Nigeria bans gay marriage, gay meetings -- Does so secretly

 And how is this troll confirmed?  I'm not a troll.  What is the federal law?  You like to ignore questions and post statements that are based on nothing but your convictions.  You are textbook.

".. .by conversion [toward public acceptance of homosexuality] we mean... conversion of the average American's emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of propaganda fed to the nation via the media." "...our effect is achieved without reference to facts, logic, or proof." – Kirk & Madsen, After the Ball, 1989, page 153.
We were talking about society, weren't we? Marijuana is also illegal at the federal level. Keep changing your statements around. No one will notice.  
post a link.  Not just your word.

And address my posts.
I did.  But you keep editing your posts after I read them the first time.

It is the study that YOU posted.  Okay, let me go look through YOUR posts....

Why can't we use typing?  Why does it have to be writing? 
Because when you're left-handed you write with your left hand.

It doesn't matter what else you do.

That is what makes you left-handed.  That is the vile and despicable act that left-handed people engage in.
I'm going to ask you one more time to answer this and don't spout off with anything about homosexuality because honestly, I'm trying to understand this thought process of yours.

Society at one point also wanted to state that based on the color of your skin you were less of a human being than someone who was white. That's still a struggle TODAY because society at one point considered it acceptable. Do other races need to continually prove that they're equal to whites for you to believe it? Is every day a need for those races to satisfy a burden of proof for you? If that burden of proof is/was satisfied in your mind what did it take to satisfy that burden of proof?
There is no scientific evidence showing races are inferior or abnormal. 
please post scientific evidence showing that homosexuals are inferior, not abnormal but inferior
You're coming back to science when the CORE of your argument is about how society is the reason why there's this "burden of proof". As we've continually gone over society is a matter of opinion and not fact. If you want to get into science, when it was acceptable to degrade other races there was PUBLISHED scientific evidence that other races were believed to be inferior. There are still people that will disgustingly point fingers to this and rattle off statistics about how minorities are ruining America.

Why won't you answer these questions I'm laying out for you?

Do other races need to continually prove that they're equal to whites for you to believe it? Is every day a need for those races to satisfy a burden of proof for you? If that burden of proof is/was satisfied in your mind what did it take to satisfy that burden of proof?
I did answer your question...

You don't like the correct answers, and then you start the circle all over again. 

"scientific" evidence published about other races was in regard to observations.  This is in the end, someones opinion of information.  This is not true science.  Show me something that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are fundamentally different, and that they behave in fundamentally different ways. 

You ask the same questions, and I give the same correct answers.  The correct answer is the correct answer.  It isn't going to change.
 Their behavior is the same.  Left handed people use both their right and left hand in the SAME activities conducted by right handed people.  Gay people conduct new, different behavior.  They aren't comparable. 

Even though left handed people have one portion is larger,it doesn't cause new behavior, and is not comparable. 


I knew it.
We were talking about society, weren't we? Marijuana is also illegal at the federal level. Keep changing your statements around. No one will notice.  
Keep ignoring this.

A - H - C - U - R - Q - P - L       Which is the abnormal one?

A - A - A - A - A - A - A - B       Which is the abnormal one?  How do you know that it is abnormal?  If B is abnormal, what does that make A? 

I knew it.
That is because it is the correct answer. 
 Their behavior is the same.  Left handed people use both their right and left hand in the SAME activities conducted by right handed people.  Gay people conduct new, different behavior.  They aren't comparable. 

Even though left handed people have one portion is larger,it doesn't cause new behavior, and is not comparable. 
Why don't you know the definitions of heterosexual, homosexual, and sex? Why don't you know being heterosexual and homosexual has nothing to do with the physical act of sex? Why don't you know you can have sex with people you aren't attracted to?
You're coming back to science when the CORE of your argument is about how society is the reason why there's this "burden of proof". As we've continually gone over society is a matter of opinion and not fact. If you want to get into science, when it was acceptable to degrade other races there was PUBLISHED scientific evidence that other races were believed to be inferior. There are still people that will disgustingly point fingers to this and rattle off statistics about how minorities are ruining America.

Why won't you answer these questions I'm laying out for you?

