NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

Rudolph definitely isn’t innocent in this situation but you fight fire with fire imo. If I’m in a street fight and I knock someone out with a punch the law may let me walk because it was self defense. But if a dude swings and I knock him out with a metal pipe I was the bad guy and I’m getting locked up for assault

They both had metal pipes, Garrett took Rudolph’s and hit him with it. You’re in the heat of battle. No rules, boy is stupid as hell

Rich Eisen my guy but he's wild'n

Rest of the season suspension is def. coming but I dont think more than that

Haynesworth got 5 games for this nonsense
The most hilarious part of the night is Aikman I swear to god says LIVE on national television.

"I don't know what happened on the ground there Rudolph must have gotten his jersey stuck in Garrets helmet or something I don't know, he must have been trying to remove it" :emoji_thinking:



Heat of the moment. Unfortunately, people only see the retaliation. Once he rips his helmet off rudolf still tries to go after him. Silly on both sides.
The most hilarious part of the night is Aikman I swear to god says LIVE on national television.

"I don't know what happened on the ground there Rudolph must have gotten his jersey stuck in Garrets helmet or something I don't know, he must have been trying to remove it"

lets just be glad that didn’t happen to Dak. Aikman is such a cowboys homer he may have called 911 himself and had Garrett arrested on the field

Rich Eisen my guy but he's wild'n

Rest of the season suspension is def. coming but I dont think more than that

Haynesworth got 5 games for this nonsense

yup.. was going say the suh stompingsss cause I forgot about this

but stomping a dude on the ground is worse to me than this shhh

this doesn’t happen if mason doesn’t role up on dude.. suh and homeboy just saw someone on the ground and saw a chance to do some dirty shh

hell I learned in high school not to play peacemaker like decastro was because you might take a blow or two because dudes will try to use you holding another dude back as an opportunity to sneak couple in
Suh's stomp was meh to me. What he did before that was worse. But still whatever. Football players are maniacs.
Here we go, James Jones and Willie McGinest on NFLN saying Rudolph is mad on the ground trying to rip off Myles helmet first. Can’t do that, he started it. Myles ended it.
Willie called it out for what it was

Called out the initiation from Mason, did not defend Myles throwing of the helmet . That was a bad move but called a spade a spade

Carr quiet as **** with Jones next to him :rofl:
Here we go, James Jones and Willie McGinest on NFLN saying Rudolph is mad on the ground trying to rip off Myles helmet first. Can’t do that, he started it. Myles ended it.

and the shhh was over after they had gotten separated.. but just check the front page of ESPN (maybe mason’s teammates should have focused on holding him back and keeping him calm)

Willie called it out for what it was

Called out the initiation from Mason, did not defend Myles throwing of the helmet . That was a bad move but called a spade a spade

Carr quiet as **** with Jones next to him :rofl:

Then after that Carr basically said he’s dumb for charging him without a helmet on, which he is.
Garrett 4 games. Pouncey 2. Mason 0.

Mason instigated it but that doenst excuse what Garrett did even though he had it coming. Despite Mason instigating he didnt do anything bad enough to warrant a suspension.
Here we go, James Jones and Willie McGinest on NFLN saying Rudolph is mad on the ground trying to rip off Myles helmet first. Can’t do that, he started it. Myles ended it.

I said this on Twitter, DMX is KILLING ME for it. :lol:
Garrett 4 games. Pouncey 2. Mason 0.

Mason instigated it but that doenst excuse what Garrett did even though he had it coming. Despite Mason instigating he didnt do anything bad enough to warrant a suspension.

If we are playing the game, “well he could have really hurt him” you gotta play the same game with Rudolph. If he took off Myles helmet, he could have really hurt him. How often do we see players try to pull off players helmets? Not often.
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