bad in this but to act like he's public enemy no.1 for it is ridiculous :lol:
If Tom Brady was black he would be ridiculed x 50. His *** would've got a full season suspension already. It's the damn truth..

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You're speaking logic in room full of deaf people. The truth is this is like Christmas in May for Pats haters, some of the replies in this thread are downright embarrassing. I'm far from a Pats fan and clearly must be in the minority here when I think there shouldn't be any suspension nor a fine. That report was a complete joke and if you consider yourself halfway intelligent, you'd realize that and wouldn't take the bait.

When this story first broke it seemed like it was a media driven circus, which as we can see now, it is. There was no story leading into the SB & ESPN needed something to Tim Teebow us with. The fact that people are even paying any attention to this media created story just reflects how gullible people can be. Every single QB in the NFL doctors their footballs, facts. New England didn't need deflated footballs in the 2nd half of the AFC title game or the SB in order to win. I know you Pats haters are going to come at me, but I'm just speaking from a non-bias perspective.

You have some good points but your arrogance and (not so) subtle implication that the other posters are less intelligent than you really takes away from the post

And it's more about the cover up than the actual crime now
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so in your mind, as long as you own up to it, you can break rules and not be punished for it?

and i'm not saying AR deserves any punishment, just to be clear. just wondering why there's no witch hunt going on there.

in my mind i didn't know this rule even existed however when it got out, the qb's who do do it said they did it point blank. however, brady attempted to take the high road and got burned. that's issue.
if they didn't need to do it, why did they do it? and why did they try to cover it up ?
Tom, like every QB in the league has a preference of how he wants his footballs. Again, every single team in the league doctors the ball. Now if the footballs were in fact below regulation during a game, that should have been caught by the officials; I mean they touch the ball before every snap. I don't think the Pats tried to cover anything up. That's where you, along with all Pats haters and I disagree. We have known for a couple of years now how Tom Brady prefers the football to be. In all honesty I don't think the league really cares either, since the officials aren't checking psi before every single game. I think what really baffles me is how all of you are feeding into this story. Deflated footballs?! Really?! Sports fans and a story creating media is a bad combination. The reaction this story has received says more about the American sports fan than anyone is willing to admit. The absurdity of this all is truly disappointing.
in my mind i didn't know this rule even existed however when it got out, the qb's who do do it said they did it point blank. however, brady attempted to take the high road and got burned. that's the issue.
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qbs white or black rarely get suspended. vick got suspended which was fair. big ben shoulda gotten suspended longer but he wasn't even charged/found guilty. pryor got the shaft but it isn't like cam, wilson, even rg3 and geno are getting treated unfairly
Tom, like every QB in the league has a preference of how he wants his footballs. Again, every single team in the league doctors the ball. Now if the footballs were in fact below regulation during a game, that should have been caught by the officials; I mean they touch the ball before every snap. I don't think the Pats tried to cover anything up. That's where you, along with all Pats haters and I disagree. We have known for a couple of years now how Tom Brady prefers the football to be. In all honesty I don't think the league really cares either, since the officials aren't checking psi before every single game. I think what really baffles me is how all of you are feeding into this story. Deflated footballs?! Really?! Sports fans and a story creating media is a bad combination. The reaction this story has received says more about the American sports fan than anyone is willing to admit. The absurdity of this all is truly disappointing.

they didn't try to cover it up?

why brady refuse to let investigators obtain his phone? why did he deny all of it?

have you seen the graph of how the pats have the least lost fumble in the past 10 years? tell me that deflated footballs have nothing to do it
they didn't try to cover it up?

why brady refuse to let investigators obtain his phone? why did he deny all of it?

have you seen the graph of how the pats have the least lost fumble in the past 10 years? tell me that deflated footballs have nothing to do it
would u let third party investigators go through your phone? hep robably has a million naked photos of giselle on it
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