Do other races need to continually prove that they're equal to whites for you to believe it? Is every day a need for those races to satisfy a burden of proof for you? If that burden of proof is/was satisfied in your mind what did it take to satisfy that burden of proof?
I did answer your question...

You don't like the correct answers, and then you start the circle all over again. 

"scientific" evidence published about other races was in regard to observations.  This is in the end, someones opinion of information.  This is not true science.  Show me something that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are fundamentally different, and that they behave in fundamentally different ways. 

You ask the same questions, and I give the same correct answers.  The correct answer is the correct answer.  It isn't going to change.

I know you can read so are you just choosing to ignore my questions?

You have NOT responded to these questions:

Do other races need to continually prove that they're equal to whites for you to believe it? Is every day a need for those races to satisfy a burden of proof for you? If that burden of proof is/was satisfied in your mind what did it take to satisfy that burden of proof?

There is no correct answer there is only your opinion which you refuse to give.
I know you can read so are you just choosing to ignore my questions?

You have NOT responded to these questions:

Do other races need to continually prove that they're equal to whites for you to believe it? Is every day a need for those races to satisfy a burden of proof for you? If that burden of proof is/was satisfied in your mind what did it take to satisfy that burden of proof?

There is no correct answer there is only your opinion which you refuse to give.
I told you.  There is no scientific evidence showing they are inferior.  If there is none showing they are inferior, why would they need to prove they are equal?  Of course they are equal.  I never said a single racial thing in this thread.
Originally Posted by Rhythm808  

This is on the same page of the study that you linked.  What people believe the effect will be of legalizing gays and labeling them as non-deviants. 
why didn't you include the literature that accompanied this photo?

Another spin.  Typical for your agenda.
Americans Not Convinced of Societal Benefit of Gay Marriage

Although a majority of Americans now favor legalizing gay marriage, that is not necessarily because they think it will be beneficial to society more broadly. A relatively small, but growing, proportion believes legalizing same-sex marriage will change society for the better. Currently, 19% hold this view, up from 10% in 2003.

The rest of Americans are divided between saying legal gay marriage will have no effect on society (40%) or will make it worse (39%). Fewer say gay marriage will make things worse than did so in 2003 and 2010.
40% of Americans think giving gays the right to marry will have no effect on society.  19% and growing believe that giving gays equal right will better society.

You know what group of people is shrinking?  Yours.
Why don't you know the definitions of heterosexual, homosexual, and sex? Why don't you know being heterosexual and homosexual has nothing to do with the physical act of sex? Why don't you know you can have sex with people you aren't attracted to?
It has everything to do with sex.  No one who is heterosexual has sex with men....that would make you bisexual....
why didn't you include the literature that accompanied this photo?

Another spin.  Typical for your agenda.

40% of Americans think giving gays the right to marry will have no effect on society.  19% and growing believe that giving gays equal right will better society.

You know what group of people is shrinking?  Yours.
It is higher than the amount of people who think it will better society, and accounting for standard deviation it is very possible that it is still the highest percentage.  

Don't worry, I'll make sure it starts going up again. 
I know you can read so are you just choosing to ignore my questions?

You have NOT responded to these questions:

Do other races need to continually prove that they're equal to whites for you to believe it? Is every day a need for those races to satisfy a burden of proof for you? If that burden of proof is/was satisfied in your mind what did it take to satisfy that burden of proof?

There is no correct answer there is only your opinion which you refuse to give.
He said races were never deemed inferior or abnormal. I don't think you should waste your time on his ignorance anymore.
He said races were never deemed inferior or abnormal. I don't think you should waste your time on his ignorance anymore.
I said it was never proven.  It was all based on peoples convictions.  The same as your viewpoints...conviction based. 
Why don't you know the definitions of heterosexual, homosexual, and sex? Why don't you know being heterosexual and homosexual has nothing to do with the physical act of sex? Why don't you know you can have sex with people you aren't attracted to?
It has everything to do with sex.  No one who is heterosexual has sex with men....that would make you bisexual....
Yeah you're showing your ignorance. The scientific definition of heterosexual and homosexual has nothing to do with the act of sex.
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