NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

Dolphins will trade for AB

Raiders give a 1st and AB
Dolphins will deal with nonsense and then cut him

Make it happen.
Realistically, what teams would be interested in AB as a free agent?

Jags makes sense but I doubt it
Skins but he wouldn't want to play there
Jets big market, team on the rise
AB and Josh Gordon on the same team?

Do maniacs get along with junkies?

Raiders don’t have the balls to cut or release AB.

All this drama has generated more hype for them in decades.

Agreed I don’t think they cut him, at least not yet. I think indefinite suspension until they can get even a late round pick in return. If the trade deadline passes then I could see him being released.
Realistically, what teams would be interested in AB as a free agent?

Jags makes sense but I doubt it
Skins but he wouldn't want to play there
Jets big market, team on the rise



I can't see anyone wanted to deal with paying a guy like him the price he demands with the circus he brings to town
Realistically, what teams would be interested in AB as a free agent?

Jags makes sense but I doubt it
Skins but he wouldn't want to play there
Jets big market, team on the rise

Pats and eagles might think they have the in house leadership for it

Rams could be willing to gamble on the all in

Not sure who else

Don’t see the stick up butts folks, like jags and Texans
AB isn't getting a huge payday, probably 7 or 10 mil for a year. Some prove it type ****.
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At least you got that going for you, Raiders fans.
Not even sure who could use the receiver help like that? Seattle? Denver? Dallas? I’m ruling out Buffalo and the skins due to recent history. Can’t see Jacksonville doing it either.
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