NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

No verified check? A goddamn emoji plug?

Get the **** outta here man

I mean, he has 125k followers. Not sure what the hell you have to do to get verified, but I would think dude is about as close to it as you can get.

With that being said there is a reason I said please let this be true you clown *** ****** ****.

But seriously, I don’t see where the raiders go from here other than cutting the dude. If he threatens to fight Mayock over 50k, what the hell is going to happen when they suspend him? This marriage isn’t going to last

Bob is a big troll account but i believe he has had some breaking news before but i could be thinking of some other twitter handle

He is probably right 50% of the time on reporting **** like this
Hahahahaha, you typing a whole lot at 8am. My man still ****in fuming this morning.

Can't blame him. Been hyping his squad to the max all off-season just to watch them score 3 points In Primetime against their biggest rival :lol:

I'd be pissed too.

I told dudes to cool it on the Bears hype train (Yea I know it was the first game IDC)

I'm on the John right now so you know how it be when you grab ya phone while handling business and just get to typing :rofl::rofl:

They'll be straight. Just need someone to MIB memory zap that performance from my memory. Def the worst coached and played game by Nagy x Mitch as a collective in their tenure here.
Gruden ain’t letting him go this early, I can’t believe they didn’t suspend him yet.

This has to be one of the weakest resumes I’ve ever seen for an NFL head coach and this dude got hired to coach Aaron Rodgers :lol:

Whoever thought he didn't need any preseason action is a dunce. Gonna be the Bears achilles heel all year unless he takes a pretty big leap forward which looks uncharacteristic at the moment
I guess me not watching any pre season had me unaware that last night was Trubisky’s first game..

I’m willing to chalk his performance up to rust.

Not sure why a 3rd year QB looking to blossom into a star isn’t playing any pre season though

This has to be one of the weakest resumes I’ve ever seen for an NFL head coach and this dude got hired to coach Aaron Rodgers :lol:

Wasn’t impressed with him as the Titans oc last year. Offense was pretty underwhelming until they put the ball in Henry’s hands the last few weeks.
I believe last year was his first time calling plays as well as we all know Mcvay runs the offense with the Rams. He had a tendency to call some cutesy nonsense like running with your third tight end on 4th and short instead of giving the ball to Henry. I’m a little surprised he got hired off the strength of last season but then again I’m not.
Bob is a big troll account but i believe he has had some breaking news before but i could be thinking of some other twitter handle

Probably just one of those "throw sh*t at the wall and see if it sticks" accounts. Even if he's right 5% of the time, dudes will be like "yeah but it was him who broke that AB would be released."
Went from coaching the 27th ranked offense as a coordinator to becoming a head coach.

Some of these white coaches man. It’s hilarious the opportunities they get.

Meanwhile andy’s OC lead a first year starter to one of the greatest seasons by a QB ever and ain’t get a job

After half the damn playoffs was andy’s coaching tree

Things that make you go.......


Hard to get in a rhythm.... when you don't even attempt to run the ball!

15 rushes last night, 3 of them were QB rushes,

Draft Montgomery, got Cohen, sign Davis and you give them 12 carries combined between the 3 on a 7-3 game at home... ok

Given the score of the game, how the defense was playing and the kick that was made

Feel like bears could have easily faked an offense using the ground game and short passing off of the ground game once they stacked the box more to combat Montgomery running, Mitch running designed runs, counters to those with the 2, misdirections with Cohen thrown in and then working the screen game (which is a must for any Andy Reid assistant)

And then the only passes really are crossers, off of roll outs where Mitch can just run if something is wide open and literally 2 or 3 times just chuck it over everyone and maybe your guy is wide open and you get a freebie

This has to be one of the weakest resumes I’ve ever seen for an NFL head coach and this dude got hired to coach Aaron Rodgers :lol:

I feel like something is missing.. I can’t quite put my finger on it..






Meanwhile andy’s OC lead a first year starter to one of the greatest seasons by a QB ever and ain’t get a job

After half the damn playoffs was andy’s coaching tree

Things that make you go.......


It’s ridiculous man.

Kellen Moore was mediocre at best as a player in the NFL but retires and then gets promoted as an OC after 1 season as a QB coach all before he’s even 30..
It’s ridiculous man.

Kellen Moore was mediocre at best as a player in the NFL but retires and then gets promoted as an OC after 1 season as a QB coach all before he’s even 30..

Meanwhile hoodie assistants were still hot commodities after BOB might legit be the most successful of em.. or maybe it’s homeboy in Tennessee who’s willing to sacrifice his twig n berries for a super bowl win

But hey, at least the colts lucked out into the Andy Reid coaching tree
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