NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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The serial cheater should get at least 6 games. I wouldn't be opposed to 10 though. Just for being a liar. Sean Payton got an entire year for bold face lying.
The league definitely wants 4 games,if that happened he'd be back right in time for the Colts :nerd:
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Comparing an altered football to lowering the basketball goal is the stupidest **** I've ever read. Where's the outrage for with Eli altered balls? That helps his grip the same as Brady but just a different method

Tom has won 4 Super Bowls, is sponsored by Uggs, and bangs out a Brazilian supermodel every night.
Eli is half-******ed, throws 30 picks a year, and has a small bucket.

I wonder why one is targeted instead of the other? :lol:
Bill Polian talking about the "integrity of the game" on PTI is nauseating :x,the author of #suckforluck
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Nice deflection tactic.

Mixing it in with as many minor incidents as you can think of to make it seem like its the same.

"Jets tampering with Revis"

"Falcons Crowd noise"

"Browns text messages from GM to bench"

:lol: come on dude

Deflection of what? I am neither a Brady or Patriots homer and could care less if Brady is not fined or if he is booted out of the league.

Was merely listing the times teams have been "cheating" that I could recall the last 4-5 years.

And side note if New England was caught sending text messages throughout a game, and ESPN/media got wind of it, yes it would become armageddon just like everything else.

Regardless of what people think of this scandal, and the coverup of this scandal, we are supposed to go bat s*** about it because it is the Patriots and nothing more. If this ball issue happened to the Ravens during a playoff game there would not have been a Wells Report for players to have to avoid talking to.

Brad Johnson admitted paying ball boys to doctor Super Bowl footballs to his specifications and it got about one hour of national coverage.
Charles Manson is a saint in comparison to Tommy boy

if the average NTer had a gun with two bullets and was in a room with osama bin laden, hitler, and tom brady...they'd probably shoot brady twice

srs :smh:
Too bad he's going to go out like Drew Bledsoe .. Without the injury of course..

Definitely not going out like Bledsoe. Going out as the GOAT, fam :pimp:

Just like Jerry Rice :pimp:
If Goodell just did this before the draft, took a couple of picks away then this would all be an afterthought right now
how do brady swallowers defend this play ?

how do brady swallowers defend this play ?[/quote]

Brady/Pats screwed over two teams on this play. The Ravens, and the Texans
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