NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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Drop the Hammer.

Let him miss at least through Week 7 :nerd: .
Who ever defended that play? I loved Reed so it was always a questionable move to me and borderline dirty just like it is in baseball. Oh and we're always outnumbered my dude :lol:
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So let's see if I got this straight.

Brad Johnson admits doctoring Super Bowl 37 footballs
Broncos busted video taping a 49ers practice before a game in London
Patriots and the spygate scandal
Saints and the bountygate scandal
Washington and Dallas violate NFL salary cap rules
Jets fined for tampering with Darrelle Revis
Falcons caught using fake crowd noise
Browns caught sending illegal text messages during games
Patriots and the deflategate scandal

By this time next year we'll have probably 5 more.

Exactly LOL

man teams get over in football on ALL levels

Where's the outrage for with Eli altered balls? That helps his grip the same as Brady but just a different method
You're speaking logic in room full of deaf people. The truth is this is like Christmas in May for Pats haters, some of the replies in this thread are downright embarrassing. I'm far from a Pats fan and clearly must be in the minority here when I think there shouldn't be any suspension nor a fine. That report was a complete joke and if you consider yourself halfway intelligent, you'd realize that and wouldn't take the bait.

When this story first broke it seemed like it was a media driven circus, which as we can see now, it is. There was no story leading into the SB & ESPN needed something to Tim Teebow us with. The fact that people are even paying any attention to this media created story just reflects how gullible people can be. Every single QB in the NFL doctors their footballs, facts. New England didn't need deflated footballs in the 2nd half of the AFC title game or the SB in order to win. I know you Pats haters are going to come at me, but I'm just speaking from a non-bias perspective.
I don't understand why some of you Patriots fans even care. If I was a Pats fan, I wouldn't give a ****. Still got all those rings.

I'm more interested in is how is Brady viewed from now on. Are people going to stop calling him the GOAT now that he got caught cheating? Does this actually hurt his legacy a little?
It's just the double standard that gets me,all the venom gets sent one way yet others like AR get passes for the same transgressions.
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Still got all those rings.


Was hoping the report would come up with nothing, but I dont really care about all the extra noise. Pats been getting called cheaters for damn near 10 years now :lol:

Next year will be :smokin no matter what happens with this
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it's one thing to say and admit you do it. but it's another when you're accused of it and deny then get caught. that's the point.
It's just the double standard that gets me,all the venom gets sent one way yet others like AR get passes for the same transgressions.

I think the way Brady and Kraft responded to this whole incident is what's going to make it so much worse when the punishment comes down. Brady hiding it also makes it seem much worse to the fans. I mean Brady laughing it off, making jokes and saying he had no clue about it is a slap in the face to Roger. Kraft going off and demanding an apology :smh:
Where's the outrage for with Eli altered balls? That helps his grip the same as Brady but just a different method
You're speaking logic in room full of deaf people. The truth is this is like Christmas in May for Pats haters, some of the replies in this thread are downright embarrassing. I'm far from a Pats fan and clearly must be in the minority here when I think there shouldn't be any suspension nor a fine. That report was a complete joke and if you consider yourself halfway intelligent, you'd realize that and wouldn't take the bait.

When this story first broke it seemed like it was a media driven circus, which as we can see now, it is. There was no story leading into the SB & ESPN needed something to Tim Teebow us with. The fact that people are even paying any attention to this media created story just reflects how gullible people can be. Every single QB in the NFL doctors their footballs, facts. New England didn't need deflated footballs in the 2nd half of the AFC title game or the SB in order to win. I know you Pats haters are going to come at me, but I'm just speaking from a non-bias perspective.

Stop it

You're making too much sense in this post
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